【BD 高清字幕】 《江湖一場.兩廳院》藍光終極尊爵修復版.磅礡上市
舞大娘(舞者 飾):剩不到兩周了,要打,去練舞室......我是說來兩廳院。
Dancing Big Mama: We’ve got no more than 2 weeks left. Wanna fight? Go to the dance studio... I mean NTCH.
狂畫仙子(設計師 飾):想當年趕報名的時候,我手拿兩把水彩筆,從售票口一直畫到愛國東路,來回畫了三天三夜,是顏料成河。
Crazy Drawing Angel: Those years when rushing the applications, I had a brush in each hand, drawing from the ticket booth to Aiguo E. Rd. for three days and three nights. Watercolor flowed like a river.
戲夢居士(導演 飾):看到爛劇本,你要馬上關起來,哎呀!假的!我眼睛業障重啊。看看日曆,唉呀十月廿日,如果趕上了,生命就圓滿了。
Play Dream Layman: When a bad script is in your hand, close it. Ahhhh! So much Karma in my eyes. Check the schedule, ah Oct. 20th. If we do make it, our life is complete.
碟王(舞監 飾):我要聯絡十個!我要摳.十.個!什麼,一個計畫名額沒有這麼多人?
Disk King: I wanna contact 10 people. I will CALL 10 PEOPLE ! What? We don't have that many slots open?
公文子(藝術行政 飾):你掉的是金公文,還是銀公文呢?好誠實呀,那這些公文都給你。這些都是藝術基地計畫的報名文件唷。
Document Zi: Is this golden doc yours? No? How about this silver doc? You are being so honest. I'll let you have all these docs. They are all Art Base Program application forms.
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【BD 高清字幕】 《江湖一場.兩廳院》藍光終極尊爵修復版.磅礡上市
舞大娘(舞者 飾):剩不到兩周了,要打,去練舞室......我是說來兩廳院。
Dancing Big Mama: We’ve got no more than 2 weeks left. Wanna fight? Go to the dance studio... I mean NTCH.
狂畫仙子(設計師 飾):想當年趕報名的時候,我手拿兩把水彩筆,從售票口一直畫到愛國東路,來回畫了三天三夜,是顏料成河。
Crazy Drawing Angel: Those years when rushing the applications, I had a brush in each hand, drawing from the ticket booth to Aiguo E. Rd. for three days and three nights. Watercolor flowed like a river.
戲夢居士(導演 飾):看到爛劇本,你要馬上關起來,哎呀!假的!我眼睛業障重啊。看看日曆,唉呀十月廿日,如果趕上了,生命就圓滿了。
Play Dream Layman: When a bad script is in your hand, close it. Ahhhh! So much Karma in my eyes. Check the schedule, ah Oct. 20th. If we do make it, our life is complete.
碟王(舞監 飾):我要聯絡十個!我要摳.十.個!什麼,一個計畫名額沒有這麼多人?
Disk King: I wanna contact 10 people. I will CALL 10 PEOPLE ! What? We don't have that many slots open?
公文子(藝術行政 飾):你掉的是金公文,還是銀公文呢?好誠實呀,那這些公文都給你。這些都是藝術基地計畫的報名文件唷。
Document Zi: Is this golden doc yours? No? How about this silver doc? You are being so honest. I'll let you have all these docs. They are all Art Base Program application forms.