WFM第四週 看見自己長出哪些調適的超能力?
新的一集 熱烈上線 ⬇️⬇️⬇️
🎧 頻道網址點選:
👉SoundOn⏯️ https://sndn.link/face/lkabTM
👉Apple Podcast⏯️ https://reurl.cc/pgLQbb
👉Spotify⏯️ https://reurl.cc/jql0Gy
👉Listen Notes⏯️ https://reurl.cc/Gde0yD
👉KKBOX⏯️ https://reurl.cc/jql0Ey
1. 面對壓力, 總是必須硬著頭皮改變, 內心會有尖叫,這是很正常的。
2. 可喜可賀的是負面感受是有半衰期的,這是我們面對壓力的必經尖叫之路,充分接納它。
3.壓力曲線:從不適應, 到有一點適應, 到有一點適應及討厭, 習慣養成需要21天,我們即將進入一個新的習慣模式。
4. 調適能力出來才能去想這個時期很珍貴的是什麼?仔細看到彼此在這段時間長出了什麼能力?彼此感謝鼓勵。
5. 常對孩子說yes, 可以減敏感。說No, 會同時引發人的痛覺神經,所以小孩會突然變的固執不是沒有原因的
6. 失控是常態, 崩潰也沒關係, 在這個充滿壓力的時期,多給自己放鬆的機會,不完美也沒關係。
超能失控線上看 在 eVonne 許慧欣 Facebook 的最佳解答
eVonne許慧欣二手電影DVD愛心義賣, 幫助艾碧兒.
歌手(以及AT長期支持者)eVonne許慧欣捐贈私人DVD收藏給台灣動物協會! 每片DVD40元起,共有192張熱門影片!eVonne也很熱心的提供她的親筆簽名照給購買200元以上的朋友們!
...Continue Reading
eVonne許慧欣二手電影DVD愛心義賣, 幫助艾碧兒.
歌手(以及AT長期支持者)eVonne許慧欣捐贈私人DVD收藏給台灣動物協會! 每片DVD40元起,共有192張熱門影片!eVonne也很熱心的提供她的親筆簽名照給購買200元以上的朋友們!
完整DVD片名清單,請往下看! (謹限於線上義賣)
運送方式: 您可以選擇郵寄(郵費另外付)或您可以到台灣動物協會救援中心去自取。 每星期謹出貨一次, 所以您的訂單可能需7至10天的時間送達.
付款方式: 您可以選擇以下三種方式付款: 銀行或ATM轉帳, 郵政劃撥, 或線上信用卡刷卡.
退換貨: 我們恕不接受退換DVD.
如何購買DVD: 請寫信至 shopping@animalstaiwan.org, 提供您想購買的DVD清單,您的姓名,聯絡電話,郵寄地址,您選擇的付款方式,以及您希望的運送方式。我們將會回覆並提供付款資訊以及確認總金額(以及郵費,如果您選擇郵寄為運送方式)。
Second Hand DVD Charity Sale. Fundraiser for Abigail.
Singer (and long-time supporter) eVonne Hsu has donated her personal DVD collection to Animals Taiwan! Each DVD is priced at NT$40 and up with a total of 192 different DVDs! eVonne has also kindly offered her autographed photos to those who purchase NT$200 or more!
ALL money raised from this DVD sale will be going towards Abigail’s medical bills. (To read Abigail’s full story, click here: http://www.animalstaiwan.org/rescue_en.html)
PLEASE SCROLL DOWN for the complete list of DVDs on sale. (Online Sale Only).
Delivery: The DVDs can be mailed to you (with additional postage fees) OR you can pick up your order at the Animals Taiwan rescue center. Orders will be mailed once per week only, so please allow 7 to 10 days for your DVDs to arrive.
Payment: You may choose one of the following three payment methods: Bank/ATM transfer, Post office funds transfer OR Online credit card system (Taiwan-issued cards only).
Returns/Exchange: We will not be accepting returns or exchanges.
How to order your DVDs: To order, please email shopping@animalstaiwan.org with your list of DVD titles, your full name, contact number, mailing address, your chosen method of payment and your chosen delivery method. We will provide you with payment details and confirm total cost (and postage fee if you choose mailing as method of delivery).
Thank you!
*All DVDs NT$40, unless specified otherwise
*全部DVD 40元, 除非另外標明
English DVDs/英文片:
30 Days of Night (惡夜30)
7 Dwarves (7矮人)
Around The World In 80 Days (環球世界80天)
Art School Confidential (校園祕密檔案)
Assault On Precinct 13 (殲滅13區)
Bed of Roses (玫瑰花床)
Bedtime Stories (天方夜談)
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Big Stan (猛男姦獄)
Blonde and Blonder (波霸與波神)
Bordertown (亡命殺鎮)
Bug (恐怖幻象)
Capote (柯波帝: 冷血告白)
Cashmere Mafia (Season 1, 7 episodes), *NT$80
Cellular (玩命手機)
Changeling (陌生的孩子)
Chasing Papi (劈腿4人行)
Christmas with the Kranks (蹺家大作戰)
City of Ember (微光城市)
Daddy Day Camp (奶爸集中營)
Dark Water (鬼水)
Date Movie (正宗約會電影)
Dodgeball (鐵男躲避球)
Dunks! Volume one (NBA 灌籃高手)
Edison (驚爆頭條內幕)
Evan Almighty (王牌天神續集)
Everyone's Hero (洋基英雄)
Fat Albert (擺大肚王搖)
Firewall (防火牆)
Freedomland (自由過度)
Friends with Money (我的好野女友)
Full frontal (正面全裸)
Good Boy! (我愛一嘴毛)
Good Night, And Good Luck (晚安, 祝你好運)
Gun Shy (愛情搶手)
Hannibal Rising (人魔崛起)
Happy Endings (完美結局)
Happy Texas (一籠傻島)
Hardwood Classics Series Double Header (NBA經典復刻版 超級灌籃)
High Crimes (案藏玄機)
Insanitarium (恐怖食人院)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Seasons 1 & 2 (踢球叫練), *NT$150
Kicking & Screaming
Knowing (末日預言)
Lady in the Water
Las Vegas - Season 4 (慾望之都 - 第四季), NT$300
Las Vegas - Season 5 (慾望之都 - 第五季), NT$300
Little Children
Mindstorm (超能戰將)
Monster (女魔頭)
Munich (慕尼黑)
My Mom's New Boyfriend (我媽的新男友)
National Treasure 2 (國家寶藏: 古籍祕辛)
No Vacancy (針孔旅社)
Ocean's Thirteen (瞞天過海: 13王牌)
Passengers (靈異航班)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (百貨戰警)
Paula Abdul Cardio Dance, *NT$20
Poseidon (海神號)
Pride and Glory (非法警戒)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (惡靈古堡II:啓示錄)
Rogue Assassin (玩命對戰)
Rules of Engagement (火線衝突)
Running with scissors
Saw II
Scary Movie 4 (驚聲尖笑4)
Scoop (遇上塔羅牌情人)
Semi-Pro (灌藍大帝)
Shark Attack (噬人鯊)
Shoot 'Em Up (史密斯先生)
Skinned Alive (人皮活剝)
Sleep Cell - 3 Disc Set, *NT$150
Sleep Walking (失控旅程)
Snakes on a Plane (飛機上有蛇)
Spy Game (間諜遊戲)
Stealth (機戰未來)
The 4400 - 3rd season, *NT$300
The 6th day (魔鬼複製人)
The Bounty Hunter (賞金獵手)
The Closer - first season, *NT300
The Contract (死亡契約)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (驅魔)
The Eye (異度見鬼)
The Flock (屍蹤現場)
The Hillside Strangler (L.A. 殺人狂)
The Ice Harvest (老大凍未條)
The Indian in the Cupboard (魔櫃小奇兵)
The International (黑暗金控)
The Kingdom (反恐戰場)
The Last Sign (惡靈夢魘)
The Living and the Dead (分裂幻象)
The Omen
The Orphanage (靈異孤兒院)
The Producers (金牌製作人)
The Spirit (閃靈俠)
The Taking of Pelham 123 (亡命快劫)
The Third Wheel
The Wendell Baker Story (愛情奧客)
TMNT (忍者龜:炫風再起)
Transamerica (窈窕老爸)
Tropic Thunder (開麥拉驚魂)
Twilight (吸血新世紀)
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (決戰異世界前傳: 鬼哭狼毫)
United 93
Untraceable (Live殺人網站)
Vantage Point (刺殺據點)
Waking Ned Devine (樂透天)
Wanted (刺客聯盟)
We Own The Night (萬惡夜總會)
What a girl wants
What Just Happened
Chinese DVDs/中國片:
宅變 (The Heirloom)
嫁個有錢人 ( Marry a Rich Man)
夢幻廚房 (Magic Kitchen)
長江7號 (CJ7)
Other Foreign Language DVDs / 其他外語片:
Spanish(西班牙): Di quie Si (真情一路發)
Japanese(日語) – Infection (感染)
Korean(韓文) - My boyfriend is type-B (我的B型男友)
Korean(韓文) - Love, So Divine (緣份的天梯)
Korean(韓文) – Happy Nake Christmas (愛在繽紛季節)
Fuerzabruta World Opening Buenos Aires 2005 (Documentary)
超能失控線上看 在 eVonne 許慧欣 Facebook 的最佳解答
做做善事,幫幫可愛的狗狗!支持台灣動物協會 Animals Taiwan!
eVonne許慧欣二手電影DVD愛心義賣, 幫助艾碧兒.
歌手(以及AT長期支持者)eVonne許慧欣捐贈私人DVD收藏給台灣動物協會! 每片DVD40元起,共有192張熱門影片!eVonne也很熱心的提供她的親筆簽名照給購買200元以上的朋友們!
完整DVD片名清單,請往下看! (謹限於線上義賣)
運送方式: 您可以選擇郵寄(郵費另外付)或您可以到台灣動物協會救援中心去自取。 每星期謹出貨一次, 所以您的訂單可能需7至10天的時間送達.
付款方式: 您可以選擇以下三種方式付款: 銀行或ATM轉帳, 郵政劃撥, 或線上信用卡刷卡.
退換貨: 我們恕不接受退換DVD.
如何購買DVD: 請寫信至 shopping@animalstaiwan.org, 提供您想購買的DVD清單,您的姓名,聯絡電話,郵寄地址,您選擇的付款方式,以及您希望的運送方式。我們將會回覆並提供付款資訊以及確認總金額(以及郵費,如果您選擇郵寄為運送方式)。
Second Hand DVD Charity Sale. Fundraiser for Abigail.
Singer (and long-time supporter) eVonne Hsu has donated her personal DVD collection to Animals Taiwan! Each DVD is priced at NT$40 and up with a total of 192 different DVDs! eVonne has also kindly offered her autographed photos to those who purchase NT$200 or more!
ALL money raised from this DVD sale will be going towards Abigail’s medical bills. (To read Abigail’s full story, click here: http://www.animalstaiwan.org/rescue_en.html)
PLEASE SCROLL DOWN for the complete list of DVDs on sale. (Online Sale Only).
Delivery: The DVDs can be mailed to you (with additional postage fees) OR you can pick up your order at the Animals Taiwan rescue center. Orders will be mailed once per week only, so please allow 7 to 10 days for your DVDs to arrive.
Payment: You may choose one of the following three payment methods: Bank/ATM transfer, Post office funds transfer OR Online credit card system (Taiwan-issued cards only).
Returns/Exchange: We will not be accepting returns or exchanges.
How to order your DVDs: To order, please email shopping@animalstaiwan.org with your list of DVD titles, your full name, contact number, mailing address, your chosen method of payment and your chosen delivery method. We will provide you with payment details and confirm total cost (and postage fee if you choose mailing as method of delivery).
Thank you!
*All DVDs NT$40, unless specified otherwise
*全部DVD 40元, 除非另外標明
English DVDs/英文片:
30 Days of Night (惡夜30)
7 Dwarves (7矮人)
Around The World In 80 Days (環球世界80天)
Art School Confidential (校園祕密檔案)
Assault On Precinct 13 (殲滅13區)
Bed of Roses (玫瑰花床)
Bedtime Stories (天方夜談)
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Big Stan (猛男姦獄)
Blonde and Blonder (波霸與波神)
Bordertown (亡命殺鎮)
Bug (恐怖幻象)
Capote (柯波帝: 冷血告白)
Cashmere Mafia (Season 1, 7 episodes), *NT$80
Cellular (玩命手機)
Changeling (陌生的孩子)
Chasing Papi (劈腿4人行)
Christmas with the Kranks (蹺家大作戰)
City of Ember (微光城市)
Daddy Day Camp (奶爸集中營)
Dark Water (鬼水)
Date Movie (正宗約會電影)
Dodgeball (鐵男躲避球)
Dunks! Volume one (NBA 灌籃高手)
Edison (驚爆頭條內幕)
Evan Almighty (王牌天神續集)
Everyone's Hero (洋基英雄)
Fat Albert (擺大肚王搖)
Firewall (防火牆)
Freedomland (自由過度)
Friends with Money (我的好野女友)
Full frontal (正面全裸)
Good Boy! (我愛一嘴毛)
Good Night, And Good Luck (晚安, 祝你好運)
Gun Shy (愛情搶手)
Hannibal Rising (人魔崛起)
Happy Endings (完美結局)
Happy Texas (一籠傻島)
Hardwood Classics Series Double Header (NBA經典復刻版 超級灌籃)
High Crimes (案藏玄機)
Insanitarium (恐怖食人院)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Seasons 1 & 2 (踢球叫練), *NT$150
Kicking & Screaming
Knowing (末日預言)
Lady in the Water
Las Vegas - Season 4 (慾望之都 - 第四季), NT$300
Las Vegas - Season 5 (慾望之都 - 第五季), NT$300
Little Children
Mindstorm (超能戰將)
Monster (女魔頭)
Munich (慕尼黑)
My Mom's New Boyfriend (我媽的新男友)
National Treasure 2 (國家寶藏: 古籍祕辛)
No Vacancy (針孔旅社)
Ocean's Thirteen (瞞天過海: 13王牌)
Passengers (靈異航班)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (百貨戰警)
Paula Abdul Cardio Dance, *NT$20
Poseidon (海神號)
Pride and Glory (非法警戒)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (惡靈古堡II:啓示錄)
Rogue Assassin (玩命對戰)
Rules of Engagement (火線衝突)
Running with scissors
Saw II
Scary Movie 4 (驚聲尖笑4)
Scoop (遇上塔羅牌情人)
Semi-Pro (灌藍大帝)
Shark Attack (噬人鯊)
Shoot 'Em Up (史密斯先生)
Skinned Alive (人皮活剝)
Sleep Cell - 3 Disc Set, *NT$150
Sleep Walking (失控旅程)
Snakes on a Plane (飛機上有蛇)
Spy Game (間諜遊戲)
Stealth (機戰未來)
The 4400 - 3rd season, *NT$300
The 6th day (魔鬼複製人)
The Bounty Hunter (賞金獵手)
The Closer - first season, *NT300
The Contract (死亡契約)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (驅魔)
The Eye (異度見鬼)
The Flock (屍蹤現場)
The Hillside Strangler (L.A. 殺人狂)
The Ice Harvest (老大凍未條)
The Indian in the Cupboard (魔櫃小奇兵)
The International (黑暗金控)
The Kingdom (反恐戰場)
The Last Sign (惡靈夢魘)
The Living and the Dead (分裂幻象)
The Omen
The Orphanage (靈異孤兒院)
The Producers (金牌製作人)
The Spirit (閃靈俠)
The Taking of Pelham 123 (亡命快劫)
The Third Wheel
The Wendell Baker Story (愛情奧客)
TMNT (忍者龜:炫風再起)
Transamerica (窈窕老爸)
Tropic Thunder (開麥拉驚魂)
Twilight (吸血新世紀)
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (決戰異世界前傳: 鬼哭狼毫)
United 93
Untraceable (Live殺人網站)
Vantage Point (刺殺據點)
Waking Ned Devine (樂透天)
Wanted (刺客聯盟)
We Own The Night (萬惡夜總會)
What a girl wants
What Just Happened
Chinese DVDs/中國片:
宅變 (The Heirloom)
嫁個有錢人 ( Marry a Rich Man)
夢幻廚房 (Magic Kitchen)
長江7號 (CJ7)
Other Foreign Language DVDs / 其他外語片:
Spanish(西班牙): Di quie Si (真情一路發)
Japanese(日語) – Infection (感染)
Korean(韓文) - My boyfriend is type-B (我的B型男友)
Korean(韓文) - Love, So Divine (緣份的天梯)
Korean(韓文) – Happy Nake Christmas (愛在繽紛季節)
Fuerzabruta World Opening Buenos Aires 2005 (Documentary)
超能失控線上看 在 吹水:音樂&電影- 為什麼看不到《超能失控2》?首集導演喬許 ... 的推薦與評價
2012 年,一部小規模、偽紀錄片風格的獨立電影《超能失控》(Chronicle) 上映了。故事描述一群青少年因接觸一顆神秘隕石而獲得超能力,但其中一位卻開始濫用能力並展開 ... ... <看更多>
超能失控線上看 在 獨立遊戲《元能失控》實機遊玩【TpGS 19 試玩】 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

【遊戲閒聊#208】11款最新Switch獨立遊戲推薦!你沒看過的超狂遊戲玩法!其中有6款我絕對必買! 狐狸牧場foxranch. 狐狸牧場foxranch. ... <看更多>
超能失控線上看 在 超能失控Chronicle線上看- 電影- Gimy劇迷 的推薦與評價
超能失控 Chronicle劇情:|超清|少年安德魯(戴恩·德哈恩Dane DeHaan 飾)就像絕大多數宅男那樣,內向、不善言辭,還有輕度的社交恐懼. ... <看更多>