今天分享的這個英國品牌,則是同時拿到另外兩項皇室認證,分別為1956年拿到 HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Manufacturers of Toilet Requisites 以及 1988年再得到 HRH The Prince of Wales Manufacturers of Toilet Requisites。
創立於1870年,來自於理髮師William Henry Penhaligon,他原本是在倫敦Jermyn Street 一家Hammam擔任理髮師,並同時販售個人品牌。Hammam是在維多利亞時代開始流行於倫敦中上層政商名流的一種沐浴社交活動,來自於土耳其浴的一種。成立自己的商店之後,他的常客都是一些當時的政客,同時,他後來也成為維多利亞女王宮廷裡的理容調香師。
1872年,Penhaligon推出他的第一款香水Hammam Bouquet之後,這百年以來,不斷推出許多的香水。Penhaligon香水有許多瓶的特色是來自於許多的靈感,尤其是來自不同國家、文化以及人。
20世紀初期,英國首相邱吉爾更是這個品牌的忠實顧客,像他就最愛一瓶名為Blenheim Bouquet Eau de Toilette的香水,這瓶以Blenheim Palace為名,推出於1902年,至今已經超過百年歷史。
👉---Trade Routes
像是在2014年推出Trade Routes,就是以英國絲綢貿易為靈感,至今推出7款香味,賣最好的是Halfeti。
- Empressa -
- Lothair -
- Levantium -
靈感是來自於 John Masefield 的詩作
- As Sawira -
鹿 : 🦌
The Tragedy of Lord George喬治公爵的悲劇
豹 : 🐆
The Revenge of Lady Blanche 布蘭奇夫人的復仇
狐狸 :
The Coveted Duchess Rose 令人垂涎的玫瑰夫人
犬 : 🐕
Much Ado About The Duke 過於多事的公爵
不只視覺享受英倫建築,更要嗅覺充滿英倫貴族氣息 (很重要別忘記喔)
😎PS註記,進到店裡別說跟店員說,是兔子先生在網路教學,慫恿大家要走進店裡噴免費香水再去逛街喔,我怕下次回倫敦被拒絕進店裡了 :D
對了,昨天教的,要去Molton Brown洗手的這件事情別忘了喔,這兩個品牌滿常在附近的,就是要讓大家在倫敦玩得非常有英倫貴族味~
福士蠟皇爵 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[實事英文] Peace in War 戰地裡的和平
Empathy, understanding, and open communication are the keys to peace. Do not let hate cloud your judgment and conscience.
1. empathy 同理心
2. keys to peace 和平的關鍵
3. cloud your judgement 迷惑你的判斷
Short video: https://youtu.be/6KHoVBK2EVE
The First World War began in Europe and then spread to other regions from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918. On August 3, 1914, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany due to its invasion of Belgium. During the war, both sides engaged in trench warfare and attempted to encircle the other side. Soon, from the North Sea to the Swiss border, the two sides extended their trench lines, resulting in a stalemate on both sides.
4. invasion of... ...的侵略
5. result in a stalemate 導致陷入僵局
6. trench warfare 塹壕戰
At the end of 1914, the first Christmas of the war, a "Christmas Open Letter" signed by 101 British women activists and sent to "German and Austrian women" called for peace. On December 7, 1914, Pope Benedict XV also called on the governments of the warring countries to consider a formal truce agreement. However, they sternly rejected these calls for peace.
7. an open letter 一封公開信
8. call for peace 呼籲和平
9. a truce agreement 停戰協議
10. warring countries 交戰的國家
11. sternly reject 嚴厲拒絕
While there was no formal truce on both sides, about 100,000 Germans and British troops spontaneously ceased fire along the Western Front. The first truce began on Christmas Eve on December 24, 1914, when the Germans began to decorate their trenches in the Ypres region of Belgium.
12. formal truce 正式休戰
13. spontaneously ceased fire 自發地停火
These German soldiers first adorned their trenches with candles and Christmas trees and then sang Christmas carols. British soldiers followed with carols of their own, and both sides began shouting Christmas greetings. Soon, the soldiers began to communicate in no-man's land, and exchanged small gifts such as food, cigarettes, and wine, as well as buttons and hats as souvenirs. On that night, both sides enjoyed a long-lost peace. During the truce, the two sides also brought back the bodies of their fallen comrades from the front lines and buried them. In addition, the pastors of the two sides jointly held a joint service.
14. exchange gifts 交換禮物
15. long-lost peace 久違的和平
16. fallen comrades 陣亡同袍
17. front lines 前線
18. hold a joint service 舉行聯合禮拜儀式
Sir Heras Smith-Dorren, the commander of the British Second Army, was furious upon learning about these unofficial truces. An order strictly forbidding any communication between the British and enemy soldiers was issued. In the next few years of the war, the artillery shellers were explicitly ordered to ensure that the fighting would not be interrupted again on Christmas Eve. The soldiers were reassigned to different fronts so that they would not fraternize with the enemy. Despite such orders, there was still deliberate suppression of fighting on various fronts. Soldiers, for example, would fire artillery at a fixed time to minimize casualties.
19. upon learning... 一得知...
20. strictly forbid 嚴禁
21. issue an order 發出命令
22. explicitly order to 明確地命令
23. fraternize with the enemy 與敵人友好相處
24. deliberate suppression of... 故意鎮壓...
25. fire artillery 發射火砲
26. minimize casualty 減少傷亡
On the Christmas Eve of 1915, a football from the German front became a symbol of peace. Bertie Felstead, a private of the Royal Welch Fusiliers, recalled the historic moment. At Christmas, he recalled, soldiers of both sides spontaneously climbed out of their trenches at dawn, ceased hostilities, and partook in friendly exchanges. "It wasn't a game as such, more a kick-around and a free-for-all. There could have been 50 on each side for all I know. I played because I really liked football. I don't know how long it lasted, probably half an hour," he recalled.
而在1915年的平安夜裡,一顆來自德軍戰線的足球,成了和平的象徵。英國皇家威爾斯燧發槍團的二等兵柏堤·費爾斯特德(Bertie Felstead)在聖誕節唱了一夜的聖誕歌之後,回想起那時雙方士兵在黎明時自發地爬出各自戰壕,那高漲起來的友好氣氛:「這件事本身來說,與其說是場足球賽,更像是人人都可參加的到處踢球活動,就我所知那時每一邊都可能有約有50人加入活動。由於我個人很喜歡足球,於是我也參加了。我不清楚那場足球賽持續了多久,可能有一個半小時吧。」
27. a symbol of peace 和平的象徵
28. cease hostilities 停止戰鬥/戰爭行為
29. historic moment 歷史性時刻
30. partake in friendly exchange 參與友好交流
Complete story: https://youtu.be/WUlPNWDvk-c
Alleyne, R. (2001, July 26). Veteran of 1915 soccer game dies. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1335265/Veteran-of-1915-soccer-game-dies.html
Condell, Diana (2001-08-03). "Obituary: Bertie Felstead". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077.
Dearden, L. (2014, December 27). Letter describing the Christmas truce of 1914 released for the first time. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/christmas-truce-of-1914-letter-from-trenches-shows-football-match-through-soldiers-eyes-9942929.html
Miracles brighten Christmas - HarrisonDaily.com: Opinion. (2013, January 03). Retrieved August 6, 2019, from https://archive.fo/20130103032619/http:/www.harrisondailytimes.com/articles/2009/12/25/opinion/editorials/doc4b32bc259368c715520590.txt
Patterson, David S. The search for negotiated peace: women's activism and citizen diplomacy in World War I. Routledge, 2008. ISBN 0-415-96142-4 p. 52
Woodcock, J. (2013, November 17). England v Germany: When rivals staged beautiful game on the Somme. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/england/10455611/England-v-Germany-when-rivals-staged-beautiful-game-on-the-Somme.html
福士蠟皇爵 在 空姐愛嬉遊 Facebook 的最佳貼文
做個巫毒娃娃吧 Voodoo doll
Voodoo巫毒源自於西非,後來西班牙佔領海地,從西非引進黑奴,也同時引進了巫毒教。之後,海地因政經情勢,大量海地移民到紐奧良,也發展出紐奧良的巫毒文化。最有名的巫毒皇后叫瑪莉拉芙Marie Laveau,據說她有一條靈蛇,協助她通靈、解惑、醫病,她使用草藥及媚藥,廣納天主教及使用魔法。死後葬在第一公墓,相傳帶上鮮花蠟燭,在她的墓園繞三圈,或是踱步三下,也有人是在墓碑上劃三個X,她就會幫忙你完成願望。墓園怎麼去?別擔心,有專人導覽的Tour😜!
瑪莉拉芙Marie Laveau生前的住所已經變成巫毒博物館,付一點費用(5美金)即可參觀,裡面僅二個房間,除了一些有關巫毒的用品外,有一幅很大的圖畫,是描繪瑪莉拉芙在教堂後方裸體的祈福舞蹈。
老城市就會有鬼傳說,尤其是當時有許多黑奴被凌虐,最有名的應該是拉勞瑞夫人Madame LaLaurie的虐奴事件,她在豪宅裡監禁、奴虐殺害奴隸,現在那棟豪宅則變成著名的鬼屋之一。紐奧良的晚間鬼屋探險Tour似乎是必要行程之一,你膽子夠大嗎?