【夢想婚禮 為你實現!】今個星期五至日「新濠影滙婚禮慶典」為準新人們預備了婚紗展示、婚禮佈置、美酒佳餚試食等豐富活動,入場費全免!
時間:晚上6時至9時(星期五) / 中午12時至晚上8時(星期六、日)
地點:#新濠影滙 三樓大宴會廳
現場優惠:預訂婚宴可享高達85折優惠、現金回贈等豐富禮遇 (中銀卡戶可享額外優惠)
立即預約:(853) 8865 6791 | salesenquiry@melco-crown.com
Join the Studio City Wedding Showcase and make your dream wedding comes true!
We’ve prepared for you bridal gown catwalk, venue setup showcase, wine and food tasting and more to experience! Admission is FREE.
Pre-registered guests with successful bookings will get free food tasting for 6 persons plus the chance to win a 20% discount on the standard wedding menu, $3,000 rebate for Pacha after party and more in our lucky draw! Details►https://goo.gl/4DNXEo
Date: 17 - 19 February
Time: 6pm-9pm (Fri) / 12pm-8pm (Sat & Sun)
Venue: Level 3, Grand Ballroom at #StudioCity
Special Offers: Up to 15% off banquets, cash rebate and more (Bank of China Cardholders can enjoy extra offers)
Register Now: (853) 8865 6791 | salesenquiry@melco-crown.com
#澳門 #Macau #澳門婚禮 #MacauWedding