#中環 <鮨慎🍣Sushi Kami>
前菜嚇死寶寶😱 身為foodie, 我算挺有冒險精神的, 未見過的食材都會往嘴裏塞😂 就算碰上較異常的味道, 都會吞下去, 因為這是對廚師的尊重!
這次的前菜, 是類似餅狀魚卵(?) 一咬下去, 奇怪的味道就隨即爆發😷 Oppa就非常刁架地, 把它吐了出來...😥
大概是因為先入為主, 餘下的午餐都不太欣賞😔 高峰點應該是這個3層toro吧!🤤
#Sushi lunch🍣 at @sushikami25100045. For starters, the appetizer really threw me off😖 No matter how bad something may be, I try my best to swallow it, as I believe that to be an act of respect to the chefs who curated the dish. However, the item was similar to a roe sac?🐟 So the repulsive flavour spewed throughout my mouth... and I spat it out😥
Well, the meal did get better as time progressed, but the first impression really deterred me a tad bit😣 The highlight had to be this 3-layered toro sushi😍 Put my troubled taste buds back at ease😌
📍中環安蘭街18號12樓 12/F, 18 On Lan Street, Central @ Sushi kami