=怪異的 [禁行機車] 法規=
全世界 200多國, 就只有臺灣有 [禁行機車]的規定,
其他先進的國家, 開發中的國家, 戰亂的國家,
未開發國家, 不知道是哪國的國家, 種種的國家,
只有臺灣搞這種規定, [禁行機車]
機車就要在汽車後面等, 等個幾小時也要等,
等到汽車開走, 機車族才能前進,
所以機車跟著違規走 [禁行機車]道,
[禁行機車] 是一個不平等的規則,
Henry 會駕駛 手排汽車/ 打擋機車/ 中小貨車,
可是駕駛機車時, 卻被規定不能正常使用道路,
這讓 Henry 感受到不平等的看待, 是兩種標準,
是大小眼, 是一種歧視,
希望 [禁行機車] 規定, 能早日消失在這世界,
同時也希望臺灣交通部, 把考照加強難度,
讓三寶機車汽車族消失, 讓用路人安心,
More than 200 countries around the world,
only Taiwan [forbidding locomotive] provisions,
Other advanced countries, the development of the country,
war-torn country, Undeveloped country,
do not know which country is the country, the various countries,
Taiwan is the only engage in such provisions,
[forbidding locomotive]
And this strange argument,
If you encounter a motorcycle race in a
car parked motorcycle road priority,
Locomotive going back in the car and so on,
and so have to wait a few hours,
Wait until the car pulled away,
a motorcycle race in order to move forward,
Not because the car violations,
So locomotive violations go along with
[the forbidden line locomotive] Road,
[Forbidding locomotive] is an unequal rule,
Henry will be driving manual transmission car
/ motorcycle hit the block / small trucks,
However, when driving motorcycles,
but was not working the way prescribed,
This makes Henry feel unequal view, are two standards,
The size of the eye, is a form of discrimination,
Hope [the forbidden line locomotive] provisions
can soon disappear in this world,
But also hope that the Taiwan Ministry of Transportation,
according to strengthen the test difficulty,
Let Sambo locomotive Spinella disappear,
so that passers-by with peace of mind,
=荷蘭 汽車駕照 代價高昂=
影片: https://www.facebook.com/1604008236541562/videos/1674052059537179/
=日本 駕駛考照 用心嚴謹=
影片: https://www.facebook.com/1604008236541562/videos/1674066162869102/
=法國 時尚文明先進 尊重機車族路權=
影片: https://www.facebook.com/Henry.Shawn.World.Observed/videos/1713830398892678/
=法國 時尚文明先進 讓機車族感到友善=
影片: https://www.facebook.com/Henry.Shawn.World.Observed/videos/1711882102420841/
=路肩騎機車超危險 傷亡風險增77%=
影片: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=613267815435569&set=vb.613265825435768&type=3&theater
=汽車路權最低 荷蘭 行人路權最大=
影片: https://www.facebook.com/1604008236541562/videos/1673927262882992/
=荷蘭 限制汽車 解決塞車 減少傷亡=
影片: https://www.facebook.com/1604008236541562/videos/1710790752529976/
Henry の 資料庫: <3
電腦版: https://www.facebook.com/Henry.Shawn.World.O…/photos_stream…
手機版: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/…