🌈Beautiful Nimitta 美麗的尼米塔(禪相)🌈
首先你要培養出冥想是一件非常快樂的事情, 一件幸福,嚮往做的事,像想是當人類能做最有意義的一件事;而不能帶有”你要去倒垃圾洗碗洗衣服" 那種雜事。如此一來你才比較能達到第五步驟的美麗的呼吸。(見之前冥想七步驟: https://www.facebook.com/CoreyYoga/photos/a.520556888036874/3142406682518535/ )
當你有足夠的耐心, 當這"美麗的呼吸"在”呼吸消失”之後*註2,就只剩美麗,此時美麗的Nimitta通常便會出現。
以下是根據大師 Ajahn Brahm的教導 *註1,加上許多個人的實際練習經驗:
🌈有時候Nimitta會非常早出現, 才坐下呼吸幾個次之後就出現,這時候最好忽略它, 因為此時還沒有穩定的美麗呼吸當做根基,它很容易就會消失。
🌈一開始Nimitta通常是非常不穩定的,不但一下就消失而且會跑來跑去。( 有點像當你看藍色天空,你的眼睛水晶體,有一些小飛蚊,你想要看那些飛蚊,它們會跟著跑一樣), 這時候你必須要忍耐不去注意這些東西,回到那美麗的呼吸上,然後又一次又一次的,Nimitta 會更明顯更美麗 ,會變得更明顯更穩定更無法忽略。
🌈如果只看到幾秒 Nimitta馬上消失,想辦法回到美麗的呼吸,美麗的呼吸像是一個跳板, 只要你帶著喜悅,遲早會把你彈回到 Nimitta.
🌈有些人則會看到不同顏色,不同形狀,飛來飛去幾乎像是在看煙火一樣,(我在冥想一兩年之後,就經常看到) 或者會去看到一些“人事物“. 根據大師Ajahn Brahm 這種的煙火秀是有沒用的,是一種分心。當然如果把它當作娛樂性質可以,但是不值得投資時間在上面。要再回到美麗的呼吸上再回到能穩定的Nimitta
強度高,面積小 而且穩定nimitta, 漸漸的nimitta會越來越大,像是月亮一樣是最好,漸漸地,月亮就會越來越大整個光包圍著冥想者,此時會進入禪那(第七步驟)。
有時候用這觀息法方式冥想,呼吸消失後,光不會出現,Ajahn Brahm*註3 大師指出這樣沒有光的冥想 雖然可以讓你得感覺到無比的平靜,也是非常有幫助,但像是條死胡同,很難再往前進到第七步驟的Jhana。Nimitta 需要有耐心,靜靜的等待,想像你是黑夜在叢林中冥想 靜靜的等待動物的出現。
nimitta 出現通常是在精神狀態很好的時候例如早晨,有幾次是下午午睡之後。 很想睡覺時候冥想雖然也是一種練習,但是這光真的很難出現, 冥想像是件要先好好準備,再去作的活動,就像瑜珈者有時候先會洗澡 再去練瑜珈體位法一樣 有時候我會先去洗澡再靜坐。
身體一定要處於舒適的狀態,那就是為什有人說瑜珈體位法目的在於幫助你能坐久一些,如果身體這裡痛 那裡痛,靜坐的時候膝蓋痛屁股痛。這樣子是很難離開"感官的地心引力的"(見之前的 : 迷人的光體驗 *註2),進入nimitta後 自然也會減少身體疼痛, (尤其是在看到光的時候 想說已經訂做快一個小時雙盤了但是身體的感覺是非常非常微不足道)
漸漸的,會發現Nimitta 像是一面鏡子一樣反映出的心智。 如果心智是黑暗的 ,nimitta就會看起來黑暗,心智髒的,nimitta 就會看起來骯髒( 咳咳~ 這邊聽起來有點像和尚講道理,但是真的是這樣運作的)日常行為會影響到冥想, 日常生活有美德,往悅性的方向走,Nimitta 就會更美麗明亮持久。
以下是一些比較想像不到,會影響nimitta 的日常行為:
喝酒 (當晚很難看到 nimitta)
作公益,幫助他人活動 (nimitta 發亮)
看UFC格鬥 (黑暗nimitta, 潛意識以看人受到傷害來作樂)
練瑜伽體位法 (幫助nimitta )
跟人吵架跟老婆鬥嘴 (nimitta 黑暗)
無目的亂刷臉書 ,IG (NIMITTA 黑暗,純粹追求感官滿足)
吃素吃乾淨食物 (幫助nimitta )
斷食(幫助nimitta )
看 腥羶色新聞和電影 (nimitta 黑暗)
照顧小孩,寵物,老人 (愛與善 擦亮 nimitta)
淫賤的食物與活動 (nimitta 黑暗,追求感官滿足)
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Ajahn Brahm 所教導的方式方法,真的幫助了非常多的人,在冥想的朋友圈大家都很推。 我也因此進步受惠良多。 有興趣的朋友可以從相這本書讀起:
*註2” 呼吸為何會消失:
*註3 1951年生於倫敦,他之前是在劍橋大學讀過物理學並獲得獎學金,後來到泰國出家,並在澳洲主持一個寺院。時常獲邀,到重要國際會議和跨國組織總部演講,如聯合國、Google、Facebook。著作風行全球,有多種語言譯本:《敞開你的心》(Opening the Door of Your Heart)、《禪悅:快樂呼吸十六法》(Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond)、《禪悅在當下》(The Art of Disappearing)
泰國斷食營 在 Punk's murmur Facebook 的最讚貼文
這個8週研習營會有 #船井營養師 來提供妳正確的飲食觀念~
運動代謝燃料 https://lihi1.com/hclq2
#船井生醫 #極纖錠 #小紅纖 #食事纖維粉 #運動代謝燃料 #減肥 #減脂 #飲控 #重訓 #斷食
Punk Wang
泰國斷食營 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
1/ 酵素排毒法
2/ 斷食排毒法
3/ 炭丸排毒法
4/ 飲油排毒法
5/ 洗腸排毒法
市面上亦有不少浣腸中心進行洗腸/灌腸排毒法,主要是將與體溫相近的純淨水,灌入結腸以軟化大便再排出,藉著清洗腸道以排出積貯的食物殘渣及宿便以作排毒,達至美容及減肥之效。其實西方有長久的洗腸歷史,而中醫古藉也有提到以蜂蜜或豬膽汁灌腸通便,但在香港,中醫不會採用灌腸這種方法 。除了一般的純水灌腸外,更有較進取的咖啡灌腸,有時更會配合喝油作為一個排毒療程。洗腸在香港雖然是認可的醫學療程,主要用於有嚴重便秘問題的患者身上,但一般坊間的洗腸療程卻沒有法例規管,大家採用前還是先諮詢醫生意見更穩妥。
6/ 無花果排毒法
無花果被認為能抗氧化而且擁有能幫助消化的酶,在中醫理論中無花果則有潤腸通便之效,因此被公認為排毒功效一流的食物。方法是在午餐前吃一個新鮮無花果,晚餐前再吃兩個,也加入菜色中如沙律內或Energy bowl內。中醫主張對症下藥,無花果雖好,但也要配合體質食用,由於其功效為滋陰潤燥,適合陰虛體質人士,身體有濕人士則不宜吃過多。
All kinds of detoxification methods
When it comes to detoxification, everyone has their own methods. If you check on the web, they become even more varied- some can be odd, others claim to have scientific basis. A lot of times, people use the term detox to make weight loss simpler and more justified. Have you trird the below methods?
1/ Enzyme detoxification
Enzyme is a type of protein. The human body itself has thousands of enzymes. It also relies on enzymes to digest and decompose food consumed. Therefore, in recent years, it has been popular to consume enzymes for "detoxification", which is said to help digestion, defecation and weight loss. In fact, many related products are added with fiber and diarrhea-inducing ingredients, which will naturally increase the effect of defecation in the diet to reduce weight. But at the same time these may cause symptoms of severe diarrhea, so enzymes should not be used for weight loss without medical advice.
2/ Fasting detoxification method
This is also known as "breatharianism". It was originally a Taoist practice with the combination of Qigong and letting the body rest. Nowadays it is known as juice fasting method or the drinking water fasting method. Some people will fast for 2 days every 5 days, relying on liquid and water to maintain the body's needs to let the stomach rest and promote bowel movements. As we always say, Chinese medicine emphasizes on a balanced diet. It is better to eat less and lighter at each meal than fasting. Do not drink too much cold/raw juice to harm the spleen and stomach.
3/ Charcoal tablet detoxification
Charcoal tablets are black pills made from active charcoal and are popular in Thailand for detoxification, claiming to remove toxins from the body. In fact, charcoal pills do have a purpose in medicine. When someone is acutely poisoned, the doctor will prescribe charcoal tablets to reduce the absorption of gastrointestinal mucosa, reduce the absorption of toxins. Some take this when they have eaten something wrong to reduce the absorption of unclean food. Charcoal tablets are not for consumption after excessive eating or having heat-related food to help "detoxification." Inappropriate consumption of charcoal tablets can affect stomach function, cause stomach pain, constipation and other symptoms, and even hinder nutrient absorption.
4/ Oil detoxification method
There were some actresses who said they only drank oil for 11 days to detox, and the body was healthier than before. First of all, having only one kind of food is unhealthy, and excessive intake of oil, even natural oil, will bring a serious burden to the cardiovascular system, and there is no medical basis, so do not try this.
5/ Colon cleansing detoxification
There are also many colon cleansing centers to provide colon cleansing/enema detoxification. The main purpose is to pour pure water at body temperature into the colon to soften the stool and then discharge it. Discharging accumulated food and stools by washing the intestines is supposed to achieve effect on beauty and weight loss. In fact, western countries have a long history of colon cleansing, and traditional Chinese medicine has also mentioned the use of honey or pig bile juice to clean the bowels to relieve constipation. In Hong Kong, Chinese medicine does not use enema. In addition to the general method like pure water enema, there is a more aggressive method like coffee enema, sometimes with oil drinking as a detoxification treatment. Although the colon cleansing is an approved medical treatment in Hong Kong, they are mainly used for patients with serious constipation problems. There is no law regulation in the general colon cleansing treatment. It is more secure to consult doctors before using it.
6/ Fig detoxification
Fig is considered to be an antioxidant and has enzymes that help digestion. Chinese medicine believes figs have the effect of loosening the bowels to relieve constipation, so it is recognized as the first-class food for detoxification. The method is to eat a fresh fig before lunch, eat two more before dinner, and also add to dishes such as salad or energy bowl. Chinese medicine advocates the right medicine according the symptoms. Although fig is good, but it should be consumed based on your body condition. As its effect is nourishing yin and moistening dryness, it is suitable for people with yin deficiency, and people with dampness should not eat too much.
#男 #女 #我狀態OK #便秘
泰國斷食營 在 【 斷食營PART 3 】下山了❤️️ 7日的變化有多大??!(中字 的推薦與評價

【 斷食營 PART 3 】下山了❤️️ 7日的變化有多大??!(中字). 譚杏藍Hana Tam. ... <看更多>
泰國斷食營 在 湯乃珍瑜伽- 瑜珈靜心淨化營泰國蘇美島感知生命潛能... 的推薦與評價
瑜珈靜心淨化營泰國蘇美島感知生命潛能春天,萬物生氣盎然,是適合人類身心靈全面淨化的時節。 乃珍老師將帶領大家,藉由計劃性的斷食,適當地讓消化 ... ... <看更多>