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MISS Cookie
About author
Hello! 你好我是餅乾小姐Cookie,這裡寫關於我的美髮美容、彩妝指甲、時尚穿搭、美食、旅遊生活體驗,過去曾為 FG部落格TOP 100、多個平台駐站作者、星級部落客、美妝時尚記者和評鑑專家等,也是一名業餘攝影師,部落格於2019年全新改版,將分享更多文章,有意合作者請Mail信箱 ?我的粉絲頁FB有時候也會漏信,請用BLOG部落格側邊的聯絡表格填寫 !
Hello, I'm miss cookie, hi, I am a Japanese multiracial girl. I can speak Chinese and Englilsh etc. a lifestyle blogger. Here I write about my hairdressing, manicure, fashion, food, travel and life experience. I used to be the top of FG blog 100. The author of many platforms, star blogger, beauty and fashion reporter and evaluation expert, etc. is also an amateur photographer. The blog will be revised in 2019 and will share more articles. If you are interested in co-author, please email my fan page FB. Sometimes you may miss a letter. Please fill in the contact form on the side of blog!
?Google在地嚮導第4級 ?Blog:https://reurl.cc/mn4dbA ?instagram:https://reurl.cc/m
?Google在地嚮導第4級 ?Blog:https://reurl.cc/mn4dbA ?instagram:https://reurl.cc/m