[SHARE AND WIN] Looking for 3 winners to win a Pair of Bausch + Lomb Malaysia Lacelle Jewel Contact Lenses
How to win:
1. SHARE this post on Facebook and be sure to set your post to public.
2. Be sure to like and Tag Facebook Page Aliza Sara onto your post.
3. Publish your post telling me why you would like to wih a pair of Lacelle Jewel Contact Lenses.
Contest starts now and ends on 30th of October 2017 (midnight).The result will be announced on 1st of November, 2017. Good Luck!
#bauschandlombMY #LacelleMY #Softlens #LacelleJewel #BLSoftlens59 #BLSoftlensDaily #AlizaSaraGiveaway