之前我們曾嘗試從 BB 的角度出發,看看他們來到這個世界每日面對的新挑戰,但對新手父母而言,日以繼夜、夜以繼日地照顧小朋友,又何嘗不是天天面對不同難關?身心俱疲之餘,部份父母更會為了小朋友放棄自己的嗜好、減少出席朋友聚會等等,你以為會換來美好的親子關係,有助小朋友成長,但事實又是否這樣?
Chau, V., & Giallo, R. (2014). The relationship between parental fatigue, parenting self-efficacy and behaviour: Implications for supporting parents in the early parenting period. Child: Care, Health and Development, 626-633.
Cooklin, A., Giallo, R., & Rose, N. (2011). Parental fatigue and parenting practices during early childhood: An Australian community survey. Child: Care, Health and Development Child Care Health Dev, 654-664.
Lesniowska, R., Gent, A., & Watson, S. (2015). Maternal fatigue, parenting self-efficacy, and overreactive discipline during the early childhood years: A test of a mediation model. Clinical Psychologist Clin Psychol.
Dunning, M., Seymour, M., Cooklin, A., & Giallo, R. (n.d.). Wide Awake Parenting: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a parenting program for the management of post-partum fatigue. BMC Public Health, 26-26.
Weaver, C., Shaw, D., Dishion, T., & Wilson, M. (n.d.). Parenting self-efficacy and problem behavior in children at high risk for early conduct problems: The mediating role of maternal depression. Infant Behavior and Development, 594-605.
Rizzo, K. M., Schiffrin, H. H., & Liss, M. (2012). Insight into the Parenthood Paradox: Mental Health Outcomes of Intensive Mothering. Journal of Child and Family Studies J Child Fam Stud, 22(5), 614-620.
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