#大學生夥伴 商僧文摘 《某J管顧系列文 2》如何做好案頭研究 (Desktop research)
「何謂Desktop research?
第一次聽到Desktop research的時候,以為這是個很高端的研究工作,就像Equity research那樣,會穿著筆挺的西裝在甲級寫字樓裡用Dell商務筆記本開Excel建Model。
上項目以後才知道所謂案頭搜索,一言以蔽之,其實就是Google+百度(頂多再加上Cold call和專家訪談)。而通常Desktop research的詳細內容會放在附錄,給客戶自行參考,產出的主要內容會是Case Study, Benchmarking, best practice, appendix, you name it.」—— #商僧文摘
🔹本文分享自 #工作實習打工心得版
#research #研究 #找資料 #報告
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過444萬的網紅Hane & Mari's World,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Maho Girl Precure melody ribbon baton toy dance song did try was friends pink 2016 09 month number appendix 마법의 빗자루로 야구를 해본 호빵맨 볼이 튀어! 달릴거야 펑펑 SL 맨 발사...
附錄appendix 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的最佳貼文
#別再相信資深反核人士的謠言 #寫信去問NRC囉
大概兩個月前寫信去給美國核管會NRC,今天打開信箱發現他們在我生日休假那天回信了XDD,人生成就解鎖(1/1 美國核管會回覆信件)。
我主要是想詢問到底核電廠選址與斷層的距離是否有清楚的規範?答案是 #沒有規定電廠選址與斷層的距離到底要多少或禁止核電廠建置於斷層周邊,而是要求特定距離的核電廠設施必須做地質危害評估以及禁得起地震考驗這樣。台灣也有做SSHAC,但還沒看到正式出爐的報告(就陳大教授搶先披露那個)。
Dear Mr. Chen,
Thank you for your questions related to whether the NRC has regulations that state how far a nuclear power plant (NPP) should be located from a fault that might move and cause earthquakes. The following paragraphs respond to your questions. As you requested, this response also cites NRC regulations that explain how the NRC analyzes potential hazard at a NPP resulting from earthquakes caused by movement along a fault located near the NPP.
The US NRC does not have a regulation that specifies the distance required between a fault and a nuclear power plant (NPP). However, in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), specifically 10 CFR Part 50 (Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Materials), Appendix A, Criterion 2, the NRC requires safety-related structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of a NPP to be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena such as earthquakes without losing the capability to perform their safety functions.
美國NRC沒有規定斷層和核電廠(NPP)之間所需距離的法規。但是,在聯邦法規(10 CFR)的標題10中,尤其是10 CFR第50部分(生產和使用材料的國內許可)附錄A,準則2中,NRC要求與安全相關的結構,系統和組件( NPP的SSC)旨在承受地震等自然現象的影響而又不喪失執行其安全功能的能力。
As defined in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix S (Earthquake Engineering Criteria for Nuclear Plants), a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) is the vibratory ground motion for which certain SSCs must be designed to remain functional if an earthquake occurs. 10 CFR Part 100.23(c) (Geological, Seismological, and Engineering Characteristics) requires that geological, seismological, and engineering characteristics of a site and its environs be investigated in sufficient scope and detail to permit an adequate evaluation of the proposed site, provide sufficient information to support evaluations performed to estimate the SSE vibratory ground motion, and permit adequate engineering solutions to actual or potential geologic and seismic effects at the proposed site. Part 100.23(d) (Geologic and Seismic Siting Factors) requires that geologic and seismic siting factors considered for design include a determination of the SSE vibratory ground motion for the site and the potential for surface deformation due to faulting (i.e., tectonic deformation of the ground surface). Part 100.23(d)(1) (Determination of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake Ground Motion) requires that uncertainties in SSE vibratory ground motion estimates be addressed through an appropriate analysis (e.g., a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, or PSHA) with due consideration for the geologic characteristics specified in 10 CFR Part 100.23(c). For a fault that is considered to be a potential source of earthquakes (i.e., a seismic source), that geologic feature can be analyzed using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process. That process is a formal approach for incorporating information about the fault into a model used to characterize the fault as a seismic source, which is analyzed as part of the SSHAC process.
In Regulatory Guide 1.208 (A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion). the NRC provides guidance for applicants and licensees regarding how to meet the regulatory requirements discussed above. In addition, criteria for NRC staff to review applications for constructing and operating a nuclear power plant related to geologic, seismic, and geotechnical site characteristics are found in Chapter 2.5 of NUREG-0800, the NRC’s Standard Review Plan. If assessment of the potential for surface deformation must be considered because a fault is located such that it could result in surface rupture at the NPP site and deformation of engineered plant structures as required in 10 CFR Part 100.23(d), guidance for evaluating surface deformation is provided in NUREG-0800, Chapter 2.5.3. NUREG-2213 presents updated implementation guidelines for SSHAC studies in case you might wish to learn more about that process.
附錄appendix 在 徐薇老師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
英國首相強生突宣布將下週開議的國會暫停至十月中再開始,此舉引民眾及反對黨強烈反彈(backlash over his decision to suspend Parliament next month),因到時國會恐來不及討論脫歐協議,可能導致英國硬脫歐。suspend (v.暫停)=字首sus-(=sub-表up fromunder)+字根-pend-(表hang吊掛),把東西從下面拉起來吊掛著就不能動了,所有動作就「暫停」了,就是suspend。(★depend依靠、appendix附錄,字根-pend-都表hang吊掛)
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附錄appendix 在 Hane & Mari's World Youtube 的最讚貼文
Maho Girl Precure melody ribbon baton toy dance song did try was friends pink 2016 09 month number appendix
마법의 빗자루로 야구를 해본 호빵맨 볼이 튀어! 달릴거야 펑펑 SL 맨 발사기 아빠와 함께 놀자
■チャンネル登録はこちら / Channel subscript → https://goo.gl/in9442
9月号増刊「おともだち❤ピンク」は、ピンク色がとっても可愛い「メロディ★リボンバトン」がついてくる♪ スイッチをおすと「魔法つかいプリキュア!」の新しいエンディング曲と、「おともだち❤ピンク」オリジナル変身メロディがながれるよ! はってはがせるシールでデコして、プリキュアといっしょにおどっちゃおう♡
「ひみつの ポムポムちゃん」のポムポムちゃんに、私服を紹介するお仕事がはいったよ! バトンの変身メロディをながしておはなしを読んでね♪ 「かみさまみならい ヒミツのここたま」では、女の子のここたまが大集合! じょしかいって何をするのかな?
巻頭企画は「ディズニープリンセス おてがみおりがみ」☆ ディズニープリンセスからのおてがみレッスンを読んで、おともだちにおてがみをかきましょう♪ 「おともだち❤ピンク キャラクター おしゃれシールノート」では、たくさんのキャラクターのおしゃれを紹介するよ♡
ほかにも「リカちゃん おおきな ぱたぱた おとぎばなし」、「マイメロディ キャンプじょうで まちがいさがし」など、可愛くて楽しい企画が盛りだくさん! 「おともだち❤ピンク」、ゲットしてね♪
■Video Description / Overview
September Special Issue "friends pink" is, and press the ♪ switch to pink color comes with a very cute "Melody ribbon baton" and the new ending song of "witch Pretty Cure!", The "friends pink" original makeover melody flows ! And Deco in the crawling peel off seal, Let dancing together and Pretty ♡
To Pomupomu chan "Pomupomu chan secret", our work went to introduce the clothes! In ♪ I read a story by flowing a makeover melody of the baton "Kokotama of God apprentice secret", a large set is here once in a while of the girl! Do what to do you paddle Joshi?
Intro planning is reading your letter lessons from the "Disney Princess your letter origami" ☆ Disney Princess, in ♪ Let oysters your letter to your friends, "friends pink character fashionable seal Notes", introduces the fashionable of a lot of character I to ♡
In addition to "Rika-chan big flapping fairy tale", such as "looking for mistakes in the My Melody camp-like", cute and fun planning Lots! "Friends pink", ♪ then get
9 월호 증간 "친구 핑크"는 핑크색이 너무 귀엽다 "멜로디 리본 버튼 '가 따라 온다 ♪ 스위치를 누르면 「마법사 프리큐어!」의 새로운 엔딩 곡과'친구 핑크"원래 변신 멜로디가 흐르는 야! 붙여 벗길 스티커 데코하고 프리큐어와 함께 おどっ 버리자 ♡
"비밀 뽀무뽀무 짱 '의 뽀무뽀무 짱 사복을 소개하는 일이 접어 들었다! 버튼의 변신 멜로디를 흘리고 이야기를 읽어주세요 ♪ "하나님 견습 비밀의 ここたま"는 여자의 여기 총알이 대 집합! 여자 보람은 무엇을하는 것일까?
권두 기획은 "디즈니 프린세스 편지 종이 접기」☆ 디즈니 프린세스의 편지 레슨을 읽고, 친구에게 편지를 씁시다 ♪"친구 핑크 캐릭터 패션 스티커 노트 '에서는 많은 캐릭터의 멋을 소개 해요 ♡
그 밖에도 「리카 커다란 톡톡 동화 ','마이 멜로디 캠프 형태로 틀린 그림 찾기 '등 귀엽고 재미있는 기획이 풍성! "친구 핑크"겟트 해주세요 ♪
■↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓次のおすすめ動画/Next Recommend Video/下一個推薦視訊/下一个推荐视频/다음의 추천 동영상↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓■
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Hane&Mari'sWorld | 魔法使いプリキュア おもちゃ | Maho Girls PreCure TOYS | 魔法使光之美少女 玩具 | 마법사 프리큐어 장난감
Hane&Mari'sWolrd | マクドナルド マック ハッピーセット おもちゃ | McDonald Japan Happy Meal Toys | 麥當勞歡樂兒童套餐玩具
Hane&Mari'sWorld | ここたま おもちゃ | Kokotama Toys
Hane&Mari'sWorld | プリキュアオールスターズ | Precure All Stars | 光之美少女全明星
Hane&Mari'sWorld | トミカ おもちゃ | TOMICA TOMY CAR TOY | 日本多美小汽車玩具 | 日本多美小汽车玩具 | 일본 토미카 장난감
Hane&Mari'sWorld | 食玩おもちゃ開封紹介動画 | Candy Toy Chocolat Eggs Review Videos | 日本食品玩具開箱介紹視訊 | 日本零食附赠玩具开箱视频
Hane&Mari'sWorld | ガチャガチャ ガシャポン ガチャポン カプセルトイ | Japan GASHAPON Capsule Toy | 빙글 빙글 가샤폰 가체 폰 캡슐 토이 | 日本扭蛋 轉蛋 玩具
Hane&Mari'sWorld | スーパー サプライズ エッグ | チョコエッグ | Super Surprise Egg | Chocolate Egg
■撮影機材/Photographic Equipment → キャノン Canon EOS 80D + EF-S18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM

附錄appendix 在 SAKURA TV Toy&Candy Youtube 的最讚貼文
たのしい幼稚園2013.11月号 ふろく
ドキドキ!プリキュア データカードダス オリジナルカード
Appendix of a Japanese magazine
DokiDoki Precure data Carddass & Ai-chan card album
일본 잡지 부록
두근 두근 프리큐어 데이터 카드 다스 & 아이짱 카드 앨범
心跳光之美少女的Data Carddas&卡相冊