Home of Legends~
Paul Lim 喺香港開Bar啦!
Hello Fans and friends,
Another day another story.. exciting..
The venue of the previous i darts club is now Home of LEGENDS..
I have thought of the history of that place, where so many great events had taken place, The 1st World event, Heroes, HK tour, and team OVERKILL winning the Dartslive premier league in that home location. Visits from many great players of the world.
I just hate to see that place disappear and memories gone.
So, I am going to take a stand and carry on with the legacy and hopefully be able to provide a new comfortable darting venue but more importantly, a social place , friendly atmosphere and a fun environment for all.
The HOL is open now And the Grand Opening will be announce once everything is ironed out.
So fill free to come in, have a cold beer or a cocktail (try the Singapore Sling) it's good..I tried it last night. Play some darts ( 12 boards ) and enjoy. And maybe have a game or two with me if I am there and Will be nice to have a picture taken too if you want..
Looking forward to seeing you all,
Many thanks...
Home Of LEGENDS.....Paul Lim