1. 注意飲食作息
2. 調理體質
3. 房事有節
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Three steps to improve sperm health
In order to conceive, the sperms must be in good shape, active, and come in a healthy quantity and semen volume. Many men have the misconception that they can improve their sperm quality by consuming deer whip and Strong Seal Pills.
From the perspective Chinese Medicine, bad lifestyle and dietary habits are the primary factors that affect the quality of sperms. Sleeping late can lead to yin deficiency and accumulation of heat in the body. Individuals who eat fatty, greasy, fried, and deep-fried food, as well as those who smoke and drink regularly may develop the phlegm-dampness and damp heat body constitutions. Men who are constantly under stress can also cause the circulation of the qi and blood in the body to stagnate.
Instead of eating random medicine to nourish the body and improve the sperm quality, the best way is to regulate the body according to its constitution.
1. Be mindful of our lifestyle and diets
Have enough rest every day, avoid sleeping late, eat healthily and avoid raw, cold, fried, greasy, and instant foods, avoid smoking and drinking, and exercise appropriately according to our body constitution. All these would help relieve stress and improve the qi and the blood.
2. Regulate the functions of the body
People living in the modern era tend to stay up late, do not control their diet, and constantly live under stress, and all these can llead to the formation of the phlegm-dampness, damp heat, and qi-stagnation body constitutions.
When the circulation of the qi and blood is disrupted and phlegm-dampness and heat accumulate in the body, the sperms’ activity would also be reduced. Consult a registered and licensed Chinese medicine practitioner to regulate the functions of the body based on our constitution. Avoid taking aphrodisiacs unnecessarily.
3. Make sure there is an interval between each sexual intercourse
Having intercourse too frequently may reduce sperm count, but not having intercourse actively would also reduce the sperms’ activity. Two to three times a week and the day after ovulation would be the best. Besides maintaining the activity of the sperms and their quality, anyone experiencing exhaustion, excessive sweating, dizziness, headache, soreness on the waist, and tinnitus should also make adjustments accordingly.
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