· Trader Joe's
◾Spub Crunchies Potato Snack $1.99
Trader Joe's is a very good supermarket.
No matter snacks, foods or daily necessities are quite popular.
Many products are self-produced and sold, but other supermarkets cannot buy them.
I can only say that I really late to meeting Trader Joe's! !
This is one of Tarder Joe's popular zero food items.
The original taste of the potato itself is not too salty.
The price is cheap and the serving size is not too small.
After taking it apart, I can't stop to eating it🤣🤣🤣
Trader Joe's是個相當好買的超市
不管零食、食品 還是生活用品都相當有人氣
很多商品都是自產自銷 其他超市可是買不到
只能說對Trader Joe's真的相見恨晚!!
這款是Tarder Joe's 人氣零食品項之一
吃的到馬鈴薯本身原始的味道 不會太鹹
價錢便宜 份量也不會太少
📍Trader Joe's
#Utah #Saltlakecity #America #USA #Traderjoes #spubcrunchiespotatosnack #palotatosnack #美國美食 #猶他州 #鹽湖城 #美國超市 #超市美食 #缺德舅 #美國版薯條三兄弟 #薯條 #instafood #foodie #popyummy #相機食先
#烏龍の吃貨食記🍴 @ Trader Joes-Salt Lake City,UT