Dearest fans of PGL and especially the Early Birds who have bought tickets since we first announced the show in November 2019…
It’s really heartbreaking for me to have to announce the postponement of Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) to next year🥺
All through MCO, all I could think of was how to make the show happen. I’m completely devastated, as the production team, cast and and I have been working so hard to bring this much-loved show back in its full glory.
We had contemplated the idea of conducting dialogue and song rehearsals via Zoom, and even thought of recording dance choreography on video for the cast to learn. At this point, almost every cast member already knows the scenes and songs by heart, as we have been workshopping and rehearsing since December 2019!
However, we would STILL have needed to rehearse together physically at some point, before going on stage. We have finalised set designs and the digital content as well as costumes, props and technical requirements. We even invested in new technical equipment, in preparation for July. But, sadly, with only 6 weeks to go before our opening night and the pandemic still at large, it looks impossible now.
I know you will be so disappointed, and I’m so sorry this happened😥. But the health and safety of our cast, production team and YOU our audiences have to come first right now. We also want to respect and adhere to the government’s rulings on gatherings.
The pandemic took us all by shock and surprise and we were forced to hit the pause button. But I PROMISE YOU, that when Puteri Gunung Ledang finally goes on stage next year, it will be the most spectacular show you’ve ever seen. We'll make it worth your wait.
Please accept my love, respect and thanks for your understanding and support during this challenging time for all of us. And please keep supporting performing arts in any way you can.
Stay safe everyone, till next year 😭💔
Love, Tiara
同時也有63部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅林子安 AnViolin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: WEIBO: Spotify:htt...
「2019 hit songs」的推薦目錄:
2019 hit songs 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳解答
[154881] 21681. 奪命公寓1BR (2019)★★5.8/10 - 1,252 票__David Marmor╍
[154882] 21682. 星之來客To The Stars (2019)★★5.9/10 - 475 票__Martha Stephens
[154883] 21683. Hot Sugar: God's Hand (2015)★★∿
[154884] 21684. Mark Lanegan & PJ Harvey - Hit the City (2004)★★★
[154885] 21685. Mark Lanegan: Bubblegum (2004)★★★
[154886] 21686. Mark Lanegan: Field Songs (2001)★★★
[154887] 21687. Mark Lanegan: Whiskey for the Holy Ghost (1994)★★★
[154888] 21688. Donato Dozzy: The Loud Silence (2015)★★★
[154889] 21689. Donato Dozzy & Nuel: The Aquaplano Sessions (2014)★★★∿
[154890] 21690. Donato Dozzy: Plays Bee Mask (2013)★★★
2019 hit songs 在 FIR阿沁 Facebook 的最佳解答
去年一個緣分受邀韓國little cheer girl品牌 與 STKT / 跟Future Idol音樂總監、與作品監製。主要這個工作是屬於好玩、休閒的心情接下,目的性也不太強,就是提供自己音樂技術與觀念上的專業出去,因為這個新工作,自己也把2000以來的Kpop Top songs 三大公司、跟旗下一些新舊大團都全部研讀一遍,一方面當作作曲與編曲的趨勢研究(樂譜和弦總舖全拆解這種細節),一方面從流行音樂fashion角度去看產業,2000-2004年我做過一次這樣類似的事(當時是拆解J pop 小室哲哉 濱崎步 X 彩虹 DAI等等)。這次我帶著12-16人的編曲、製作、詞曲、演唱、團隊拆解1000多首主要容易hit的kpop歌曲 曲式、旋律、配器。切出8-12種主要音樂風格結構與節奏的等等,當然本來作曲就是屬於快速度的我,除了帶團隊也親自按照研究結論寫了40多首的kpop路線歌曲,有男生有女生適合的舞曲歌曲。40多首寫下來,有幾個有趣小心得。
1.我們有在編曲的人都知道,kpop 主流公司的reference 通常是美國billboard 或是 Edm billboard 的Top100 再mix 比較’用力‘的編曲 trap dubstep 之類的元素,韓國收歌資訊過來時(公司即將發片歌手的樂風需求),大概都是這樣描述。just like Ref song,but add some Future bass or Dubstep ...
2.加料編曲的概念一方面是讓音樂可以’炸一點‘,一方面也是掩飾歌手能力無法與歐美舞曲大嗓音歌手相比的狀況。但是因為compressor 越壓越多,隨著2000-2010十年變化,動態越壓越平,所以我在研究韓國hit song時,發現一件事,我一次研究時間無法太長3小時大概耳朵會有省美疲勞😪 不是我耳朵會痛(因為音量其實都會轉蠻小的)只是會沒有辦法去「感覺」導致當天無法繼續研究下去,少了感覺的研究變成採譜機器,其實研究本質意義是0。但同樣的研究在2000年時期我聽DAI 彩虹 是沒有的狀況,當時整晚8-10小時連續甚至研究一首歌,都不會無感,甚至越來越感動。(奇妙)應該跟麻辣鍋不能吃三小時以上概念一樣,重口味的音樂(kpop)似乎較適合廣告式的快速點狀轟炸(在大賣場突然播放一首kpop耳朵會豎起來)
3.另外,整體kpop 和聲的比例也相較滿,一方面合理化這件事是採取 男‘團’ 女‘團’ 的模組,視覺與聽覺很無違和的可以接受高三、低三、低八、高八的合音堆疊,大部分kpop歌曲副歌抽掉instrumental,幾乎都是阿卡貝拉了(笑)和聲多除了補足原本lead vocal 本質限制頻率補滿之外,還可以很順勢的將專業的錄音室和聲老師加入團隊(隱形團員),其實這並沒有什麼道德的問題,國語唱片就算是金曲天后唱片和聲80%以上也是需要和聲老師來包,因為同一個人就算唱再多軌在某些頻率上還是會空,由不同音質的和聲放置在合宜的相位與和弦,是非常好的作法。而幕前的成員專注在live表演、MV眼神、偶像藝人的訓練,其實時間上安排這樣也是很對的。
第四點是我個人心得,因為兩個月內寫40首kpop其實平均三天寫2首,時間是緊迫的,所以第一個事情是直接訂女key是更方便的,我自己音域C5 -E5 是可以使用的強假音,所以副歌動機即興一出來,立刻寫出極簡山水譜(這個這邊不細述,我的學生都知道我的作曲課程 minimalism Compose 理論的),然後男生哼男生key是沒問題的,但女key因為過高,所以假音寫完的topline我會用低八度再順人性化的轉音,非常好用,立刻可以自己檢測出幾句有問題與bug的topline,然後再高八度回去完成demo演唱(DEMO我女key是自理,省時間)。再來,關於原則上副歌第一句,也就是kpop要洗腦你的那句動機句出來,包含主副歌音域分配,A B C D bridge的反覆次數,就可以計算出來,一般來說 intro A B C inter 2A 2B 2C bridge 3C 剛好可以控制再3:30-4:20秒是蠻剛好的,不過常常在Kpop 的 B 或 bridge 會整個給你一段 聽起來突兀但其實很合理的饒舌。這段饒舌其實就是方便給5-7位成員中,演唱旋律線比較沒優勢的成員有畫面。是很科學的思考法!(也巧妙避開第一點談到使用billboard REF的問題,人類在主觀意識中,Rap模仿比較不會跟旋律模仿做這麼直接的聯想,很少有人會說xxx主持人講話方式模仿xxx,歌唱就很容易說xxx唱歌像誰)
倒著做,意思就是副歌編曲旋律先做好做滿,甚至pre mastering一下,感覺可以在大賣場驚艷聽眾了(笑)就可以放心的開始編主歌,我在寫情歌偶爾也會這樣,但比例沒有kpop這麼高(笑)表示kpop歌曲,你有一個超強副歌比有一堆主歌重要100倍(誠懇笑)
「如果副歌夠強,其實你不用太在乎主歌有幾段!」這個結論我尚在實驗中,但,似乎現在趨勢是這樣,2017-2019的kpop主歌似乎已經可以開放自由free style了,這是讓我比較安慰的一部分,當2000以後流行歌曲開始被瘋狂quntize(一種音樂用詞,就是把音符強迫放到精準的格線上)2012-2017的kpop老實說我個人是覺得有點單一的,rap-高音-炸 rap-高音-炸 rap-高音-炸 以上三元素無限反覆,只能靠編曲免強改變不同段落層次感。但尤其到2019年中後,kpop top 上有一些微轉變,從CL 比較chill 的樂風,懶懶的唱法也開始嘗試,BTS有點說不上來怪怪但有不難聽的主歌,好像整體比較好玩一點,但相對的「點閱好像變低」!?可能要未來才知道了。
一個資深Jpop Jrock 的忠實粉絲的我,當年拆解上百曲子去分析日本作曲家邏輯歸納的,爾後開始創造類Jpop 的華語pop的我。這兩年開始同樣模式拆解kpop,我覺得創作初心是差不多的都是「創造」,但Jpop背後隱藏似乎更多的是樂器演奏、錄製、和弦用法的邏輯,還有錄音學。像東京事變你總譜來還是看不懂,就算也買了龜田誠治同一把bass也不行,因為它器樂的聲響要用手指與音響器材一起運作才能達到!kpop重在你要有廣告人腦袋,3分鐘一共180秒的歌曲,假設分給7人女團,一人其時只有28秒的表現時間(扣掉大場面、空景、其實kpop成員平均應該分不到15秒😅)一個作曲家要塞給哪一個成員哪些東西,去支撐她的粉絲繼續崇拜她,這變成作曲家或許不用再煩惱guitar pick up跟音響型號匹配,但勢必要從音樂家、提升為製作人、甚至廣告人的高格局思維。
kpop Jpop Cpop 不管什麼pop都很有挑戰,因為只有一個共通目的,用盡手段與一切方法,就是要「讓它pop」!(狂笑)我們音樂人一起無止盡追求下去吧!
By 阿沁 REAL
@勵齊女孩 리틀 치어 걸 - 리치걸 Lcg 出道作品
2019 hit songs 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文
■ 更多林子安:
For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.
■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:
🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶
阿肆《熱愛105度的你》小提琴版本 | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An
第一次聽會覺得這什麼歌啦😆可是不得不承認,這首洗腦程度非常適合當作廣告歌,聽完之後腦袋都是這首歌(柯市長版本),要考試的孩子絕對不能聽,不然作文第一句下筆恐怕會寫出super idol的笑容XDDDD
留言告訴我484最愛我的版本,super idol笑容都沒我的甜😆😏
信義區香堤大道街頭演出變成登記制了,想聽我live版演出相關資訊,請追蹤Instagram限時動態!5/28-6/28 全台灣疫情三級警戒,街頭演出全部暫停。
This song was made by a China singer for commercial of Watsons in 2019. It was intended to say how professional and dedicated Watsons made their private brand bottle water.
But the melody was soooooo brainwashing, it became a hit on TikTok. Also, there were many singers from Taiwan covering the song. The most amazing and surprising cover would be the one made by the Mayor of Taipei City (It's actually someone whose voice sounds super similar to the mayor LOL)
I was like WTH the song it is but at the same time, I have to admit it's such a wise strategy to use this brainwashing song in the commercial. The song is automatically played in my head after listening to it for only once.
During the epidemic, everyone is very emotional. So I decided to have some fun in my cover =D
Another week, another cover. Let's goooo, hope y’all like this!
Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel
Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!
Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!
In light of the escalated measures on COVID-19 from the Taiwan government, my busking schedules are all canceled until June 28.
For more updated information , check it out on my Instagram stories!
Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.
編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu
🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
(Via Paypal)Sponsorship:
【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !

2019 hit songs 在 スキマスイッチ / SUKIMASWITCH Youtube 的精選貼文
▼Apple Music
“SUKIMASWITCH TOUR POPMAN’S CARNIVAL vol.2 FINAL in KUMAMOTO” which was holed on 21st February,2021 is released as a special edition version !!
“POPMAN’S CARNIVAL” is a second national hall tour, it is that they would perform added arrangement their selected evenly songs from their career like that of course their hit songs and classics and also rare songs which was not performed at their live until now.
The long-awaited last show in Kumamoto which was postponed because of COVID-19, is released as a digest version.
This program is made to people who watched this live at the day of live, would be able to enjoy.
2021年2月21日に行われた「スキマスイッチ TOUR POPMAN’S CARNIVAL vol.2 FINAL in KUMAMOTO」を特別編集版として公開!!
“POPMAN’S CARNIVAL”の2度目となる全国ホールツアー!!
Members / バンドメンバー
Bass : TAKESHI TANEDA / 種子田健
Keyboards : KIYOHIDE URA / 浦清英
Guitar : MASATO ISHINARI / 石成正人
Percussions : TOMOYA MATSUMOTO / 松本智也
Saxophone : HONMA MASATO / 本間将人
Trumpet : MITSURU TANAKA / 田中充
Set list / セットリスト
M1 ユリーカ / Yurika
M2 アイスクリーム シンドローム / Aisukuri-mu Shindoro-mu
M3 雫 / Shizuku
M5 パーリー!パーリー! / Pa-ri-!Pa-ri-!
・スキマスイッチ Official Web Site
#スキマスイッチ #SUKIMASWITCH #ツアー #Tour
●スキマスイッチ Official HP:
●Instagram オフィシャルアカウント:@sukimaswitch_official

2019 hit songs 在 KAOHAOCHE Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
Next K-HOW Album "ZENWAVE"
專輯製作人 Producer|高浩哲 Kaohaoche
詞曲 Lyricist & Composer|高浩哲 Kaohaoche
編曲 Arrangement|Rollmeajointyella , Rayloloo , FORGOTTEN
錄音 Recording|高浩哲 Kaohaoche , Rayloloo
混音 Mixing|Rayloloo , DUSA
視覺設計 Art Direction|吳建龍 FKWU , 朱智顯 Goodboixian
專輯設計 Album Design|吳建龍 FKWU
3D 設計 CG Art | 朱智顯 Goodboixian
動畫導演 CG Director|朱智顯 Goodboixian
標準字設計 Logotype|鄧承忠 Johniizzz
周邊設計Peripheral Design|張傑夫 SUPIGS , 鄧承忠Johniizzz
行銷企劃 Marketing Planning|黃培華 Sunday Huang , 高浩哲 Kaohaoche
活動企劃 Event Planning|高浩哲 Kaohaoche , 黃培華 Sunday Huang , 魯光孟 About Ris
MV導演 Music Video Director|鄒舒斐 SHUFEIZOU
專輯文案 Album Copywriting|古尚恆 Ku Da Yeast
《ZENWAVE》除了呈現高浩哲的心境轉變,同也體現其耕耘多年的音樂思維之躍升。除了足以代表其音樂風格的808 Trap,不論是80’s帶有Cyberpunk科幻風味的Synth Sound、國際潮流上逐漸嶄露頭角的Drill,甚至是嘗試搖滾、House等跨界曲風。他並不滿足只被定義為一線陷阱歌手。
The concept of “Zen” originated from ancient Sanskrit(ध्यान,dhyāna),which means quiet down one’s mind, putting one’s heart into a singular focus. “Zen” can be interpreted as a behavioral pattern based on “tranquility”. One can only move forward by slowing down and earn more by empting out. Through the meditation of tranquility, erasing all the noise inside, that we can strengthen our mind and develop higher intelligence.
Since the album《日頭赤炎炎》focus on the struggle of young generation released in 2019, here comes the fifth album《ZENWAVE》from Taiwanese trap king K-How. After many year’s ups and downs, K-How went through various different emotions, anger, sadness, ecstasy…etc. This time K-How chose to transcend worldly attachment, restart from a inner status of “Zen”, disregarding all the external hustle, leaving only pure mindfulness in his heart, K-How is no longer lost, no matter life or his creations, he goes with his own flow and keep moving forward.
What《ZENWAVE》presented is not only the mental changes of K-How, but also the development of his music aesthetic over the years, except his iconic sounds of trap 808s or synth sound with 80’s cyberpunk characteristic, he even try to combines elements of Rock, House Music into this album, showing that he’s not satisfied with only being a trap music artist.
The all-star production team are comprised of Helicrew’s main producer Raylo, the usual suspect – singer/electronic music producer Dusa Naga, he also invited the well-known Taiwanese hip-hop producer ROLLMEAJOIENTYELLA who’re known for countless award-winning hit songs that he produced for across mandarin hip hop scene, from artists like Taiwan’s hip hop superstar MJ116 to Chinese top hip hop artists like BRIDGE、MACOVERSEAS to participate in the beat-making process.
From album’s sound selection, visual artwork to the subtle details in his music video, K-How implement lots of local folklore culture including imagery of Nezha. who died fighting the upper class and finally succeeded in the confrontation, which K-How symbolized himself as Nezha, sacrificing his life for young generation in Taiwan, expressing the conflict in between different generations and traditional values thru his music.
K-HOW continues his dark style on top of strong album concept, production team, no matter if he succeeds or not, K-HOW’s already leaving marks on this never-returning path.
02 就是你
03 筋斗雲端
04 媽祖托夢
05 龍蛇混雜
06 就等我出山
07 做鬼也風流
08 切切
11 趴數
12 別人的失敗就是我的快樂

2019 hit songs 在 100 Best Songs of 2019: Staff List | Billboard 的相關結果
8. Vampire Weekend, “Harmony Hall” · 7. Post Malone, “Circles” · 6. 21 Savage feat. J. Cole, “A Lot” · 5. Rosalía feat. J Balvin & El Guincho, “Con ... ... <看更多>
2019 hit songs 在 The Official Top 40 biggest songs of 2019 的相關結果
Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber's I Don't Care – the lead single from Ed's No.6 Collaborations Project album – finishes third on 1.43 million chart ... ... <看更多>
2019 hit songs 在 Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 2019 - Wikipedia 的相關結果
No Title Artist(s)
1 "Old Town Road" Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus
2 "Sunflower" Post Malone and Swae Lee
3 "Without Me" Halsey ... <看更多>