經過昨晚的抱佛腳,今天終於考完了加州大學柏克萊分校電腦科學暨Python程式語言的三小時期末考(竟然還要到大考中心考,讓我想到當年考GMAT&GRE的經驗呢)。像我這種太外向好動、不在教室注意力就不集中的人還是不要選網路課程,實在太困難了!😆 呼,下一門課我來了!Finally finished my UC Berkeley Computer Sciece and Python Class. Studied last night and took the 3 hours final exam in an exam center today (so formal!) My take away is that as an extrovert who hates study at home, online class is not for me! Lol. Ok, one done, next!
#終生學習 #UCBerkeley #加州大學柏克萊分校
#電腦科學 #Python #ContinuousLearning #ComputerScience