~開放報名中~ 2019/09/27 (五)
【新藥開發系列】-轉譯醫學: 如何加速且有效推進藥物開發階段
Translational Medicine : the journey from research bench to preclinical development to clinical research
#Toxicology #ProteinTherapeutics #BiomarkerDevelopment #BioanalyticalMethod #Validation #PK #PD #ToxicologyStudyDesign
Large molecule protein therapeutics vs small molecule drugs. Different features in the drug development for small molecule drugs and protein therapeutics will be compared and contrasted. Furthermore, the presenter, Dr. Ada H.C. Kung will draw on her 20+ years of experience in the development of large molecule protein drugs and share this experience with the class. Detailed drug development planned will be presented month by month from research bench to preclinical development to the patients in clinical trials. The interrelationship and timing of preclinical, CMC, and clinical trials in a project will be described.
立即線上報名卡位🗓🚀 https://slbiotech.pse.is/L5F7P
課程日期:108年9月27日 (五) 13:30至17:30
授課師資:龔曉嘉 博士 / 翼答生技顧問有限公司 董事長
PartⅠ:The role of toxicology in translational medicine:
Specific experiments and studies need to be done will be included in the lecture:
1). Drug discovery plan: biomarker development
2). Analytical and bioanalytical method development and validation
3). In vitro and in vivo efficacy models
4). PK, PD, and toxicology with protein therapeutics
5). Develop the project Gantt chart for the preclinical development to IND filing: how to carry out the preclinical development plan to file IND in 10 months. Month by month for a 10 months plan to bring a clinical candidate from preclinical stage to IND filing
6). Detailed timeline: correlating the CMC with the supply of materials for both GLP tox studies and clinical trial
Stage 1: Initiation
Stage 2: Pilot tox studies, preparation for pre-IND meeting
Stage 3: Pre-IND meeting submission package to FDA, design and initiation
Stage 4: Pre-IND meeting, GLP tox studies, and correlating CMC process
Stage 5: Complete the analytical and bioanalytical method validation, start clinical protocol and corresponding quality clinical material supply
Submit IND on the 10th month
PartⅡ: Toxicology study design (small molecule VS macromolecule)
PartⅢ: The selection of CROs for the conduct of tox studies in China, Taiwan and the USA
龔曉嘉 博士
翼陞生物科技股份有限公司 執行長
宣捷細胞生物製藥股份有限公司 執行長
太景生物科技股份有限公司 資深副總經理
康龍化成(北京)新藥技術股份有限公司 共同創辦人
SRI International 總監
Gryphon Therapeutics 副總
學苑信箱:bioschool@biotech-edu.com 學苑電話:02-2545-9721
bioanalyticalmethod 在 Bioanalytical Method - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 的相關結果
The goal of bioanalytical methods is the quantitative measurement of a concentration of a drug and/or its metabolite or a biomarker in biological fluids, such ... ... <看更多>
bioanalyticalmethod 在 Bioanalytical method validation | European Medicines Agency 的相關結果
It focuses on the validation of the bioanalytical methods generating quantitative concentration data used for pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic parameter ... ... <看更多>
bioanalyticalmethod 在 Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance for Industry 的相關結果
Bioanalytical Method. Validation. Guidance for Industry. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Administration. ... <看更多>