18 世紀的俄羅斯 有一位媽媽破了世界紀錄
5/28.29 孩子王去桃園發條音樂節交朋友
在附近的你 別忘了帶著歡笑一起來 <3
2016 第四屆 發條音樂節(English below)
在活動當天,我們會設立些 ” 隨你付 “ 箱子,由觀眾自行決定票價來付費。(自由參加)
◎主題:Don't be shy, just say hi! 勇敢說嗨吧!
hi 是人與人間最簡單打招呼的用語。當你遇到一個人且與他互動交流時,你肯定會先說嗨吧!如此簡單國際化的用詞再搭配真誠的微笑,人與人之間的距離似乎不見了。成為朋友也更簡單了!
第一波名單-活潑朋友:Flux| Skaraoke| Icy Ball 冰球樂團|Savakan| 丘與樂| PHOON(HK)
第二波名單-青春學子:後站人 Made in back station| 荷爾蒙少年
第三波名單-感性朋友:謝震廷|王榆鈞與時間樂隊|如何抵達夏日 way to summer|椅子 Chairs'|Milja Inkeri (FI)
第四波名單-熱血朋友: 孩子王(Kid King)|The Roadside Inn |IRON PUNCH 鐵擊|SADOG樂團| 東尼大木台灣應援團(JP)
第六波名單-內斂朋友: 昏鴉| 灰矮星 Gray dwarf star| Triple Deer| 孔雀眼 JADE EYES| arson(SG)
第七波名單-親切朋友: 林生祥 Lin Sheng Xiang|鍾玉鳳 Chung Yufeng 與她的好朋友們|黃瑋傑 Huang Wei Jie| Balai (巴賴)|鄭宜農 Enno Cheng |XHAUSTED (PH)
A. 一杯咖啡,一個故事 x 女孩與機器人 The Girl and The Robots Riin x 發條音樂節 Winder Music Festival
B.移工假日方城市 – One-Forty X 發條音樂節
#交個朋友吧 #勇敢說聲嗨 #來發條交朋友
Winder Music Festival 4.0
28(Sat.)/05/2016 - 29(Sun.)/05/2016
Chung Cheng Park,Chungli Dist., Taoyuan City,Taiwan.
◎Ticket: Free admission or Pay-what-you-wish.
We'll set up some boxes in the event to let you pay what you wish.
◎About W.M.F 4.0:
From 2013 to 2016, the fourth year of Winder music festival arrives in May.
The theme of Winder music festival 4.0 is "Making friends", which is a continuum of last year's theme as we keep putting a spotlight on the concept of multi-ethnic cultures. We hope that you will be able to meet new friends at the festival, maybe some your age, or kids, foreigners, even adorable animals! We hope that you could be part of the movement, embrace others, and share the love and atmosphere at Winder music festival.
28-29/5/2016, Let us open our mind and connect each other in Chungli, Taoyuan!
Don't be shy, just say hi!
◎Line up:
Flux, Skaraoke, Icy Ball, Savakan, True&Love, Phoon(HK),
Made in Back Station, Hormone Boys, Eli Hsieh, Yujun Wang & TIMEr, Way to Summer, Chairs', Milja Inkeri (FI),
Kid King, The Roadside Inn, Iron Punch, Sadog, Tony Band(JP), Gray dwarf star, Triple Deer, The Murky Crows, Jade Eyes, Arson(SG), Lin Sheng Xiang, Chung Yufengg w/her friends, Balia, Huang Wei Jie, Enno Cheng, XHAUSTED(PH)