十二月:AIT@40的「環境生態月」:AIT@40最終篇章倒數計時!為慶祝AIT 40歲生日,我們為2019年每個月訂定一個主題,凸顯美台在各個領域的成就。十二月是AIT@40「環境生態月」,美國和台灣攜手為「全球環境教育合作夥伴關係」計畫(GEEP)位於台中的亞太區域中心揭開序幕;GEEP計畫是美台發起的全球平台,旨為提升並促進全球的環境教育。AIT也特別邀請到NASA美國航空暨太空總署兩位資深講師,於國立中央大學為GLOBE計畫教師舉辦環境教育工作坊;GLOBE計畫是由NASA所支持的國際科學教育計畫,目的為透過環境保護、數據收集和科學相關的活動讓學生、教師和科學家有更密切的交流。另外,AIT也舉辦了美國紀錄片「怒海控塑」放映會,探討海洋廢棄物對地球所造成的嚴重傷害。
December: AIT@40 Environment Month: We’re counting down our AIT@40 highlights month by month as we approach our AIT@40 finale! To celebrate AIT’s 40th birthday, we selected a special theme for each month in 2019 to highlight our joint accomplishments in that area. DECEMBER was AIT@40 Environment Month. The U.S. and Taiwan partnered in opening the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) Asia-Pacific Regional Center in Taichung, a global platform to improve and promote environmental education around the world. NASA Outreach Specialists conducted an education workshop for educators at the National Central University involved in GLOBE, an international science and education program supported by NASA that connects students, teachers, and scientists for environmental protection, data collection, and science-related activities. Finally, AIT hosted public screenings of the U.S. documentary “A Plastic Ocean,” which shines light on the shocking impact that marine debris is having on our planet.
同時也有1984部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅公視新聞網,也在其Youtube影片中提到,十月將有許多新制上路,其中振興5倍券8號開始使用;第一階段公費流感疫苗,今天開始接種。另外汽機車聲音照相取締,以及紙餐具回收等規範,今天也要正式實施,民眾可得多留意,以免荷包失血。 詳細新聞內容請見【公視新聞網】 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/547245 - ...
環境生態月 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
非常感謝大家在陽光明媚的上星期六下午,和我們一起觀賞美國紀錄片「怒海控塑」,並慶祝AIT@40「環境生態月」!AIT經濟組組長安恬在開場致詞中提到,透過數十年美台的環境合作和台灣自身的積極努力,台灣逐漸擺脫1990年代末期「垃圾島」的汙名,轉型成循環經濟的全球楷模。安恬也分享她如何身體力行來減塑,包括隨身攜帶購物袋、水果袋、外帶容器和環保餐具。安恬還說,因為她太喜歡吃台灣的蔥油餅,所以也經常帶著矽膠密封保鮮袋。我們也很榮幸能邀請到海龜姐姐馮加伶和顏寧小姐帶領大家討論,台灣在守護海洋及海洋生物所做的努力,以及為環境保育所發展出來的創新解決方案。#AITat40celebration #EnvironmentMonth
“Many thanks to everyone who joined us to celebrate AIT@40 Environment Month at the documentary screening of “A Plastic Ocean” on a sunny Saturday afternoon. In her remarks, AIT Economic Chief Dannielle Andrews pointed out how Taiwan has transformed from a “Trash Island” in the late 1990s to a global leader in circular economy through decades of U.S.-Taiwan environmental cooperation and Taiwan’s own successful initiatives. Andrews also shared how she takes action to reduce plastic waste by bringing along shopping bags, fruit bags, take out containers, and reusable tableware every day. She told everyone that since she loves Taiwan’s scallion pancakes, so she also regularly carries a reusable silicon food storage bag. We were also fortunate enough to have Miss Umigame Jia-ling Feng and Ms. Ning Yen leading the discussions after the film on Taiwan’s efforts to preserve sea life and the oceans, develop innovative solutions to conserve the environment
環境生態月 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
「第一次讀愛德華.艾比的《沙漠隱士》是在1970年代,當年我還在猶他州念高中;那個時候,在猶他州南部紅岩國度凱佩羅維茲高原,曾有發展計畫,引發許多爭議。艾比在《沙漠隱士》中,生動地描述了他在美國猶他州阿切斯國家公園擔任管理員的經歷,閱讀本書使我對保存猶他州南部和美國其他地區未經人工開發的荒野有了全新的認識,正如艾比所說:「無論我們是否踏過那片土地,我們都需要一片曠野;即使我們永遠不需要去自然保護區,我們仍需要一片淨土。荒野對人類心靈來說不是個奢侈品,而是必需品;荒野就如同水和麵包,對我們的生命至關重要。」幸好,反對發展計畫的環保人士打了勝仗,那片自然土地也得保存,造福後世。」— 處長酈英傑
Special thanks to AIT Director Christensen for selecting the final “Book of the Month”!
"I first read Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire the 1970s when I was in high school in Utah. At the time, a controversial development project was being considered on the Kaiparowits Plateau in the middle of Southern Utah’s red rock country. Reading Abbey’s compelling account of his experiences as a ranger in Utah’s Arches National Park, gave me a new appreciation of the need to preserve the unspoiled wilderness of Southern Utah and elsewhere in America. As Abbey put it, “We need wilderness whether or not we ever set foot in it. We need a refuge even though we may never need to go there. Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread.” Fortunately, the environmentalists who opposed the project prevailed and those natural lands have been preserved for future generations to enjoy. "
環境生態月 在 公視新聞網 Youtube 的最讚貼文
詳細新聞內容請見【公視新聞網】 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/547245
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環境生態月 在 公視新聞網 Youtube 的精選貼文
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環境生態月 在 公視新聞網 Youtube 的最佳解答
詳細新聞內容請見【公視新聞網】 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/547191
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