對於我們許多人來說,當天的震驚,是一個不容抹滅的記憶。在那之後世界一連串的發展,讓許多的事物被賦予特定的色彩。包括國土安全和恐怖主義等等新的詞彙進入主流。中文翻譯成「聖戰」的伊斯蘭吉哈德 (jihad),成了這一串論述背後的壞人。但任何有回教徒朋友的人應該都知道,穆斯林大部分是非常溫和以及愛好和平的。為什麼有這樣大的反差?而在6到10世紀輝煌的伊斯蘭文化,以及後來發揚光大,橫跨近800年的鄂徒曼帝國,在第一次世界大戰之後又是如何發展?這一些問題都是我在選擇這本書的時候想要得到的答案。
這一連串因著堅定意志,和天時地利,與巧合之下,伊斯蘭的世界逐漸擴張在整個阿拉伯地區。到第6世紀開始,更是誕生了輝煌的文化,特別是他們著重翻譯和貿易,更是讓文化交流鼎盛。像是「一千零一夜」故事描述的繁華,還有現在數學基礎的阿拉伯數字和代數 (algebra),以及現代 AI 人工智慧必須由的「演算法」(algorithm) 都是從阿拉伯數學家 al- Khwārizmī 名字衍生的。在當時伊斯蘭文化強調的是對各種宗教信仰的兼容並蓄,社會的平等 (特別是對於窮人,另外伊斯蘭初期,婦女的地位也不低),和整體社會的和平發展。後來因著政治和接班人不明確的因素,什葉派和遜尼派的敵對,讓很多初期的善意開始變質。歷經鄂圖曼帝國百年的傳承後,包括阿富汗,土耳其,和伊朗,都有類似宗教改革的推動。但當時已經是面對20世紀的強大西方世界,因著石油的利益,讓這些改革受到嚴重的干擾。而1948年以色列建國產生的巴勒斯坦問題,更是挑起伊斯蘭世界最敏感的一根神經。
雖然這本書許多可蘭經內容,眾多烏瑪和哈里發的翻譯名字,不是那麼容易閱讀。但不要太在乎這些細節,還是可以掌握到一定的輪廓。冤冤相報的循環,到底要怎樣才能結束?我想引用我最欣賞的作 者,同時也是猶太拉比的Jonathan Sacks,在紐約 911 事件10周年紀念所發表的談話來總結:
“Whenever Me takes precedence over We, and pleasure today over viability tomorrow, a society is in trouble. If so, then the enemy is not radical Islam, it is us and our by now unsustainable self-indulgence. The West has expended much energy and courage fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq abroad and defeating terror at home. It has spent far less, if any, in renewing its own morality and the institutions — families, communities, ethical codes, standards in public life — where it is created and sustained. But if I am right, this is the West’s greatest weakness in the eyes of its enemies as well as its friends. The only way to save the world is to begin with ourselves. Our burden after 9/11 is to renew the moral disciplines of freedom. Some say it can’t be done. They are wrong: it can and must. Surely we owe the dead no less."
📗“Destiny Disrupted” 中文版 「中斷的天命」
📙“Not in God’s s Name” 中文版「毋以神為名」
我2018的top 10 之一,也是我知道惟一一本Jonathan Sacks的中文書。原來宗教戰爭,常常是一種有忌妒衍生出來的兄弟鬩牆? “當宗教將人變為兇手,上帝痛心垂淚”
全文與延伸閱讀的連結在部落格中 👇👇👇
#伊斯蘭帝國的吉哈德 #興亡的世界史
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅The Hope,也在其Youtube影片中提到,拍攝時間|ECHO 敬拜之夜|2021.03.02 【Here Again 再次遇見祢】 作曲/作詞 Composers & Lyricists : Amy Corbett, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick 翻譯 Translation : The Hope 歌詞 L...
見工 weakness 在 Velissa VJ Facebook 的精選貼文
【中英雙語展示 ‧ 許國榮 Alex Hui 翻譯】
Ugandan President’s address to his nation. One of the best Covid-19 speeches till now, from anyone anywhere in this world.
以下是烏干達總統對他國民的致詞。 迄今為止,從來自世界各地對於有關Covid-19的演詞來說,被公認最佳演詞之一。
Uganda President KAGUTA MUSEVENI warns against people misbehaving during this COVID-19 period, "God has a lot of work, He has the whole world to look after. He cannot just be here in Uganda looking after idiots".
烏干達總統卡古塔·穆塞韋尼(KAGUTA MUSEVENI)告誡人們不要在COVID-19時期表現不佳,「上帝有很多工作需要做,整個世界都需要祂去照顧。他不能只是在烏干達這裡照顧你們這一班白痴。」
"In a war situation, nobody asks anyone to stay indoors. You stay indoors by choice. In fact, if you have a basement, you hide there for as long as hostilities persist.
During a war, you don't insist on your freedom. You willingly give it up in exchange for survival.
在戰爭中,您不會堅持自己的自由。 您願意放棄它以換取生存。
During a war, you don't complain of hunger. You bear hunger and pray that you live to eat again.
During a war, you don't argue about opening your business. You close your shop (if you have the time), and run for your life. You pray to outlive the war so that you can return to your business (that's if it has not been looted or destroyed by mortar fire).
During a war, you are thankful to God for seeing another day in the land of the living.
During a war, you don't worry about your children not going to school. You pray that the government does not forcefully enlist them as soldiers to be trained in the school premises now turned military depot.
在戰爭中,你不會擔心孩子不上學。 你會禱告祈求政府不要強迫他們當兵,而這些士兵要在現已變成軍用倉庫的學校場地接受軍訓。
The world is currently in a state of war. A war without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers. A war without borders. A war without cease-fire agreements. A war without a war room. A war without sacred zones.
The army in this war is without mercy. It is without any milk of human kindness. It is indiscriminate - it has no respect for children, women, or places of worship. This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change. It is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army.
這場戰爭中的軍隊毫不留情:它沒有任何人性。它是不分青紅皂白,它不會尊重兒童、婦女、或崇拜場所。 這支軍隊對戰利品毫不感興趣。毫無意願去改變政權,毫不關心地底下的豐富礦產資源。 它甚至對宗教,種族或意識形態霸權都不感興趣。 它的野心與種族優勢無關。它是一支看不見的,腳步輕盈,殘酷無情的軍隊。
Its only agenda is a harvest of death. It is only satiated after turning the world into one big death field. Its capacity to achieve its aim is not in doubt. Without ground, amphibious and aeriel machines, it has bases in almost every country of the world. Its movement is not governed by any war convention or protocol. In short, it is a law unto itself. It is Coronavirus. Also known as COVID-19 (because it announced its destructive presence and intention in the year of our Lord 2019).
它唯一的議程是去收穫死亡。 只有在把整個世界變成橫屍遍野的大屠場之後,它才會滿足。 它實現其目標的能力是毋庸置疑的。 這支軍隊並沒有陸戰、兩棲、或空戰設備,但它的基地卻幾乎遍布世界每一角落。 它的移動並不受任何戰爭公約或協議的約束。 簡而言之,這是一支橫行無忌的軍隊。 它是冠狀病毒。 也被稱為COVID-19(因為它是在主後2019年宣布了破壞性存在和意圖)。
Thankfully, this army has a weakness and it can be defeated. It only requires our collective action, discipline and forbearance. COVID-19 cannot survive social and physical distancing. It only thrives when you confront it. It loves to be confronted. It capitulates in the face of collective social and physical distancing. It bows before good personal hygiene. It is helpless when you take your destiny in your own hands by keeping them sanitized as often as possible.
不過,值得慶幸的好訊息是:這支軍隊都有弱點,它可以被擊敗。 只需要我們的集體行動,紀律和寬容。 COVID-19無法倖免於社交和軀體上的隔離。 它只有在你刻意面對它時才能蓬勃發展;牠喜歡被迎面對抗。 但面對集體性的社交和身軀上的距離,它投降了。它在保持良好個人衛生之前先鞠躬退役。 當你通過盡可能地掌握自己的命運,清潔雙手時,它更是無奈。
This is not a time to cry about bread and butter like spoilt children. After all, the Holy book tells us that man shall not live by bread alone. Let's obey and follow the instructions of the authorities. Let's flatten the COVID-19 curve. Let's exercise patience. Let's be our brothers' keeper. In no time, we shall regain our freedom, enterprise and socializing."
現今並不是哭泣之時,像被寵壞的孩童那樣,哭泣暫時肚飢的時候。 畢竟,聖經告訴我們,「人活著不是單靠食物」《馬太福音4:4》。 讓我們服從並遵循當局的指示。 讓我們展平COVID-19的曲線。 讓我們保持耐心。 讓我們成為兄弟互相的守護。 我們恢復自由、進取和社會交往,指日可待。
In the midst of EMERGENCY, we practice urgency of service and the urgency of love for others. God bless us all.
The best and most intelligent public speech ever made during Covid-19.
見工 weakness 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 所有材料洗淨,淮山去皮切塊,栗子去衣取肉備用。
2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
Nourish the kidneys after childbirth for healthy menstrual volume
In recent years, many people would choose to give birth to about 2-3 children, hoping the little ones would keep each other company. Mothers who gave birth to multiple children should nourish the kidneys. Therefore, it is important to take note of not only soreness on the lower back but also the menstruation volume.
If the menstrual cycle is normal, but there is a gradual decline in the volume of the menstrual fluid, the fluid comes in droplets, or all of these happen in just two days, then it is the case of a light period.
According to Chinese Medicine, a person would experience a light period due to many different factors such as weakness in the kidney, blood deficiency, phlegm-dampness, and blood stasis. It is important to seek the most suitable treatment according to the body condition.
Individuals with a weak body, mothers who have delivered multiple babies (including abortion), or women who have frequent sexual activity with partners can also experience a light period that is caused by the lack of qi in the kidneys. Their menstrual blood would be light red in color, and the accompanying symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus, soreness on lower back, knees, and even ankles, and nocturia. It will be good to nourish the kidneys by drinking this soup.
Tip on the ingredients:
Chestnut is warm in nature, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, but also can promote blood circulation and the kidneys, strengthen bones and muscles. It can relieve the symptoms of stomach pain and discomfort caused by weak and cold spleen and stomach, or the symptoms caused by kidney deficiency such as sore lower back, weak knees, frequent night urination. It should be noted that excessive consumption may cause abdominal bloating, so people who are prone to stagnation and with excessive stomach qi should not eat too much.
Wild yam and Eucommia bark soup with Chestnut
Ingredients: 1 fresh wild yam, 15g eucommia bark, 100g chestnut, 30g red kidney bean, 2 candied dates, 1 pack dusk rice water powder (or 30g fried black bean)
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Cut the peeled wild yam into pieces. Peel the chestnuts.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.
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#女 #月經 #補腎
見工 weakness 在 The Hope Youtube 的最讚貼文
拍攝時間|ECHO 敬拜之夜|2021.03.02
【Here Again 再次遇見祢】
作曲/作詞 Composers & Lyricists : Amy Corbett, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick
翻譯 Translation : The Hope
歌詞 Lyrics:
As I walk now through the valley
Let Your love rise above every fear
Like the sun shaping the shadow
In my weakness Your glory appears
I'm not enough unless You come
Will You meet me here again
'Cause all I want is all You are
Will You meet me here again
Not for a minute Was I forsaken
The Lord is in this place The Lord is in this place
主就在這裡 主就在這裡
Come Holy Spirit Dry bones awaken
求主聖靈來 使枯骨復甦
The Lord is in this place The Lord is in this place
主就在這裡 主就在這裡
©2021 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing
CCLI : 7111925
#HereAgain #ElevationWorship #TheHopeWorship #WorshipCover
☆支持The Hope的事工,一起成為城市的盼望:
【The Hope】
The Hope 是一個對神、對人、以及生命充滿熱忱的教會。我們的存在是為了要接觸人群, 帶領他們與耶穌有更深的關係。
●The Hope Website: http://thehope.co/
●The Hope Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insideTheHope
●The Hope Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehope.co/
見工 weakness 在 王大喜 Youtube 的精選貼文
/.所有原著 王大喜)
/.原著 王大喜
"Heaviness of the world、Lymph、ischium stagnant releasing“
/.Origin Rasta Wang
*Dream of chair, the position、the condition of one’s true job from above.
/.Rasta Wang
*夢椅子、天職的狀態。 /.原著 王大喜
*2050、in God’s present will have testimony. /.Origin Nicole Marks
*2050、將見證神存在的奇蹟。 /.原著Nicole Marks
(此生命紀實於Nicole Marks遠古黃金配置術後的身體自動排毒現象)
哥林多後書 12:9 CUNP-神
「But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.」
2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV
Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com
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見工 weakness 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的精選貼文
#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #祢無限
祢無限 / Infinity
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:李宛叡、李匯晴、王英州、趙治達
英譯詞 Translator:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
主領 Worship Leader:趙治德 Samuel Chao
[Verse 1]
You are the beginning of all
You wrote the perfect music of all
Mountains line up in perfect rows
Your wisdom leaves the prints on my finger
The universe is Your mercy seat
You connect the cells and create our lives
When oceans roar but You stay still
The blood of redemption flows out from Your chest
祢用全世界 來向我顯明
You use the whole world to show it to me
祢愛我 祢永遠愛我
You love me and forevermore
我降服 獻上所有
I surrender, giving You my all
因祢愛我 祢永遠愛我
You love me and forevermore
[Verse 2]
All the knowledge is in Your hands
You care more about the weakness inside of me
You make the rules and set the time
You are there in every moment of history
When You judge me with your justice
Your mercy is hoping that I will turn back
I’m a failure before the laws
Your grace gives me a chance to have a new start
我雖曾經瞎眼 今我卻能看見
Though I was blind before, but now that I can see
耳聾都要聽見 盼望彰顯
The deaf can hear again. Hope will be shown
曾以為很遙遠 卻一直在身邊
I thought You’re far away, but You are here with me
祢超越了感覺 Emanuel
Above all the senses, Emanuel
祢臉光照我們 認識祢的心意
Your face shines upon us, and we know about Your heart
知道祢的救恩 萬國稱頌祢
Knowing Your salvation, all nations bow down
成全祢的公義 引導我的道路
Your righteousness completes and guides all through my way
祝福臨到全地 我們敬畏祢
Blessings come down on earth. We stay in awe
奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工
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