#英國小學 #秋季學期
「船到橋頭自然直」,從外籍新娘到老神在在的地方媽媽,不同文化思考和教育制度,孩子入學媽媽也學習。英國的小學制服以前介紹過,今天開始來說說盎格魯薩克遜人表面嚴肅、實際悶騷到骨子裏,整年度 #多如牛毛的各種校園活動 (每間學校略有不同,可能有幾項不參加/每年規畫不同項目,但是八九不離十、小學七年都在搞這些)
** School Lunch
學校午餐每天在廚房現煮,菜單固定,通常三週為一個週期、15天份不同午餐、每天的主菜選擇三種 (熱食、輕食和素食)、加上不同的配菜和甜點,菜單安排通常遵循傳統每週四吃咖喱、每週五吃魚,其他天可能有義大利麵、pizza、牧羊人派、起司焗義粉、漢堡熱狗堡潛艇堡、烤雞或豬排... 偶爾可能有炒麵;英格蘭地區公立小學 #二年級以下毋須付費,三年級以上每天大約三鎊,也可以自備午餐 (冷食,不提供加熱設備),有些學校允許家長預約付費到學校和比較年幼的孩子共進午餐,朋友參加過覺得學校午餐不錯吃,我想她應該是饑不擇食、不用煮飯洗碗怎樣都好吧,哈哈哈哈哈。
** Snacks
每天有 1-2 次的點心時間,可以自己帶符合健康原則的點心,像是水果、蔬菜棒或麵包條,不能帶巧克力棒或洋芋片,因為可能引發某些學生的過敏反應、大部份學校 #禁帶堅果類。公立學校通常免費供應整籃水果和牛奶,要吃自己拿,數量太多吃不完還會發給學生帶回家。常見的點心水果是蘋果、橘子和香蕉,英國人習慣不洗不削果皮直接吃,不可思議但是世世代代這麼吃好像也沒怎樣。
** Wraparound childcare
課外時段服務,類似安親班的功能。一般小學早上 8:45 上學、下午 3:15 放學,如果父母因為上班之類的因素來不及接送,除了請有立案的 childminder 或是和朋友約定互相支援之外,也可以付費提早到校 (最早可能七點半) 和延後離開 (最晚五點半左右),除了整個月 (或學期) 固定時間制有些學校可以臨託,參加wraparound 的學生不分年級大家集和在一起,依照個別愛好和天氣,分組作手工、玩玩具或者在室外跑跳,總之 #都在玩,早上八點和下午四點半左右會提供簡單的早餐(麥片和吐司) 和點心 (這餐叫"tea",但是一點也不高貴,大抵是 sausage roll、pizza 等等能簡單加熱的食物),去過一些雙親上班參與 wraparound 孩子的家發現他們大多玩具比較少,因為英國小朋友大多七八點上床 #回家差不多要睡覺了玩個屁,而且不挑食又很能吃的孩子 #在學校吃到飽,回家不用再度餵食、馬上能上床睡覺,蠻方便的。
** Summer Born CSA
決定哪一年入學的關鍵是九月一日,在1/9之前滿三歲當年進入pre-school (或 nursery,私校稱為 foundation 或 pre-prep) 開始義務教育,滿四歲上 reception (小學預備班)、五歲一年級(...以此類推),滿五歲之前不強迫上學 (無故請假不罰); 夏天 (4-8月) 出生孩子的父母可以向地方政府申請延後一年上學,這部份以前寫過;皮蛋正是夏天生的孩子,在上學頭兩年的確感覺和秋冬出生的同儕有身材和發展的落差,不過也正如許多人說的,這些落差在三年級之後漸漸消失,也就用不著過生日時糾結是不是比同學大一歲 (延後入學的小孩如果某方面表現好,其他人可能理所當然認為「他大一歲應該的」)。
Nursery 和 pre-school 的不同在於前者偏重玩、收的孩童年齡範圍大 (有嬰幼兒),後者除了玩也注重生活基本能力的培養,可能會教些簡單的數字字母、使用剪刀... 這類的。政府提供的免費幼兒教育福利可以用在立案保姆或公私立幼兒園,公私立的不同在於公立小學附設的 pre-school 師資經過認證、有教學大綱比較有組織,但是時間比較沒彈性 (分上下午。如果上午班就是一週五天每天 9-12點;私立通常可以自選,譬如選上兩個全天和一個半天),公立小學附設、滿三歲入學的 pre-school 大部份必須穿制服、在入學前必須脫離尿布。
** After school club
課後興趣班。課外的興趣選項,常見的有棋藝、桌遊、樂器、足球、合唱團、烘焙、縫紉、電腦、游泳等等,課業需要補強的學生可能受邀參加英語或數學俱樂部,受班級推薦的特定人選則出席自治會;這些興趣班由學校老師或外聘師資主持,通常上到四點,有些選項必須付費,有些有年齡限制,絕大部份有人數限制、填志願先搶先贏,通常每位學生至少能參與一個興趣班,每學期開放興趣班填選大家... #跑得可快搶得之兇啊~~
** Individual school photographs
請專業攝影師到學校幫孩子拍照,有手足在同校的通常可以合照。去英國人家裏常能看到這些不同年度「穿著制服、看起來很smart的照片」一字排開,算是家庭傳統;大概拍照後一個月學校會發線上密碼挑照片,從5*7規格(含紙卡裱框) 到整套購買、作成鑰匙圈馬克杯各種選購項目,也可以付費下載jpg檔案。
** Harvest Festival
九月底十月初。傳達感恩和分享的意義,學校會開出一張單子,通常是乾糧罐頭之類容易儲存的生活必需品,請各家準備好帶去學校,在早會時集合這些東西、擺上很威的一大桌、講些你們都知道的感恩阿惜福阿懂得分享之類 (我也很會講的) #廢話,然後捐給慈善機構或食物銀行。
** Parent's Evening
** Secret Reader
通常在比較年幼的 KS1 班級,全年度邀請家長到學校為學生說故事;志願的家長在約定時間帶著自己選的書到學校、出其不意出現在孩子的教室會讓小孩走路都有風;依照故事書內容可以配合道具,譬如吹泡泡之類的、特別受孩童喜愛。
** Castle Day
通常在學期初。活生生的歷史體驗,由專門辦活動的公司到學校舉辦,主題可能是倫敦大火、維多利亞時代、希臘或羅馬,在這天全班包括老師 #打扮成古人的模樣,在學校做屬於那個年代的活動,譬如鑿井取水、手作中世紀防黑死病的香囊、拿劍盾穿盔甲排出十字軍東征的防禦隊型... 這些。
** Pen licence
鋼筆特許。不寫正體,大部份英國學校要求小孩寫連字和草寫體,從畫符階段晉升能運筆自如,學生得到這張許可、象徵『從此可以 #像大人一樣用原子筆鋼筆寫字』。
** Class Bear
通常在 Reception (四歲) 和一年級 (五歲) 的班級配有班級熊和它的週記,輪到的小朋友週末時把熊帶回家朝夕相處、並幫它拍照寫遊記,在週一帶回學校和大家分享週末做了些什麼,主要用來培養表達能力。
** Show and Tell
** Golden pupil award
** Phonics badges/times tables badges
拼音和乘法表徽章。英國人學英文的方法和多數亞洲傳統教法不同,教的是字音,看到哪些字母發什麼音很自然,拼音學會就能讀字和閱讀;在每次拼音學習和乘法表(1-12) 學會時,老師會發給不同階段徽章,可能是貼紙或別針,可以自己收藏、別在制服或書包上,看起來很招搖 (也很煩,如果自己的孩子沒得到太多)。
學習自然發音可以看看BBC網站或 YouTube上的 Alphablocks,學數字或乘法表有 Numberblocks;這兩個節目也有雜誌、DVD、書籍和玩具。
** World Mental health day
** Half Term
** Guy Fawkes Night/Bonfire Night
** Diwali
十一月初。印度新年,學校會大略介紹印度文化,可能會讓大家作一些手工,譬如用陶土作 bling bling 的燭台之類的。
** Remembrance Day
十一月中。國殤日,學習和平的真諦、不忘記戰爭的傷痛,通常會有罌粟花佈置 (大家一起作手工把花貼滿校門),也會請學生帶零錢自由購買義賣的罌粟花徽章手環等等。
** Bake Sale
不定期出現,疫情前一年至少三次,疫情後有些學校還沒辦過。請大家帶自家烘培的糕餅甜點去學校,集中好之後放學時老師會在校門口擺攤販賣、所得作為學校經費,bake sale售價很低、一片蛋糕幾十P這樣吧,問題是... 不曉得誰家拿出來的... (反正我不敢吃啦) 有的 Bake Sale 同時有票選和競賽,最受歡迎最熱賣的不要懷疑就是那些 #五顏六色滿滿糖霜的蛋糕,如果懶得自己動手,捐超市買的現成蛋糕也可以,要不就多帶點錢去買彩票(志在參加絕不要得獎),反正為學校募款是好事。
** Children in Need
十一月中。BBC 為兒童和少年募款的活動,活動代表標誌是隻單眼蒙著彩色點點眼罩的黃毛熊帕西 (Pudsey);這個活動為期一週,可能每天有不同把戲,請大家穿睡衣上學、帶硬幣去學校在地上堆成熊形(之後硬幣捐作公益)、穿點點衣上學、舉辦帕西著色比賽、把家裏的泰迪熊帶去學校參加選美比賽... 這類的,參加者建議小額捐款。
** Anti-bullying week
十一月中。倡導反霸凌、學習尊重個體差異,可能會請學生穿不成對的襪子上學 (odd socks day)。
** Flu Vaccination
十或十一月。由 NHS 團隊到學校幫學生噴流感疫苗,在九月會有意願調查、可以選擇不接受疫苗,小朋友的流感疫苗從鼻腔噴入,噴好會給乖乖貼紙和疫苗注意事項帶回家。
** Christmas tree & lights switch on
十二月初。學校立聖誕樹、點上聖誕燈飾的日子,可能會請每位學生自己作一個吊飾帶去學校掛在樹上並舉辦競賽,根據我的觀察,得獎的通常不是做得完美、家長參與太多的作品,而是 #手工感很強 歪七扭八嘴歪眼斜很有童真那種。
** Nativity Play
大約十月開始學校會排演聖誕節公演,最傳統的主題是耶穌誕生,視學校大小和學生人數多寡,可能每個年級或 KS1 (R, 1, 2年級)、KS2 (3-6) 合演一齣,每個人都有角色,主角找不怯場的學生演,害羞的小孩可能分配旁白跑龍套;扮演角色的服裝需求會在十一月左右請家長準備,最常見是純色衣褲 (Amazon, H&M, eBay, Next 有賣)、再由老師和助教加工 (他們真的很強) 作成舞台服裝;聖誕節公演門票在十二月登記,通常會演兩場或三場,每家限定索取兩張或三張票,閒雜人等不准進入、公演現場 #禁止拍攝 (有些家庭受社服保護,拍照曝露行蹤有損他們的人身安危)。公演散場門口設置捐款箱,不妨帶些現金贊助學校經費。
** Christmas Card Sale
** Christmas Post Box
** Christmas Jumper day
** Christmas lunch
** Christmas Carol
十二月中。在有合唱社團、宗教支持的學校或私立學校從學期開始會練唱聖誕節詩歌,在十二月時在學校禮堂或教堂演出邀請家長入席。我很喜歡聽小朋友唱聖誕歌,氣氛真摯、想到 #好不容易又一年每天起早趕晚催你去上學 潸然落淚。
** Christmas shoe box appeal
** Christmas hamper appeal
** Christmas Fayre
十二月中的週五放學後。聖誕集市 (有些學校也會辦聖誕舞會),在學校禮堂擺攤賣有的沒的,包括上面說到的禮籃彩票,常見的還有各種糖果甜食和裝飾薑餅,大多數設有由教職人員或家長義工扮成聖誕老人和精靈的 Santa's Grotto (聖誕小屋),學校裏聖誕老人給的禮物通常是文具或童書,可能必須排很長的隊入場。
(呼!! 以上是秋季學期我能想到的,歡迎眾媽補充)
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅MONGABONG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,VLOGMAS 2020 is here! To kick off #VlogmasWithMong2020, this soft glam makeup look will be great for any festive season! It’s super versatile, natural...
「born on christmas day」的推薦目錄:
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於born on christmas day 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於born on christmas day 在 KAMIWAZA Trickshot Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Nigel Sparks Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Born on Christmas Day by Kristin Chenoweth 的評價
- 關於born on christmas day 在 One Voice Children - Born on Christmas Day [ Music Lyrics ... 的評價
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Born on Christmas Day - One Voice Children's Choir - YouTube 的評價
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Born on Christmas Day - Brad Paisley - YouTube 的評價
- 關於born on christmas day 在 Born on Christmas Day :-) - Home | Facebook 的評價
born on christmas day 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的最佳貼文
2020年對多數人來說一點也不容易... 有甚麼比互送禮物更好?如果我們可以給予大家把信念與勇氣去相信及活下去,我相信那必定是比禮物更有意義!在這裡我想送上一首Tom Adair and Matt Dennis 稱為“The Spirit of Christmas”(《聖誕精神》)的歌詞,希望大家不忘聖誕的真締!
With love ,
Roger, Minnie & Pepper
Xmas 2020
“The Spirit of Christmas”
The holly, the hearth-fire, the tinsel, the tree,
The home folks, the handshakes, the carols sung off key,
The kids hearing stories on grandfather's knee,
That's the spirit of Christmas.
The presents all piled in the back of the car,
The wreaths in the windows, the Bethlehem star,
The faith of the wise men who traveled so far,
That's the spirit of Christmas.
We try to surprise one another,
It's better to give than receive.
But why can't we just give each other
The faith to be strong and believe?
The sweet, happy laughter of children at play,
The clear, far off jingle of bells on a sleigh,
The love of the Man who was born on this day,
That's the spirit of Christmas.
Minnie Li - 黎明
Pepper 小胡椒
born on christmas day 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
There is no space at home for a real Christmas tree, so we had a good time making a small DIY one just for fun. It’s not grand or magnificent, but it’s adorable and special to us! Hope you are having a lovely Christmas Eve with your loved ones. Here’s wishing you a very blessed Christmas!
I am praying that all of you will have a much better year in 2021 and experience restoration for every loss, and the manifestation of your long-awaited breakthroughs.
Today, let’s fill our minds and hearts with our dear Lord Jesus Christ. When He was born, there was no room for Him, but there is now plenty of room for Him in our hearts!
If you haven’t heard about it, “The Everything Bundle” is having a 50% off sale. Instead of $99, it’s only $50—from now until the end of Christmas Day.
When you purchase this bundle, you'll get all my eBooks, even the special ones that are not for sale and you also receive an exclusive bonus: 6 months access to the archive of my "God Every Morning" (GEM) devotionals which are usually only for my patrons on Patreon—there are currently more than 600 devotionals there and 20 new ones added every month.
Here's a list of what you will receive when you get this bundle:
- All My Sermon Notes ebooks
- Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace (4 ebooks set)
- Sandcastles Don't Last Forever ebook
- Messiah's Miracles: The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ ebook
- A Tour of Heaven and Eternity ebook
- Beautiful, Healthy and Strong Like Jesus ebook
- How to Fast Under Grace ebook
- How to Receive Health and Healing From the Tree of Life ebook
- The Book of Revelation Explained ebook
- The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ebook
- God's Appointed Time: How to Be Fruitful in Every Season of Life ebook
- Silencing the Serpent: How Christians Can Be Victorious in Spiritual Warfare ebook
- Younger and Younger: 31 Days of God's Youth Renewal Promises ebook
- 6 months access to the God Every Morning (GEM) devotionals archive with more than 600 devotionals at the moment.
In addition, you will also receive every new ebook that I release in the future. All you have to do is message me when I release a new ebook and ask for it. This means that the value of your one-time purchase keeps on growing!
I hope you will enjoy the ebooks and devotionals—that they will accompany you as wonderful reads throughout every season!
Get “The Everything Bundle” here: https://www.miltongoh.net/store/p19/milton-goh-the-everything-bundle.html
born on christmas day 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最讚貼文
VLOGMAS 2020 is here! To kick off #VlogmasWithMong2020, this soft glam makeup look will be great for any festive season! It’s super versatile, natural, and great to pair with any outfit! ?
We’ll be uploading 13 episodes this whole Vlogmas, one every alternate day so keep your eyes peeled for more content (+ giveaways!!) coming your way!! ❤️
Show some love and talk to me in the comments box down below - video ideas, recommendations.. anything!! ✨
Watch all of #VlogmasWithMong2020
?VLOGMAS 2020?
?VLOGMAS 2019?
I'm giving away 3 x Beauty Bags (each worth min. $100) to 3 lucky winners!
Winners will be selected on 9th Dec 2020 9pm (GMT +8), and you will be notified via email by our official email address admin@mongabong.com - please do not divulge your personal particulars to anyone other than this email above for your safety! Winners who have not replied after 48 hours will be reselected.
To enter:
1. Subscribe to my channel and turn on the notifications bell
2. Comment down below your favourite thing about Christmas and /or what you're most excited about! ?
3. Indicate where you're from + NAME and E-MAIL / IG handle as well so we can contact you if you're selected!
Do remember to check back in on the 9th December 2020 (GMT +8) for the giveaway results!
? Abib Hydration Cushion Compact - Shade 23
? Bobbi Brown Creamy Corrector - Light to Medium
? Charlotte Tilbury Magic Away! Liquid Concealer
? Charlotte Tilbury Filmstar Bronze and Glow
?Sunnies Face Life Brow Grooming Gel
?Fenty Beauty Match Stix Matte Skinstick - Mocha
? Vdivov Eye Colour Bag - 03 Electric Eyes
? Tom Ford Eye Colour Quad - Honeymoon
? Urban Decay Born To Run Eyeshadow Palette
? K-Palette 1 Day Tattoo Procast The Eyeliner 03
? Catrice Kohl Kajal Eyeliner - White
? Nars Blush - Behave
? Benefit California Kissin’ Colourbalm #77 and #00
?Outfit #1:
Top: TaoBao - Link no longer available
Skirt: Young Hungry Free
Earrings: Pomelo
Heels: Charles and Keith
?Outfit #2:
Top: Wild Peonies
Skirt: Seoul, Korea
Beret: Cotton On
Boots: Urban Revivo
?Outfit #3:
Dress: Pomelo
Heels: Charles and Keith
Hair Bow: Shopee - https://bit.ly/3lpr8X2
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong
► TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@mongabong
► Snapchat: @mongabong
► Blog: www.mongabong.com
► Email: hello@mongabong.com
Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am Singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. I love all things beauty and fashion, and I also like to share my life here. I hope you guys enjoy watching my videos!
This video is not sponsored. All content ideas and opinions are my own, and I do not make money out of any purchases.
born on christmas day 在 KAMIWAZA Trickshot Youtube 的精選貼文
Did you like our Beyblade Trickshots Japanese Spin Top Edition??
If you enjoy this video please subscribe.
This Spin Top called "Kenka goma" or "Yamewagoma" and it is born in Fukuoka Japan. This one is easy to spin so We think everyone can enjoy from first day.
*We filmed this video before quarantine. We hope you guys safe at home.
We love Trick Shot Videos so much that we started a Trick Shot channel on Youtube, in Japan.
And we are working on our English skills for our Worldwide subscriber!
(Beyblade Burst Trick Shots1)
(Beyblade Burst Trick Shots2)
(Beyblade Burst TrickShots Summer Edition)
(Beyblade Burst TrickShots Halloween Edition)
(Beyblade Burst TrickShots Christmas Edition)
(Beyblade Burst TrickShots Ibaraki Edition)
(Beyblade Trick Shots Space Edition)
(Beyblade Trick Shots Water Balloon Edition)
(Beyblade Trickshots Summer Edition2)
(Beyblade Burst TrickShots Halloween Edition2)
(Beyblade Burst TrickShots Christmas Edition2)
(Beyblade Burst TrickShots BAHAMUT Edition)
(Beyblade Trick Shots DREAD FAFNIR Edition)
(Beyblade Burst Trickshots3)
(Beyblade Burst Trickshots4)
(Beyblade Trickshots Spring Edition)
(Beyblade Trickshots MEGA Launcher Edition)
(Beyblade Trickshots Sperking Edition)
Pulse Factory - ANTI HERO
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KAMIWAZA is your destination for amazing and extraordinary sport tricks and amazing feats.
A big shout-out to DUDE PERFECT, who have been our inspiration and the reason why we started!
Our dream is to become at least as awesome as you, and we won't stop until we claim the throne of AWESOME!!!
#trickshots #beyblade #spintop
born on christmas day 在 Nigel Sparks Youtube 的精選貼文
CHAINS is about the imprisonment of the mind, chains of habit. This can be anything from addictions to unfounded fears. They all start as a simple, small experience and then become normal patterns of behaviour. Once they are a part of your life, they are extremely difficult to get rid of. Remember, at the end of the day we choose our own attachments in life. It is the freedom to choose your own path to believe what you want to believe in and also to be your own person.
CHAINS was written based on my personal experience, I hope it inspires everyone to let go of what holds them back. Whether if its your past or other person's judgment of you. Life is about moving on & break free! Till the next one, follow me on my socials below.
You can listen to CHAINS here :
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/35KLxhO
Apple Music - https://apple.co/2XXK4Sp
Music produced by : Ezzad (@exactesy)
Illustrated by : Arian Akif (@arianakif)
Nigel Sparks - Official Social Media (@nigelsparks)
Instagram: http://instagram.com/NigelSparks
Facebook: http://facebook.com/NigelSparks
Twitter: http://twitter.com/NigelSparks
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
I got 2 chains, 3 chains, lotta chains
They look at me strange
When I move on to greater things
[Verse 1]
I need more power, why u tripping I need more hours
The time is ticking, shit can turn sour
If you waste it, I done taste it, once complacent
You throw it out the window
Like your ego, start from zero
If u snooze then u lose, so fuck a pillow
I stay woke, working graveyard shifts
25, found a gold mine, Christmas gift
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
I got 2 chains, 3 chains, lotta chains
They look at me strange
When I move on to greater things
[Verse 2]
All my chains heavy
But I'm born ready
The cowards never started and the weak remains lazy
The struggle don't make it bitter, all your excuses do
Greatness is a process, listen to the voice within you
What's your occupation, what's your designation
Get a job, get a life, I call that the chain reaction
What's your occupation, what's your designation
Get a job, get a life, I call that the chain reaction
I was once told the chains of habit are too light to be felt
Until they're too heavy to be broken
Change, change is scary but change is necessary
It is for the better or best, never the worse
I say embrace!
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