【梗你報新聞】2020-OCT. WEEK 5 國內外影視新聞回顧
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1. 永遠的《第七號情報員》,初代007資深演員 史恩康納萊辭世
1930年出生的蘇格蘭資深男星 史恩康納萊,10月31日由家人證實在巴哈馬家中辭世,享耆壽90歲。史恩康納萊早期因007首部電影《第七號情報員》飾演詹姆斯龐德而成為家喻戶曉的人物。他在1987年因《鐵面無私》奪下奧斯卡最佳男配角,更被媒體稱之為蘇格蘭最偉大的國寶。他在演出2003年的《天降奇兵》後宣布息影,長期隱居在巴哈馬,鮮少露面。有趣的是,史恩康納萊投入蘇格蘭獨立運動,甚至誇下海口希望有生之年看到蘇格蘭獨立,並宣稱在蘇格蘭獨立之前,他將不會回到蘇格蘭。
3. 麥可貝監製新冠肺炎主題電影《Songbird》首支預告登場
4. 鋼骨羅生門事件:喬斯威登回應雷費雪指控
5. 我要代替月亮逞罰你!Disney+《月光騎士》影集,卡司導演確定
根據【好萊塢記者】報導,曾在福斯的漫威《X戰警》宇宙中飾演反派天啟的男星 奧斯卡伊薩克,正在與迪士尼洽談演出《月光騎士》;另外,曾執導過多部埃及社會運動紀錄片的埃及導演 莫罕默德迪亞布,接下導演一職,《雨傘學院》的製作人傑瑞米史萊特則會負責劇本編寫。
6. Netflix宣布啟動《刺客教條》影視宇宙計畫
7. 溫子仁御用鬼王 派屈克威爾森將回歸主演並執導《陰兒房5》
8. 《沙贊2》可能會有三個反派登場?!
近期《沙贊》電影演員們才在DC FANDOME上公佈《沙贊2》的初步消息,如今在外媒The Illuminerdi報導,《沙贊2》的選角名單上出現「神秘的三姊妺」角色描述,讓不少人猜測是全新的反派人物。這三姊妹的設定為17歲青少女,以及50~60歲、40歲;參考的演員,包括新生代非裔女星贊達亞、荷莉貝瑞或伊娃葛林,以及奧斯卡影后 海倫米蘭等。據推測,這個三姊妹角色很有可能是DC漫畫中的三頭惡龍「三臉惡龍」。目前《沙贊2》檔期排訂於2023年6月2日。
9. 地表最強恐怖片是哪部?科學研究:《凶兆》
Broadband Choices網站上公佈了一項名為「驚嚇科學」的研究調查:他們找出了影史上影評人和Reddit推薦的50部口碑最好的恐怖電影,並邀請50位實驗對象,讓他們在環境良好的空間中看完120小時的恐怖片,再根據他們身上的心跳感測器數據進行分析。以下是該網站內公佈的前十名榜單,不知道愛看恐怖片的你認不認同呢?
①《凶兆》平均心跳數:86 BPM
②《陰兒房》平均心跳數:85 BPM
③《厲陰宅》平均心跳數:84 BPM
④《宿怨》平均心跳數:83 BPM
⑤《靈動:鬼影實錄》平均心跳數:82 BPM
⑥《靈病》平均心跳數:81 BPM
⑦《厲陰宅2》平均心跳數:80 BPM
⑧《鬼敲門》平均心跳數:80 BPM
⑨《深入絕地》平均心跳數:79 BPM
⑩《探訪》平均心跳數:79 BPM
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📣 PODCAST:https://open.firstory.me/user/xxymovie
📣 YouTube:http://pcse.pw/9ZNYT
📣 IG:xxy_djfishmb
📣 XXY @方格子 https://vocus.cc/user/@XXY2018
#新聞 #電影 #影視 #梗你報新聞
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅XXY_Animal of Vision,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【梗你報新聞】2020-OCT. WEEK 5 《沙贊2》可能會有三個反派登場?! . ▶ 收看YouTube(單篇)影片: https://youtu.be/YryRwq1kUHo ▶ 收聽完整 PODCAST內容(長版)收聽: https://open.firstory.me/story/c...
2023 week 50 在 謝智謀-小謀老師 Chihmou Hsieh Facebook 的精選貼文
美國哈彿大學也有他的新生前訓練與新生訓練。新生前訓練,可以在六個活動中選一個參加,每個活動是6天。有宿舍服務、有戶外、有藝術的、有國際化的,有退修式與經驗傳承的,有一些城市服務、社會正義、平等議題等方案(請參閱下面六項活動)。在新生訓練前,需要閱讀幾本書,並且會在期間討論,一個由教授帶著大家討論Transformation and Belonging轉化與歸屬” 另一個由大家分組討論 “Community Conversations社群對話.
1. Fall Clean-Up (FCU) with Dorm Crew
Fall Clean-Up (FCU) is a week-long program run by
Dorm Crew that employs 300 incoming first-years and
50 student leaders to clean the dorms and Houses for move-in. Students get to know the campus and Harvard Square while talking with their leaders about life at Harvard, classes, and the transition to college. In addition to earning their first paycheck at Harvard ($13.50/hr, 38 hours of work), participants leave FCU with a strong sense of community created from working closely with their peers. Meals, advising sessions, workshops, and social events provide opportunities for students to get to know one another before move-in.
2. First-Year Arts Program (FAP)
The First-Year Arts Program (FAP) is a week-long, multidisciplinary introduction to the arts at Harvard, bringing together 70 incoming first-year students and 16 upperclass proctors who are passionately involved in various aspects of art, enthusiastic to share their interests, and eager to learn about the experiences of their peers. Centered around workshops and master classes given by resident and visiting artists in drama, music, theater design, studio arts, film, dance, and creative writing, FAP culminates in the Pageant, a collaborative presentation of entirely original student work. No formal training required.
3. First-Year International Program (FIP)
The First-Year International Program (FIP) is for international students and US citizens who have lived and studied primarily overseas. In FIP, 35 upperclass leaders mentor 150 incoming first-year students, introducing them to Harvard and helping them adjust to life in the United States. Specifically, participants receive foundational information for a happy, successful start at Harvard, including sessions and discussions about American culture, immigration, and academics in the US and at Harvard. Participants are also able to set up a bank account and cell phone service. Through its emphasis on inclusion and belonging, FIP creates new friendships at the same time it cultivates the larger international community at Harvard. By invitation only.
4. First-Year Outdoor Program (FOP) 這是我最熟悉的,也在印大帶過。
The First-Year Outdoor Program (FOP) is Harvard’s largest and oldest pre-orientation program. 400+ participants explore New England’s finest forests, mountains, and lakes in small groups. But FOP is not just a six-day outdoors trip; it is an opportunity to build a sense of community, reflect on your hopes for college, and enter with both confidence and a network of close friends. No outdoor experience required. Trips are designed for all levels of experience and fitness, and are led by trained and experienced students.
5. First-Year Retreat and Experience (FYRE)
Join a vibrant community of 100 incoming first-year students and get a jump start on making the most of Harvard. Student leaders, faculty, and alumni will share vital information on navigating the transition from home to college life, including relationships with professors, the purpose of office hours, taking advantage of financial resources, and more. Bond with classmates and make connections with key campus leaders while having fun and socializing. Students who are the first-generation in their family to go to college, those from low- to modest-income backgrounds, and those whose high schools are typically under-represented in the Ivy League are encouraged to apply.
6. First-Year Urban Program (FUP)
The First-Year Urban Program (FUP) catalyzes a commitment to public service and community advocacy; supports diversity, equity, and social justice work on campus; and introduces students to Boston and Cambridge. 110 participants divide into worksite groups led by 35 returning undergraduates to assist grassroots community organizations. Discussion groups reflect on issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, and equity, as well as how to create social change. Workshops include sessions with alumni and community leaders who work with Harvard public service programs. FUP is an opportunity to build community amongst new and returning students!
The goals of Community Conversations are to:
Consider what’s important to you about your identity and your community as you transition from home to Harvard
Examine your assumptions and learn about your peers’ diverse identities and perspectives
Begin to develop a sense of shared responsibility for upholding a compassionate and respectful community
Students prepare for Community Conversations by:
Considering the book and video assigned:
Educated: A Memoir, by Tara Westover (the Common Reading for the Class of 2023, with access code emailed to students on July 11)
“The Danger of a Single Story,” a Tedtalk given by Nigerian author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Attending the conversation with a willingness to share about yourself, and learn about your peers as you join an exceptionally diverse class at Harvard
2023 week 50 在 XXY_Animal of Vision Youtube 的最讚貼文
【梗你報新聞】2020-OCT. WEEK 5
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近期《沙贊》電影演員們才在DC FANDOME上公佈《沙贊2》的初步消息,如今在外媒The Illuminerdi報導,《沙贊2》的選角名單上出現「神秘的三姊妺」角色描述,讓不少人猜測是全新的反派人物。這三姊妹的設定為17歲青少女,以及50~60歲、40歲;而劇組也公佈了三角色的參考演員,包括新生代非裔女星贊達亞、荷莉貝瑞或伊娃葛林,以及奧斯卡影后 海倫米蘭等。據推測,這個三姊妹角色很有可能是DC漫畫中的三頭惡龍「三臉惡龍」(The Three Faces of Evil),分別代表著恐怖、罪惡、邪惡,是強大的古老邪惡勢力,也與沙贊的故事息息相關。而目前《沙贊2》檔期排訂於2023年6月2日,喜歡沙贊的粉絲們可能還要再等等了。
歡迎加入【 有梗電影俱樂部 】臉書社團,不錯過任何電影實體聚會與活動喔!(需回答問題審核)
📣 PODCAST:https://open.firstory.me/user/xxymovie
📣 YouTube:http://pcse.pw/9ZNYT
📣 IG:xxy_djfishmb
📣 XXY @方格子 https://vocus.cc/user/@XXY2018
#新聞 #電影 #影視 #梗你報新聞 #華納 #DC #沙贊 #shazam