多謝大家支持第56集 「#晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹」!呢集有藝人 Inez Leong 梁諾妍及 Christy Lai 黎紀君做嘉賓!🥂🥳多謝好拍擋 #強尼 同 #娟姐!🥳🥂今集介紹 #意大利有氣酒 ,其實除咗 #Prosecco , 仲有其他類別,試咗3款有氣酒包括有SOLCO 2017 LAMBRUSCO DELL’EMILIA IGT 、Bottega Miabi Pinot Nero Spumante Brut
及Bellavista Teatro Alla Scala 2014!🥳🥂🎉多謝支持!分享咗 #百樂潮州酒家 嘅蝦棗蟹棗及滷水鵝片配美酒 !😋😋#Cheers! 🥳🥂 😋!下星期一23:30 ViuTV 見!
Thanks all for your support on my 56th TV episode in 「Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink」! Thanks my partners Johnny Hui & Florica Lin! Happy to have artist Inez Leong and Christy Lai as the guests. #ItalianSparklingWine is being featured in this episode, there are other choices apart from Prosecco, including SOLCO 2017 LAMBRUSCO DELL’EMILIA IGT , Bottega Miabi Pinot Nero Spumante Brut & Bellavista Teatro Alla Scala 2014! 🥳🥂🎉I’ve paired delicacies from Pak Lok Chiu Chow restaurant with sparkling wine including Deep-fried Shrimp & Crab Balls and Marinated Goose ! 😋😋 #cheers! 🥳 See u all on next Monday 23:30 at #ViuTV!
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #Foodandwine 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong 強尼 @娟姐 Florica Lin #foodandwine #discoverhongkong #SolcoLambrusco #Lambrusco Bottega SpA #BottegaSparklingWine Bellavista Wine #Bellavista Telford Wine and Spirits Enoteca Wine Shop Hong Kong #spunmante #franciacorta
bottega spa 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的精選貼文
又係星期一!記得今晚睇 #晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹 第56集 ViuTV 99台 23:30-00:00!今集藝人嘉賓包括 Inez Leong 梁諾妍 同Christy Lai 黎紀君🥳🥂! 仲有我詩詩 #品酒師 同 #強尼 及 #娟姐 一齊約定你! 開定支咩酒一齊睇呀?今晚同大家分享 #意大利有氣酒🥳🥂!其實除咗Prosecco, 仲有好多其他選擇呀!仲有配 #潮式美食😋😋!#Yummy! 記得支持下呀!#Cheers!
It’s Monday again! It’s the 56th episode of “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink” on ViuTV Channel 99 tonight! We’ll have artists including #InezLeong and #ChristyLai as the guests! 🥂🎉🥳U’ll also see me as a wine & spirits specialist together with Johnny Hui & Florica Lin sipping wine & spirits together with our guest! What wine/spirits will you open tonight to watch it together? I will talk about #ItalianSparklingWine tonight ! 🥂🥳🎉I’ll be pairing it with #ChiuChow delicacies 😋😋! please support! Cheers!
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #Foodandwine 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong 強尼
@娟姐 Florica Lin #SolcoLambrusco #BottegaSparklingWine Bottega SpA #Bellavista Bellavista Wine Enoteca Wine Shop Hong Kong Telford Wine and Spirits
bottega spa 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的精選貼文
意大利有氣酒Prosecco點解奶白色同有益力多味?😆🥂試咗剛係香港推出嘅新有氣酒Bottega Ancestral,這瓶看上去有點似日本濁酒嘅奶白色有氣酒,其實係以Prosecco最古老配方釀造,莊主Sandro建議我用Grappa杯試飲,味道非常獨特,充滿玫瑰花香氣,味道帶奶油、乳酪、酵母、西柚、益力多、玫瑰花等,十分有層次,呢支新「古代有氣酒」而家已推出啦!$128港元可以試吓古法意大利氣酒味道,物超所值!🥂🥳Cheers!
How come Italian Prosecco has a creamy color with yoghurt flavour?😆🥂 Tried the newly launched in HK bubbles Bottega Ancestral,! It looks like sake with rice milky texture’s sparkling wine. It’s actually using the ancestral way of making Prosecco sparkling wine. The winery owner Sandro recommends me to use Grappa glass to try it. Its taste is very special, with rose petal notes on the nose, with creamy, yoghurt, grapefruit, yeasty, & rose petals notes, it’s so different with complexity. This “antique” sparkling wine is now selling in HK. With just HK$128, u can try the ancestral taste, it’s super value for money! #Cheers! 🥂🥳
Bottega Gold Bottega SpA Telford Wine and Spirits #bottega #bottegaancestral #prosecco
#ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #naturalwine #weekendvibes