#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀3條
│本週開除 Paramount 片廠主席之後,ViacomCBS 要把旗下這家百年電影片廠變成一個什麼樣的部門?│
• 本週好萊塢唯一比 Christopher Nolan 改投 Universal 更稱得上是震撼彈的消息是:華爾街日報披露擁有 ViacomCBS 的 Redstone 家族無預警地請旗下的電影製片廠 Paramount 的主席兼執行長 Jim Gianopulos 打包走人。 Jim Gianopulos 在2017年空降 Paramount 之前,原本在 Fox 主管 20th Century Fox、Fox Searchlight、Fox 2000、Fox Animation/Blue Sky Studios 等等多個製片廠,並且擁有《Titanic 鐵達尼號》和《Avatar 阿凡達》兩部打破一切記錄的電影資歷。
• 突然換將的理由是繼承父親 Sumner Redstone 事業的 Shri Redstone 準備大幅改組整個 ViacomCBS 集團。 Sumner Redstone 過世前原本堅持 Viacom 和 CBS 應該拆分成兩個集團,並且從未將正在崛起的串流當成集團最優先的業務。直到女兒好不容易接班,才費盡力氣說服兩個公司股東合併的利大於弊,尤其是整合起來的片庫才有機會加入串流大戰。經歷這些波折之後, ViacomCBS 姍姍來遲地在今年3月推出串流服務 Paramount+。
• 有鑑於競爭對手 Disney 和 WarnerMedia 都在去年就經歷深度組織改造,以打造完全以串流為第一優先的團隊(Warner 明年還要面臨與 Discovery 整併的另一波改組), Shri Redstone 因此將進一步改組 Paramount 這家百年老片廠。未來 Paramount 旗下的電影製作業務和電視製作業務將被拆分開來,其中電影製作將改由目前監管兒童頻道 Nickelodeon的 Brian Robbins 接手,電視製作將由 ViacomCBS 電視事業主管 David Nevins 兼管。過去一年好萊塢的改組多半與淘汰傳統電影思維有關,希望讓大腦更貼近串流業務的人可以掌握更大的決策權。被突然撤換的 Paramount 主席兼執行長 Jim Gianopulos 顯然不是老闆心目中的那個串流大腦。
• 去年疫情剛剛在全球擴散的時候,我曾寫過一篇文章回顧 Paramount 如何利用1918年橫掃全球的西班牙流感疫情,併購下游電影院,打造好萊塢第一個橫跨製作、發行和映演的超級托拉斯。100年後 Paramount 為何成為遠遠落後對手的下場?
• Forbes 的分析認為一切都跟 COVID-19 疫情完全無關, Paramount 已經在下坡路上好一陣子了。不過才幾年前 Paramount 原本還是不可一世的那家,不僅有 Tom Cruise 的《Mission Impossible 不可能的任務》系列、Hasbro 合作《Transformers 變形金剛》系列、DreamWorks Animation 的《Kung Fu Panda 功夫熊貓》系列,許多人可能早就忘記如今歸在米老鼠帝國旗下的 LucasFilm 的 Indiana Jones 系列電影以及 Marvel 的《Iron Man 鋼鐵人》系列電影原本都是以 Paramount 電影的名義發行。Paramount 一系列致命的錯誤決策包括把 Indiana Jones 讓渡給 Disney 以便跟 Disney 交換當時的超級製作人 Jerry Bruckheimer 的合作合約,另外一個更令他們後悔莫及的決策就是在 Disney 出價之前回絕了收購 Marvel 的提議。Paramount 隨後一系列搞砸的製作包含《Star Trek Beyond 星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠》《Downsizing 縮小人生》、《Annihilation 滅絕》和《Gemini Man 雙子殺手》,等於早在疫情襲來之前就已陷入和 Fox 有七十八分像的死亡螺旋。
• Hollywood Reporter 則認為 Paramount 的主席兼執行長 Jim Gianopulos 在過去這段期間深深陷入了無解的兩難。他的左手是大老闆 Shari Redstone 不斷施壓希望他盡可能餵更多內容給現在集團的一切希望所在—— 串流服務 Paramout+。他的右手則還要應付當家小生 Tom Cruise 的《Mission: Impossible 不可能的任務》和《Top Gun 捍衛戰士》 兩個系列電影必須一延再延的財務壓力,以滿足這些明星和創作者對於電影院專屬發行的不可能的堅持。
• Nickelodeon 的執行長 Brian Robbins 來做難道就有解?來自內部消息人士的說法指出 Paramount 仍會守住電影院這個通路,不過目前為止該公司其實從來沒有白紙黑字公開說過類似的話。ViacomCBS 的財務長 Naveen Chopra 則試圖安撫大家的焦慮,認為 Nickelodeon 的執行長 Brian Robbins 同時熟悉傳統發行通路和串流這個未來商業模式,自然可以掌握平衡點。值得注意的是 Brian Robbins 在專心當專業經理人之前其實做過製片和導演,還執導過運動電影《Varsity Blues 主力難當》和喜劇電影《Norbit 糯米正傳》。另外一個內部消息來源認為 Brian Robbins 至少比 WarnerMedia 執行長 Jason Kilar 更懂電影,因為 Kilar 完全是串流技術背景,才會把 Warner 的串流轉型搞得天怒人怨。
• 但另外一個不太妙的角度來自一個不具名的同業告訴 Hollywood Reporter 說「在我記憶範圍內 Brian Robbins 此生從未監管過任何一部讓人喊 WOW 的電影」。報導也認為Nickelodeon 的執行長 Brian Robbins 之所以雀屏中選是因為他早先在疫情中發行的動畫電影《PAW Patrol: The Movie 汪汪隊立大功電影版》。該片的三大特色 A) 預算節制 B) 和串流同步發行 C) 大量置入行銷很可能就是大老闆 Sumner Redstone 對於整個 Paramount 的未來期待。如果這個猜測成真,Paramount 恐怕會永遠跟那些昂貴的大片(以及昂貴的 Tom Cruise、他的昂貴分紅以及他對於電影院專屬發行的昂貴堅持)以及所有電影觀眾的 WOW 說再見。
◇ 新聞來源:
Jim Gianopulos Leaving Paramount As Chairman & CEO, Brian Robbins Expected To Take Over(https://flip.it/Nwqg.y)
Why Paramount Failed To Compete Against Disney And Netflix(https://flip.it/lvFPp1)
Shari Redstone’s Radical Paramount Overhaul Sets Up Clash With Filmmakers(https://flip.it/COzaG9)
│決心要滿足年輕的迷因股投資人就滿足到底,AMC電影院預計將開始收以太幣和萊特幣買電影票 │
◇ 新聞來源:AMC will let customers pay in Ethereum and Litecoin by the end of the year(https://flip.it/yBljm4)
│Christopher Nolan 開出的那些 Universal 無法回絕的條件曝光│
◇ 新聞來源:Here's Everything Christopher Nolan Demanded from Universal For His Oppenheimer Movie(https://flip.it/FHzuOI)
同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Lockon Starfish,也在其Youtube影片中提到,สรุปไฮไลท์ข่าวเกมออกใหม่ในงาน The Game Awards 2020 - สัปดาห์นี้ในวงการเกม [TGA Special] ------------------------------------------------- ติดตามบน Twi...
「20 century year」的推薦目錄:
20 century year 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Northwest's Salmon Population May Be Running Out of Time
A Washington state report put it bluntly ( ): Because of the devastating ( ) effects of climate change and deteriorating ( ) habitats ( ), several species of salmon in the Pacific Northwest are “on the brink of ( ) extinction ( ).”
Of the 14 species of salmon and steelhead trout in Washington state that have been deemed ( ) endangered ( ) and are protected under the Endangered Species Act, 10 are lagging ( ) recovery goals, and five are considered “in crisis,” according to the 2020 State of Salmon in Watersheds report.
“Time is running out,” said the report, which is produced every other year ( ) by the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “The climate is changing, rivers are warming, habitat is diminishing ( ), and the natural systems that support salmon in the Pacific Northwest need help now more than ever.”
Researchers say recovery efforts — involving state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, local conservation groups and others — have helped slow the decline of some salmon populations. The report found that two species — the Hood Canal summer chum and Snake River fall chinook — were approaching ( ) their recovery goals. It also noted that no new salmon species had been added to the endangered list since 2007.
“We are at least treading water,” said Kaleen Cottingham, director of the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “We have not, however, seen the kind of progress ( ) that we had hoped for.”
With the effects of climate change expected to accelerate ( ), researchers said that more must be done to prevent further population decline and the possible extinction of some species.
Salmon play a vital ( ) role in the environment, economy and culture of the Pacific Northwest. At least 138 species depend on salmon for their food in some way. Salmon support an estimated ( ) 16,000 jobs in the fishing industry, and they are a draw ( ) for tourists.
Before the 20th century, an estimated 10 million to 16 million adult salmon and steelhead trout returned annually to the Columbia River system. The current return of wild fish is 2% of that.
One of the largest factors inhibiting salmon recovery is habitat loss. A growing human population has led to development along the shoreline and the addition of bulkheads, or sea walls, that encroach ( ) on beaches where salmon generally find insects and other food. More pavement ( ) and hard surfaces have contributed to an increase in toxic stormwater runoff ( ) that pollutes Puget Sound.
美國西北部鮭魚 陷瀕臨絕種危機
華盛頓州一篇報告直截了當指出,由於氣候變遷跟棲地劣化的毀滅性影響, 美國西北部有數種鮭魚「瀕臨滅絕」。
華盛頓州休閒與保育辦公室主任Kaleen Cottingham說:「我們至少勉強穩住了情況,但我們沒有看到我們所期望的進展。」
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
#高中英文 #成人英文
#多益家教班 #商用英文
20 century year 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳解答
【國立臺灣大學 109學年度畢業典禮 校長致詞】
Opening Remarks, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
President Dr. Chung-Ming Kuan
各位師長同仁,各位畢業同學以及家長們,歡迎大家參加 109 學年度的線上畢業典禮。
然而這個世界從不曾平靜。今年畢業的同學多數出生於1999 年,那正是規模達 7.3 的 921 大地震發生的那一年。時隔四年,亞洲(包括臺灣)爆發了罕見的急性呼吸道感染病 SARS。不過五年之後,源自美國的金融海嘯席捲全球,影響全世界經濟數年之久。2009 更是不平靜的一年,臺灣出現莫拉克風災,造成慘重傷亡;全球則爆發了 H1N1 流感大流行,數十萬人因此死亡。這些當時都曾被認為是數十年(甚至百年)一遇的重大災難。
當然,新冠疫情的影響範圍遠超過 SARS 與 H1N1 流感,對世界的衝擊則更大於金融海嘯。近代能與這次疫情相比的是一百年前 (1918-1920) 的全球流感大流行;據後來估計,當時全世界人口三分之一染疫,約有五千萬人因此不幸喪生。
*「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley
When the COVID-19 pandemic began last year, NTU was still able to hold graduation ceremonies in person but on a much smaller scale and with the absence of many faculty members, students, and parents. Earlier this year, we were hoping to gather for a traditional commencement. But the sudden outbreak in May had forced Taipei City to raise its epidemic alert level. So we postponed the Commencement and made the decision to hold the ceremony virtually. This is the first virtual Commencement in NTU history.
To our faculty, new graduates, and parents, welcome to the National Taiwan University’s Commencement celebration for the Class of 2021.
As the pandemic unfolds, digital is the new normal. While we gradually adapt to online learning, virtual meetings, social media, online shopping, and food delivery, it is inescapably disappointing for many students and parents to have to celebrate the achievements of our graduates this way after anticipating this event for four years. And because of this, the Office of Student Affairs has teamed up with the graduates to ensure that this unique virtual Commencement is a moment that everyone will remember fondly in the future.
Some of you may ask, "why does this happen just when we are graduation?" And some of you may think optimistically that once the vaccines are available and the pandemic is contained, the world will be back to normal, and that we will all live peacefully.
But the world has never been peaceful. Most of the graduates this year were born in 1999, when the magnitude 7.3 earthquake happened on September 21. Four years after, SARS broke out in Asia, including Taiwan. Within another 5 years, the financial crisis, originated in the United States, affected global economies for years. In 2009, Typhoon Morakot landed and caused severe casualties in Taiwan; the H1N1 flu pandemic took hundreds of thousands of lives. These disasters were, at the time, seen as rare catastrophes that would only take place once every few decades, or even centuries.
Looking back to the past 20 years, we’d notice that, even just in Taiwan, catastrophes have never been in short supply. And they will probably never be in the future either.
Of course, the effect of COVID is far beyond SARS and H1N1, and its impact is greater than the financial crises. What came close was the Spanish flu that took place a century ago (1918-1920), when, according to estimation, one-third of the global population was infected and about 50 million people died.
The influenza pandemic outbreak took place at the end of WWI and hit the German military especially hard. And after the pandemic, Germany was forced to cede its territories to the great powers. What followed was the fall of the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empires. The series of events reset the international order and formed the settings for many conflicts in the years to come.
While COVID did not break out during a world war, it came at a critical time when great powers bicker and the global supply chains face a reform. The post-pandemic ear is therefore full of uncertainty. I don’t know whether it’d be a "Brave New World"* once the international political and economic orders are reshuffled. But it will be a world we have to live in. There will be many challenges and opportunities, and it will be our new task to utilize what we have learned to tackle challenges and grasp opportunities. Unlike any standardize
d test, you will have to answer and grade the answers yourselves.
I also want to use this opportunity to remind the graduates, that we must have appreciation and gratitude for the healthcare workers who are on the frontlines fighting. Many of them are our faculty members and alums. When the waves of the pandemic hit, they stood up to save lives and protect Taiwan’s society. They are true heroes. As long as we work together, we will weather the crisis and win this battle.
Finally, on behalf of the faculty and management, I send you our deepest best wishes. And congratulations to the parents and families who have supported the graduates for years. I wish you success and good health.
One final thing, I remember reading an article by a foreign writer who said he had lived in Taiwan for years and had noticed that Taiwanese people have a strange habit of saying "be careful" when they part ways. When I read the article, this resonates with me from the heart. For years, my mother would say the same thing whenever I am leaving the house. Now I say the same thing to my children, too. So at this Commencement ceremony, I wish everyone great success in the future, good health, and "be careful."
*「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #校長致詞
20 century year 在 Lockon Starfish Youtube 的最佳解答
สรุปไฮไลท์ข่าวเกมออกใหม่ในงาน The Game Awards 2020 - สัปดาห์นี้ในวงการเกม [TGA Special]
ติดตามบน Twitter
0:00 Intro
0:48 Sephiroth จะเป็นตัวละครใหม่ใน Smash Bros. Ultimate
1:30 Microsoft ประกาศเปิดตัวเกม Perfect Dark ภาคใหม่
3:01 Back 4 Blood ประกาศเปิดตัว + ปล่อยตัวอย่างเกมเพลย์
4:07 Callisto Protocol เกมสยองขวัญในจักรวาลเดียวกันกับ PUBG
5:16 Crimson Desert เกม Open-World RPG
6:39 Ark 2 ประกาศเปิดตัว โดยมี Vin Diesel เป็นตัวละครหลัก
7:25 Evil Dead: The Game ประกาศเปิดตัว
8:04 Returnal ปล่อยตัวอย่างใหม่พร้อมประกาศวันวางจำหน่าย
8:44 Monster Hunter Rise ปล่อยตัวอย่างใหม่
10:29 Evil West เกมจากผู้สร้าง Shadow Warrior
11:15 Mass Effect และ Dragon Age ประกาศภาคใหม่
12:40 Century: Age of Ashes เกมขี่มังกร free to play
13:28 ประกาศสั้นๆ
14:34 ผลรางวัลในหมวดต่างๆ
17:52 คุยช่วงท้าย
พบแก็งค์กักตุน PS5 ไว้กว่า 3500 เครื่อง! | ซลาตันโวยเกม FIFA21?
หนัง Monster Hunter ปล่อยตัวอย่างใหม่! | อัพเดต! Capcom โดนแฮก
Square Enix ขาดทุน 1450 ล้าน | เกมเมอร์ไทยแห่คืนเงิน AC Valhalla
ปล. รายการนี้ได้แรงบรรดาลใจมาจาก This week in gaming ของช่อง Levelcap
กับสรุปข่าวประจำสัปดาห์ของช่อง gameranx ครับ
Sephiroth จะกลายเป็นตัวละครรับเชิญใหม่ในเกม Smash Bros. Ultimate
Microsoft ประกาศเปิดตัวเกม Perfect Dark ภาคใหม่
Back 4 Blood ประกาศเปิดตัว พร้อมปล่อยตัวอย่างเกมเพลย์
Callisto Protocol เกมสยองขวัญในจักรวาลเดียวกันกับ PUBG
Crimson Desert เกม Open-World RPG จากผู้สร้าง Black Desert Online ประกาศเปิดตัว
Ark 2 ประกาศเปิดตัว โดยจะมี Vin Diesel เป็นตัวละครหลัก
Evil Dead: The Game ประกาศเปิดตัว
Returnal ปล่อยตัวอย่างใหม่พร้อมประกาศวันวางจำหน่าย
Monster Hunter Rise ปล่อยตัวอย่างใหม่ พร้อมประกาศ Demo
Evil West เกมจากผู้สร้าง Shadow Warrior ประกาศเปิดตัว
Mass Effect และ Dragon Age ประกาศภาคใหม่
Century: Age of Ashes เกมขี่มังกร Multiplayer free to play
อัพเดตใหม่ของ Elder Scrolls Online จะใช้ชื่อว่า Gates of Oblivion
Master Chief จะได้เป็นสกินใหม่ในเกม Fortnite
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey ปล่อยตัวอย่างเกมเพลย์
20 century year 在 Gary Golf Youtube 的最佳解答
Saint Seiya: Awakening
Kurumada introduced Thanatos in the final parts of the Hades arc of his manga, specifically in vol. 27, and he is portrayed as very cruel, merciless, hateful towards humans, haughty, and non-hesitant to whimsically inflict death. He was sealed along with his brother by Athena after being defeated in her last battle against Hades, in the 18th century. Thanatos spent 243 years sealed in a box marked with the Seal of Athena, and only regained his freedom after the box was opened by a curiosity-driven 3-year-old Pandora, to whom he announced that the resurrection of Hades was near and that she would serve them henceforth.
As described by the Pegasus Saint Seiya when they first encountered, he is identical to his brother Hypnos, the only difference being Thanatos' silver-colored eyes and hair, as opposed to Hypnos' golden. A strange-looking star is placed in his forehead. Unlike his brother Hypnos, who is more calm and calculating, Thanatos is prone to lose his temper and act without any regard for consequences when influenced by rage.
ช่อง สัตว์เลี้ยง
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20 century year 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文
Now That Prospects Are More Skeptical Than Ever, Here Are Dan’s 7 Powerful Ways To Write Better Sales Copy. If You Want To Know Some Of Dan’s Most Advanced And Best-Kept Copywriting Secrets, Click Here: http://bettersalescopy.danlok.link
Although copywriting is one of the most lucrative skills you can develop in the 21st century, prospects are bombarded with hundreds of ads every day. So if you want to know how to write powerful and persuasive copy, watch this video now, as Dan Lok shares 7 powerful ways to write better sales copy instantly.
Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
1.) Boss In The Bentley - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-
2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4
3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ
Dan Lok is a Chinese-Canadian business magnate and global educator known for being the founder and chairman of Closers.com - the world’s #1 virtual-closers network, Copywriters.com, and SalesCalls.com. Beyond his businesses, Mr. Lok has led several global movements to redefine modern education where he has taught individuals from 150+ countries to develop high income skills and financial confidence.
Beyond his success in business, he was also a two time TEDx opening speaker. An international best-selling author of 12+ books. A member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) - a private group of global chief executives whose companies employ 22 million people and generate 9-trillion USD in annual revenues. He also hosts The Dan Lok Show - a series on elite business tycoons and world-leading entrepreneurs.
Today, Mr. Lok continues to be featured in thousands of media channels and publications every year and is widely seen as one of the top business leaders by millions around the world.
If you want the no b.s. way to master your financial destiny, then learn from Dan. Subscribe to his channel now.
YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
Dan Lok Blog: http://blog.danlok.link
Facebook: http://facebook.danlok.link
Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link
Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
#DanLok #SalesCopy #Powerful
Please understand that by watching Dan’s videos or enrolling in his programs does not mean you’ll get results close to what he’s been able to do (or do anything for that matter).
He’s been in business for over 20 years and his results are not typical.
Most people who watch his videos or enroll in his programs get the “how to” but never take action with the information. Dan is only sharing what has worked for him and his students.
Your results are dependent on many factors… including but not limited to your ability to work hard, commit yourself, and do whatever it takes.
Entering any business is going to involve a level of risk as well as massive commitment and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH DAN’S VIDEOS OR SIGN UP FOR ONE OF HIS PROGRAMS.
This video is about 7 Powerful Ways To Write Better Sales Copy