投訴表格及「投訴大律師」單張下載▶️ http://bit.ly/32wuQWE
【#自己香港自己救】尋日我睇到經民聯成員(聲稱係)大律師嘅丁煌,喺太古城恐嚇兼意圖非禮女途人嗰條片覺得非常不安。夜晩我寫咗個 email 去比大律師公會問下可以點做?咁佢地今日覆返我啦!(以下有原文) 覆得好快,抵讚!👍👍👍
大家一齊填個投訴表格!!!!有 #熟悉法律嘅朋友 透露,只要人夠多大律師公會就一定要處理!雖然填完仲要寄係有啲麻煩,但大家都幫手投訴,咪比呢啲核突而且係癲嘅鹹濕佬再騷擾街上面嘅女人!!!!!😠😠😠😠😠😠
拍片嘅係呢位 Vicky Shum 小姐,原片▶️ http://bit.ly/2Sk7oHm
涉嫌干犯 👉👉👉4.1(b)👈👈👈
4.1 It is the duty of every barrister (whether or not he is in practice and whether or not he is admitted to practise generally or on an ad hoc basis for the purposes of a specific case or cases) and every pupil (whether called to the Bar or not):-
(b) not to engage in conduct (whether in pursuit of his profession or otherwise[2]) which is:-
(i) dishonest or otherwise discreditable to a barrister;
(ii) likely to bring the profession of barrister into disrepute or otherwise diminish public confidence in the profession of barrister; or
(iii) prejudicial to the administration of justice or otherwise likely to diminish public confidence in the administration of justice;
丁煌喺大律師公會登記嘅資料 ▶️
我個原 po 喺呢度▶️ http://bit.ly/2XL7VrV
先生/女士 閣下︰
就 閣下提出投訴大律師操守一事,為協助本會紀律委員會就投訴展開正式調查,本會現隨函附上投訴表格以便 閣下作出正式投訴,敬希 閣下填妥隨本電郵附上的投訴表格,並將之親身遞交或郵寄至本會秘書處(地址:香港金鐘道38號高等法院低層二樓)。本會並附上一份「投訴大律師」單張予 閣下參考。
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