2012年腸病毒流行, 全台灣有153個重症案例,當時我診斷一個孩子是流感,爸爸媽媽鬆了一口氣說:「是流感就好,幸好不是腸病毒」。
前幾天我診斷一個孩子是腸病毒,爸爸媽媽說:「是腸病毒就太好了,幸好不是COVID-19 」。
曾幾何時,生病的時候,只要不是COVID-19 都會感到高興,大家要珍惜生命中的每一件事,不要為眼前的困難而煩惱。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#流感是時下最流行的感冒嗎 #完全不是這樣ㄚ ✔︎ 成為志祺七七會員:http://bit.ly/join_shasha77 ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe ✔︎ 追蹤志祺 の IG :https://www.instagram.co...
2009年h1n1流感大流行 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
【國立臺灣大學 109學年度畢業典禮 校長致詞】
Opening Remarks, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
President Dr. Chung-Ming Kuan
各位師長同仁,各位畢業同學以及家長們,歡迎大家參加 109 學年度的線上畢業典禮。
然而這個世界從不曾平靜。今年畢業的同學多數出生於1999 年,那正是規模達 7.3 的 921 大地震發生的那一年。時隔四年,亞洲(包括臺灣)爆發了罕見的急性呼吸道感染病 SARS。不過五年之後,源自美國的金融海嘯席捲全球,影響全世界經濟數年之久。2009 更是不平靜的一年,臺灣出現莫拉克風災,造成慘重傷亡;全球則爆發了 H1N1 流感大流行,數十萬人因此死亡。這些當時都曾被認為是數十年(甚至百年)一遇的重大災難。
當然,新冠疫情的影響範圍遠超過 SARS 與 H1N1 流感,對世界的衝擊則更大於金融海嘯。近代能與這次疫情相比的是一百年前 (1918-1920) 的全球流感大流行;據後來估計,當時全世界人口三分之一染疫,約有五千萬人因此不幸喪生。
*「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley
When the COVID-19 pandemic began last year, NTU was still able to hold graduation ceremonies in person but on a much smaller scale and with the absence of many faculty members, students, and parents. Earlier this year, we were hoping to gather for a traditional commencement. But the sudden outbreak in May had forced Taipei City to raise its epidemic alert level. So we postponed the Commencement and made the decision to hold the ceremony virtually. This is the first virtual Commencement in NTU history.
To our faculty, new graduates, and parents, welcome to the National Taiwan University’s Commencement celebration for the Class of 2021.
As the pandemic unfolds, digital is the new normal. While we gradually adapt to online learning, virtual meetings, social media, online shopping, and food delivery, it is inescapably disappointing for many students and parents to have to celebrate the achievements of our graduates this way after anticipating this event for four years. And because of this, the Office of Student Affairs has teamed up with the graduates to ensure that this unique virtual Commencement is a moment that everyone will remember fondly in the future.
Some of you may ask, "why does this happen just when we are graduation?" And some of you may think optimistically that once the vaccines are available and the pandemic is contained, the world will be back to normal, and that we will all live peacefully.
But the world has never been peaceful. Most of the graduates this year were born in 1999, when the magnitude 7.3 earthquake happened on September 21. Four years after, SARS broke out in Asia, including Taiwan. Within another 5 years, the financial crisis, originated in the United States, affected global economies for years. In 2009, Typhoon Morakot landed and caused severe casualties in Taiwan; the H1N1 flu pandemic took hundreds of thousands of lives. These disasters were, at the time, seen as rare catastrophes that would only take place once every few decades, or even centuries.
Looking back to the past 20 years, we’d notice that, even just in Taiwan, catastrophes have never been in short supply. And they will probably never be in the future either.
Of course, the effect of COVID is far beyond SARS and H1N1, and its impact is greater than the financial crises. What came close was the Spanish flu that took place a century ago (1918-1920), when, according to estimation, one-third of the global population was infected and about 50 million people died.
The influenza pandemic outbreak took place at the end of WWI and hit the German military especially hard. And after the pandemic, Germany was forced to cede its territories to the great powers. What followed was the fall of the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empires. The series of events reset the international order and formed the settings for many conflicts in the years to come.
While COVID did not break out during a world war, it came at a critical time when great powers bicker and the global supply chains face a reform. The post-pandemic ear is therefore full of uncertainty. I don’t know whether it’d be a "Brave New World"* once the international political and economic orders are reshuffled. But it will be a world we have to live in. There will be many challenges and opportunities, and it will be our new task to utilize what we have learned to tackle challenges and grasp opportunities. Unlike any standardize
d test, you will have to answer and grade the answers yourselves.
I also want to use this opportunity to remind the graduates, that we must have appreciation and gratitude for the healthcare workers who are on the frontlines fighting. Many of them are our faculty members and alums. When the waves of the pandemic hit, they stood up to save lives and protect Taiwan’s society. They are true heroes. As long as we work together, we will weather the crisis and win this battle.
Finally, on behalf of the faculty and management, I send you our deepest best wishes. And congratulations to the parents and families who have supported the graduates for years. I wish you success and good health.
One final thing, I remember reading an article by a foreign writer who said he had lived in Taiwan for years and had noticed that Taiwanese people have a strange habit of saying "be careful" when they part ways. When I read the article, this resonates with me from the heart. For years, my mother would say the same thing whenever I am leaving the house. Now I say the same thing to my children, too. So at this Commencement ceremony, I wish everyone great success in the future, good health, and "be careful."
*「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #校長致詞
2009年h1n1流感大流行 在 CUP 媒體 Facebook 的最讚貼文
世界衛生組織對上一次宣佈「全球大流行」是在 2009 年。當年,新型流感病毒 #H1N1 首先在墨西哥出現,隨後迅速在全球傳播。6 月,世衛宣佈全球進入流感大流行。此前一個月,#台灣 在出現首宗境外傳入病例後,與應對武漢肺炎一樣迅速採取防疫措施,獲得國際肯定;而在推廣 #疫苗接種計劃 方面,則同樣面臨挑戰。
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2009年h1n1流感大流行 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文
#流感是時下最流行的感冒嗎 #完全不是這樣ㄚ
✔︎ 成為志祺七七會員:http://bit.ly/join_shasha77
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00:45 「流行性感冒」是什麼?
02:10 流感為什麼這麼厲害?
04:43 流感要怎麼預防?
05:42 打疫苗會不會有危險?
07:02 武漢肺炎會變成「流感」嗎?
07:56 我們的觀點
09:14 提問
09:37 掰比
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ 👨⚕️流行性感冒症狀有哪些?如何預防及治療?圖文完整解說!:http://bit.ly/38zOV0O
→ 👨⚕️維基|流行性感冒病毒:http://bit.ly/2SJc61K
→ 👨⚕️關鍵評論網|我們為什麼要擔心禽流感?流感的H、N又是什麼意思?:http://bit.ly/37vxZHd
→ 👨⚕️維基|2009年H1N1新型流感疫情:http://bit.ly/37x02q2
→ 👨⚕️維基|1918年流感大流行(西班牙流感):http://bit.ly/2SS86fw
→ 👨⚕️維基|流行性感冒病毒:http://bit.ly/2SJc61K
→ 👨⚕️維基|A型流感病毒:http://bit.ly/2SxviRc
→ 👨⚕️維基|A型流感病毒H1N1亞型:http://bit.ly/2vGtGeY
→ 👨⚕️衛福部疾管署|流感疫苗:http://bit.ly/2HqZWWa
→ 👨⚕️衛福部|流感宣導衛教資訊:http://bit.ly/38zSp3m
→ 👨⚕️衛福部疾管署|流感併發重症:http://bit.ly/2OZt62J
→ 👨⚕️MedPartner|流感疫苗有效嗎?副作用有哪些?常見問題整理一篇搞懂!:http://bit.ly/31Y6mFQ
→ 👨⚕️康健|流感疫苗將開打,8大疑慮說清楚:http://bit.ly/38zW15o
→ 👨⚕️今周刊|流感疫苗 不是人人都能打:http://bit.ly/2HraoNw
→ 👨⚕️Heho健康|台灣流感已56死!醫師:還有42萬劑公費疫苗能「救人一命」:http://bit.ly/39CSR0M
→ 👨⚕️衛福部|流感併發重症:http://bit.ly/37ByvUa
→ 👨⚕️疾管署|新聞稿:春節將至,提醒民眾儘速接種流感疫苗,以獲得足夠保護力:http://bit.ly/39Dahue
→ 👨⚕️BBC 中文|武漢新型冠狀病毒肺炎會成為全球流行病嗎?:https://bbc.in/2HwKlV0
→ 👨⚕️關鍵評論網|專家預測「武漢肺炎」可能演化如「流感」,美國首例確診病患康復中:http://bit.ly/2uSfzmL
→ 👨⚕️中央社|翁啟惠:武漢肺炎病毒恐演化成常態傳染病:http://bit.ly/2SwEmpy
→ 👨⚕️聯合|中研院示警:武漢肺炎病毒三大特性 恐成常態傳染病:http://bit.ly/2HwhZdG
→ 👨⚕️上報|【武漢肺炎】武漢肺炎、流感、感冒怎麼分?防疫醫師告訴你這個症狀不同 :http://bit.ly/2UVscZ2
→ 👨⚕️聯合|小心流感要你命!全球致死65萬人 大家卻只注意武肺?原因恐是這個:http://bit.ly/38zpexn
2009年h1n1流感大流行 在 H1N1新型流感大流行 - 衛生福利部疾病管制署 的相關結果
2009年H1N1 新型流感病毒的浮現出乎意料,除了疫情發生的地點是在美洲,而不是原先所預期. 的亞洲之外,病毒株及嚴重度亦與之前的假定不同。 「大流行(pandemic)」是指 ... ... <看更多>
2009年h1n1流感大流行 在 台灣怎麼撐過2009年爆發的H1N1?網曝「關鍵原因」 - 三立新聞 的相關結果
該名網友今(18)日在PTT八卦版發文,表示近代傳染病毒除了大家最常提及的SARS、MERS外,還有2009年爆發的「H1N1新型流感」,該疫情是由「流感病毒新型變 ... ... <看更多>
2009年h1n1流感大流行 在 2009年H1N1流感疫情- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 的相關結果
2013年公布的數據顯示,在流感季中,全世界每5人中就有1人感染H1N1新型流感,但死亡率可能不到0.02% 。2009年5月底,該流感在墨西哥死亡率達2%, ... ... <看更多>