【洞見未來 – 第三代Continental GT】
昨晚我們與一眾賓利車主共聚一堂,一起見證賓利汽車的一個重要產品預告 – 第三代Continental GT。這部無可匹敵的雙門四座跑車不但充分展現賓利Continental系列由內到外精湛工藝,同時顛覆了傳統的科技性能,突顯賓利永不言最的精神。
全新Continental GT已經接受預訂,我們隨時為您效勞。
特別感謝昨晚司儀宋熙年 Sarah Song ,為我們帶來一個熱鬧愉快的賓利之夜。
【A Glimpse of Future – the New Continental GT】
Last night, we gathered extraordinary owners and enthusiasts to reveal the third generation of the New #ContinentalGT. This peerless grand tourer showed off the evolution of the Continental’s luxury two-door iconic design inside and out. This is one of the latest and newest Bentley productions, which will be debuted worldwide in Frankfurt Motor Show next month.
The New Continental GT is open for pre-ordering, please contact us for more details.
Special shout-out to our amazing host & guest Ms Sarah Song for enlightening the evening.
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Bentley Motors #AglimpseOfFuture #ContinentalGT