昨天在午休結束前,York 居然在藥局二樓的廁所被反鎖了半個多小時😂 還需要打電話到櫃檯找人求救🙉 最後是他自己從內部把整個門鎖拆開才出得來🔓
由於發生在員工多的禮拜五,所以沒人發現一位藥劑師午休時間超時/不見😛 還好今天是他,不然很多人應該不會拆門把吧🤔
話說我阿嬤以前也有在機場的自動門廁所內出不來的經驗😞 不識字的她不知道怎麼按那些按鈕,直到清潔阿姨過來才放她出來...那件事就不好笑了..😭 因為對象不同??? 😅
Ps. 照片是在吉爾吉斯零下二十度,York 在茅坑拉屎的照片💩 雖然什麼都沒看到,但當下還是被罵無聊所以沒 po 上來😹
但半年後,終於同意讓我放上來了 😬 一切都是回憶啊 🙉
我的 IG 人數一直上不去,拜託大家幫忙啊~ ➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny
#澳洲生活 #吉爾吉斯
Have you ever been locked in a toilet? 🔓
Well York got locked at work toilet for more than half hour yesterday 😹 Had to call the reception to get someone to come help😛
He ended up having to unscrew the knob just to free himself😲 It happened on a Friday where staffing was adequate so no one realized a pharmacist was gone for a extra longer break 🤣
Ps. This photo was taken in Kyrgyzstan -20℃ where York was doing a dump💩 Got told off for this photo so didn't share it, but can't see a thing🙈
Finally got permission now😬