因 #2019XTERRACoachCamp 與大家聚在一起的那五天,至今每個細節仍舊歷歷在目。從此之後,一同在XTERRA熱血推廣的伙伴多了好幾位!我們都很期待,在接下來的日子裡帶給大家更多更好的大自然運動體驗😊
#XTERRATrainingCamp #ComingSoon #LiveMore
Two of XTERRA’s all-time greatest athletes, Nicolas Lebrun and Renata Bucher, evolved into two of XTERRA’s most knowledgeable coaches and have been hard at work developing programs to perpetuate the sport into the next generation. Their new XTERRA Coaching Certification Program rolled out around the oceans and mountains of Kenting National Park in Taiwan recently, and more camp and clinics will be coming soon to XTERRA-worthy destinations across the globe. The programs are designed to teach other athletes, coaches, and trainers the fine art of racing off-road and share the ethos of XTERRA’s “Live More” spirit. Watch this space for details on how you can get involved as an athlete or a coach. #livemore