現在我們有了可愛的新寶寶,可以讓我們疼愛他親親他,會很容易 (尤其是我們在看手機裡幾千張寶寶的照片時) 忘記我們身體還是有很多狀況,雖然我們把鬆鬆的肉塞進去褲子裡之後,看起來都恢復了,但是,還是有好長的恢復的路要走。
So, now we have this adorable new baby to adore and love and smoother with our kisses.
It’s easy (when we’re looking through our thousands of baby photos) to forget that while we may “look” like we’ve pretty much recovered, (after we tuck our flapping belly skin into our pants) we are far from it.
Apparently 50% of women suffer from back pain after delivering their baby. 50%!!
Our uterus expands during pregnancy and our abs are separated which pulls the lower spine forward, straining out back.
Also, carrying the baby, picking up toys, changing diapers, and bad posture also doesn’t help with the achy back.
Remember all those fun hormones surging through our body to help us loosen up the ligaments and joints so that we can push out a baby from “down there”?.... Yeah, those are unfortunately, still keeping our joints loose and, jiggly?
Things will hopefully get better and back to “normal” around 6 months, but here are a few things which can help in the meantime:
Husband massages. If husbands aren’t available. Wife massages. Boyfriend massages. Girlfriend massages. Colleague massages. Massage massages. Chair massages. Roller massages. Massages. Just massages. Oh they feel so darn good.
Move it, move it. Walk. swim. Dance. Stretch. Walk. Walk some more. Just move a bit. Even at home you can do it! I know that’s probably the last thing you want to do when you’re feeling sore and in pain, but moving around helps.
Rest if you can. I know. I know. When is there time?! And isn’t that contrary to what I just said above?! Well, you gotta make time for both. Moving. And resting.
Use a body pillow or pillow in between your legs when you sleep. It helps align the hips and just feels good.
And probably most importantly, hold your baby properly. This is key. We’re either breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, holding, cuddling, rocking, soothing, changing diapers, bending over, leaning, and overall just straining our back muscles. A way to prevent further injury is to make sure you have the correct posture and are using the correct muscles to do all of the above.
These are just a few basic tips to help ease some of the pains we have. Mommy, 辛苦了!
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Sunny Huang - IBCLC,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2月份回覆留言內容:使用RT保護罩nipple shield需要滴乳汁幫助貼合嗎、補餵dream feed完是否要拍嗝和口腔清潔、寶寶容易吐奶能否使用控速瓶餵paced bottle feeding、2個月寶寶睡眠儀式後睡1-2小時內就醒來無睡意怎麼辦、寶寶越早吃副食品是否越不容易過敏、RF吸出血怎...
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- 關於bottle-feeding 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於bottle-feeding 在 營養師媽媽Priscilla Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於bottle-feeding 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於bottle-feeding 在 Paced Bottle Feeding - YouTube 的評價
bottle-feeding 在 Emma Ma'embong Facebook 的精選貼文
my favourite bottle @comotomomalaysia and it designed to mimic breastfeeding to help babies transition back and forth from nursing to bottle feeding🥰
bottle-feeding 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
It's not a fancy photo, but it's one that is worth commemorating!
Today, 25th Oct, is the day i stepped out of my house for the first time after i delivered.
I finally breathe the air outside of my house after 33 days! (Hospital runs DOESN'T COUNT! LOL) Albeit it being a short 1hour breakfast meet with my gfs nearby was all it was, it was still a much needed break! I felt that that was all i needed for now to gain some back sanity.
It's my decision to choose the journey of exclusive latching for my breastfeeding journey. That also means baby is stuck to me all day. On most days, Layla is like a magnet. When i put her down, she'd cry or wake up very quickly from her nap. Somedays are tougher than others, on those days, i question if my decision is a right one. If i had bottle fed, I'll have a lot more freedom and definitely get a lot more rest. But with every choice comes with its own set of pros and cons. And everyday i remind myself that this is my decision and it is what i choose. I know that i have the option of bottle feeding or formula feeding, and it's not like one is better than the other, but latching is my ultimate decision. So on days where it gets overwhelming, i remind myself that I CHOSE THIS.
There's something rather grounding when i remind myself that 'I CHOSE THIS'. This, can be anything from breastfeeding, to choice of partner, to choice of work, to basically anything. When you choose something, it means that you were given the free will to select other options, yet you decide on this and accept all the consequences and responsibilities that come with it. Psychology terms, it's called Choice Theory.
So whenever the going gets tough, i remind myself that 'I Chose This'. It has helped me through many difficult times in the past. Hopefully this little tip will also help you through yours!
#sheilalovesherlife #motherhood #33dayspostpartum #sheilalovesherlovenest #breastfeeding #ssfoodforthoughts #sspositivepsychology #positivepsychology #choicetheory
bottle-feeding 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的精選貼文
2月份回覆留言內容:使用RT保護罩nipple shield需要滴乳汁幫助貼合嗎、補餵dream feed完是否要拍嗝和口腔清潔、寶寶容易吐奶能否使用控速瓶餵paced bottle feeding、2個月寶寶睡眠儀式後睡1-2小時內就醒來無睡意怎麼辦、寶寶越早吃副食品是否越不容易過敏、RF吸出血怎麼辦、含氧化鋅屁屁膏可用來日常防護嗎、10個月寶寶吃的副食品鐵含量低可否補充維他命、寶寶多大改爲先吃副食品再喝奶、大人陪睡一離開寶寶就清醒是慣出來的壞習慣嗎、未滿月的寶寶該停止睡前哭鬧的RT安撫嗎、惡露多會影響奶量嗎、如何判斷幾點擠的奶為早上奶或晚上奶、寶寶吸奶時含著RT做左右前後拉扯怎麼辦、曬屁股不穿衣服寶寶肚子會著涼嗎、影片中提及的文章連結在哪裡找、5個月寶寶半夜醒來翻身趴睡需要把他翻為仰躺嗎、第一次生產可以找Midwife嗎、2個月大的純母乳寶寶需要喝水嗎、6個月還不會坐穩的寶寶可以在大人用餐時間長時間一起坐著嗎、新生兒可以長期喝冷藏奶嗎、生產後已開奶/補充卵磷脂/吃發奶食品但還是奶量低是否為體質關係、斜坡枕wedge pillow會影響寶寶的脊椎發育嗎、寶寶吃米精多久後可換成其他食物、6個月寶寶實行BLW吃到質地粗大食物會吐奶該怎麼辦、15/15/3和寶寶的餵奶時間如何安排、寶寶幾歲戒奶最好、一邊親餵另一邊用集奶器接奶是否剩下的奶水不夠寶寶喝、哺乳媽媽真的不能吃避孕藥嗎、半夜親餵完需要包包巾嗎、寶寶長牙親餵咬RT受傷怎麼辦、塞奶時可否使用電動牙刷或震動洗臉儀鬆動腫塊、寶寶洗澡一定要在早上嗎、母乳媽媽吃太鹹寶寶腎臟會受不了嗎、4個半月寶寶親餵只喝5分鐘真的有喝飽嗎/側躺餵寶寶只轉頭但身體仰躺會否影響脖子發育、5個月寶寶突然不吃奶嘴只接受親餵奶睡怎麼辦、造成雷諾氏症的原因和緩解方式、7周大寶寶白天不願意自己一個人玩怎麼辦、類固醇Betamethasome可以擦口水疹嗎、哺乳期間媽媽可以補牙嗎、包包巾可以改成直接固定手臂就好嗎、6個月大寶寶會搶湯匙是否可以嘗試自主餵食、6個月寶寶剛長牙就需要用牙膏嗎、媽媽喝豆漿對男寶寶有什麼影響、擠奶器擠奶可否邊按摩RF/奶陣時可否按壓/RF是否需要排空、1.9歲寶寶刷牙時會吸牙膏該怎麼辦、選擇擠奶器喇叭投影片裡的10mm跳到28mm指的是什麼?📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:http://bit.ly/2kttyum
立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診哺育諮詢 」
無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的母乳哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:https://forms.gle/AphbHvtcv5Y2Rr4EA
Sunny老師的Amazon Store(推薦清單不定期更新) https://www.amazon.com/shop/sunnyhuang-ibclc
#如何判斷幾點擠的奶為早上奶或晚上奶 #新生兒可以長期喝冷藏奶嗎 #Sunny回覆留言

bottle-feeding 在 營養師媽媽Priscilla Youtube 的精選貼文
嬰兒吐奶怎麼辦? 嬰兒脤奶怎麼辦? 看看 餵奶樽姿勢 減少嬰兒出現過量飲奶的吐奶, 脹氣, 肚痛問題.
#營養師媽媽Priscilla #餵奶機姿勢 #pacedbottlefeeding
催乳餐單: https://deft-thinker-8848.ck.page/6d474f147a
3日孕婦餐單: https://deft-thinker-8848.ck.page/3ce4b3ad14
寶寶引進固體食物清單: https://deft-thinker-8848.ck.page/4f3c33d214
支持: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nutritionmama
訂閱: 營養師媽媽 頻道: https://bit.ly/2CJUtum
聯絡: priscilla@nutritionmama.online
營養師媽媽的嬰幼兒美味食譜 (電子版)
Facebook page (營養師媽媽): http://www.facebook.com/mama.nutrition
Facebook page (身心營養師): http://www.facebook.com/dietitianhk
網站: https://www.nutritionmama.online

bottle-feeding 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的最讚貼文
如果妳採用親餵及奶瓶混合餵養,又或者寶寶常常會嗆奶(Choking)、吐奶(Spit up)、脹氣(gassy)、焦躁(Fuzzy)或腸絞痛(Colic),試試看「控速瓶餵法Paced Bottle Feeding」,可能會有意想不到的效果!📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:http://bit.ly/2kttyum
立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診哺育諮詢 」
無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的母乳哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:https://forms.gle/AphbHvtcv5Y2Rr4EA
Sunny老師的Amazon Store(推薦清單不定期更新) https://www.amazon.com/shop/sunnyhuang-ibclc
Comotomo Baby Bottle (寬口奶瓶) https://amzn.to/30W8HSA
NUK Baby Bottles (寬口奶瓶) https://amzn.to/342rjSU
Philips Avent Bottle Warmer (溫奶器) https://amzn.to/3kP8LeM
Papablic Sterilizer and Dryer (奶瓶消毒烘乾器) https://amzn.to/3gUpT0q
「如何產後第一天就成功母乳餵養 (上) 觀念篇」影片連結:https://youtu.be/o9CcS4NFO20
「如何產後第一天就成功母乳餵養 (下) 實作篇」影片連結:https://youtu.be/0X5NvLUoO6M
#控速瓶餵 #PacedBottleFeeding #Sunny母乳餵養

bottle-feeding 在 Paced Bottle Feeding - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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