我哋係12月1日「世界愛滋病日」推出全新一輯電視電台公益廣告,主題為「了解愛 沒歧視」,以訴說浪漫愛情故事形式,向公眾傳達簡單清楚嘅訊息:愛滋病病毒感染者只要接受適切治療,病毒可降低到「不能偵測、即不能傳染」水平,同正常人一樣可以建立親密情侶關係,消除大眾誤解,攜手創造零歧視社會,並提醒公眾要有良好嘅性態度,做個負責任嘅伴侶,推廣「Love with sextitude」。
廣告片以別具創意嘅「動畫x真人」微電影手法拍攝,帶出夢想與真實之間嘅浪漫故事,並請到 周慧敏 Vivian Chow聲音演出,同埋兩位新晉演員 盧鎮業(小野) 同埋 Lam Ting 林婷 傾力演出。
Hong Kong AIDS Foundation (HKAF) launched a brand new TV & radio advertisement on "World AIDS Day"(1 December) to enhance public awareness and education of HIV/AIDS. Conveying the simple and clear message of “No more misconceptions. No more discrimination.
This is what LOVE is.”, the advertisement tells a romantic love story and shows audiences" that people living with HIV (i.e. those infected with the HIV virus) are still able to have intimate relationships with their partners as long as their own "Undetectable = Untransmittable" level can be reached with HAART treatment and good drug compliance. HKAF also aims to spread its message of “Love with Sextitude” with the advertisement.
“No more misconceptions. No more discrimination. This is what LOVE is.” is the core message the Foundation is striving to convey.
The advertisement, depicting a loving relationship, was filmed by using creative "Animation x Reality" microfilm to switch between virtual and real worlds. It is narrated by the famous Hong Kong artist Ms. Vivian Chow Wai-man. And we are also delighted to have rising stars Mr. Siuyea Lo and Ms. Angel Lam as the main characters of the advertisement.
#HongKongAidsFoundation #HKAF #WorldAidsDay #HIV #AIDS #VivianChow #HIVpositive #香港愛滋病基金會 #世界愛滋病日 #周慧敏 #盧鎮業 #LamTing #林婷
#PLHIV #微電影 #microfilm #Mindshare