我覺得帝王蝦是全世界最美的蝦子🦐(對, 我私心)。亮紅色殼白點點紫色腳腳, 全身透明透明, 兩顆眼睛閃亮閃亮的; 常見於扁蟲或是海蛞蝓身上。我有回還在海參屁眼處看到一家人(大中小三隻) 在那裡咕嚕翻滾, 進去又出來混著泥沙... 哈哈我說真的。
#海蛞蝓騎士 #帝王蝦
#龍洞 #捌貳點伍
#EmperorShrimp #KnightOnNudi
#Longdong #EightyTwoPointFive
Emperor Shrimp, my favorite, lives commensally on a number of hosts, such as sea slag or nudi branch. And I once saw a emperor shrimp family (spotted total 3 of them in different sizes ) lives inside the sea cucumber's arse. The arsehole is like a doorway to the emperors mixed with the waste and sand, no kidding, how ironic.🤴🏻👸🏼👼🏻