「1/28 小姬老師來了❤️❤️❤️❤️」
<📌2021/1/26~2021/1/30-Winter Workshop>
小姬老師來自RAGGA FLU,也是Dancehall之中的元老啊!!
陳玉姬(小姬)—Jill Chen
Dance Style: Dancehall、Hip-Hop、Freestyle、Afro
Dance Crew: ATTENTION(before2009)、Street Monster、RAGGA FLU
📌個人教學經歷 :
鶯歌高職, 喬治高職, 恆毅中學, 治平中學, 忠孝國中, 淡水商工, 再興中學, 新莊高中, 松山家商, 靜心中學, 桃園武陵高中, 台中醫學大學, 元智大學, 台北大學, 國北師, 長庚大學,中原大學, 虎尾科技大學, 桃銘傳, 北銘傳, 華梵大學, 師範大學, 東吳大學致理技術學院, 政治大學, 東吳大學, 新竹中國科技大學, 世新大學, 真理大學, 東海大學 等熱舞社及台北舞狂工作室, SEER Dance Studio, Dazzle Dance Studio, Supreme工作室, OR Dance Studio, Revolution Dance Studio, TBC Dance Studio, Dancesoul Dance studio , IP Dance Studio, SBC舞蹈工作室及中壢DADA工作室, 中壢Mr.Frog, 中壢美國派舞蹈工作室, 新竹KGB舞蹈工作室, 新竹MIX舞蹈工作室, 新竹MM舞蹈生活館外聘指導老師
致理技術學院, 靜宜大學 熱舞社外聘指導老師, 及授課於台北Merry Monarc Dance Studio, 高雄YO!BBS Dance Studio
2008.4 Attention 受邀Dance2XS 在芝加哥參與演出
2008.5 擔任OBS Girl style battle評審
2008 "Street Monster" 成軍 成員包括 Joy 泓龍 雪球 Nike 小陸 小姬
2009.6~9 赴NY及東京進修
2009~2011. MM及IP, HRC舞蹈工作室成果展編舞老師
2010.08 成軍 “RAGGA FLU” , 參與多項比賽與擔任許多活動表演團體
2010.8.19 Merrymonarc六週年Dance Union party表演團體
2011.1.23 Dance@live表演團體
2011.3.6 參與台大盃初賽 晉級決賽
2011.3.27 Hip-Hop饒舌活動表演團體@華山藝文特區
2011.4.3 參與台大盃決賽
2011.4.9 Max Party Rountine 比賽 亞軍
2011~12 受邀為各高中大專院校成果展與各大活動表演團體
2012.3.16 MUAH PARTY Vol.2--Dancehall Party主辦單位及表演團體
2012.05 參與G-Shock 2012新錶型錄拍攝
2013.5 邀請法國知名舞者Camron One-Shot來台灣開設Dancehall Workshop課程
2013.5-7 受邀為各大專院校及高中職學校成果展表演團體
2013.8.17 台中Funkzilla game表演團體
2013.1~6 擔任多場街舞比賽 Freestyle Battle Judge
2013.7.27 Wind Da Hip Vol.1第一屆Dancehall Battle Judge
2013.8.8~12 前往馬來西亞開設Dancehall Workshop
2013.8.15~27 前往法國進修
2013.8.31 Dance for High 全國高中生街舞大賽Freestyle 1 on 1 Battle Judge
2013.9.7~11 前往日本進修
2014.1~7 前往中國福州, 新加坡, 澳門 香港 等地 開設Dancehall Workshop
2014.6 Street Monster 受邀至馬來西亞擔任Battle Guest
2014.7 受邀至澳門擔任China Dance Delight 排舞比賽 Judge
2014.8 Ragga Flu主辦第一屆全台灣大型Dancehall Summer Camp “Fyah To Di
World” , 邀請牙買加及法國老師來台分享 此活動參與總人數超過180人
2014.9 前往牙買加進修
2014.10 擔任馬來西亞女力Judge
2014.10~11 前往馬來西亞 香港 澳門 開設Dancehall Workshop
2015.1 二度牙買加進修
2015.2 Ragga Flu 主辦台灣“Fyah To Di World” Vol.2-Valentine Edition Dancehall Event
2015.3 擔任OBS “Team by Team Freestyle Battle” Judge
2015. 8 Ragga Flu 主辦台灣 “Fyah To Di World” Vol.3 Dancehall Summer Camp
2016.1 與Man Power合作主辦台灣 “Fulla Vybez” Dancehall Event
2016.3 受邀擔任新加坡RF Jam Dance Camp All style battle Judge
2016.4 受邀至泰國普吉島擔任 “Dansters Phuket Spring Dance Camp” 授課老師
2017.2 受邀至法國擔任 “ Dancehall Master World” 授課老師及排舞賽評審
2017.8 Ragga Flu主辦 台灣 “Fyah to Di World” Vol.4 Dancehall Event
2018.1 受邀至菲律賓擔任 “Dancehall Manila” 活動的授課老師及評審
2018.1 南姬金果主辦 台灣 “Hall 4 Real” Vol.1 Dancehall Event
2018.4 受邀至馬來西亞擔任 “Who Is The Champion” 活動的授課老師及Dancehall battle評審
2018.6 受邀至中國福州擔任 “Dancehall In China” Vol.2 活動的授課老師及評審
2018.9 Ragga Flu主辦 台灣 “Fyah To Di World” Vol.5 Dancehall Event
2018.10 受邀至中國重慶開設舞蹈訓練課程
2018.11 受邀至澳門及香港 開設Dancehall 及 Afro Workshop
2018.12 受邀至廣州 擔任 Dancehall Fiesta Vol.1 授課老師及Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.3 受邀至中國上海擔任 俄羅斯著名活動 Dancehall International Asia Vol.1 授課老師
2019.6 受邀至馬來西亞 TJD Jam授課老師及Bun It Up Vol.1 Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.8 台灣 Mask主辦之Underbridge Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.8 受邀至日本沖繩擔任第一屆Dancehall In Asia 授課老師及評審
2019.9 台灣 Tek Yute Time Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.9 台灣 Battle In Taoyuan Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.10 台灣 Suprernova Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.10 受邀至中國濟南擔任“Dancehall In China”活動的授課老師及評審
2019.10 台灣 新竹扶輪盃 Freestyle Battle Judge
2019.11 台灣 Yeh Man Dancehall Battle Judge
2019.12 受邀至中國廣州擔任“Dancehall Fiesta” 活動授課老師
2020. 1 台灣苗栗五食盃 Freestyle Battle Judge
2020.1 Ragga Flu 及南姬金果 主辦“Hall 4 Real” Dancehall Event, 邀請來自牙買加的老師 Orville and Shelly Xpressionz 來台分享
2020. 8.1 擔任 UnderBridge Freestyle 1 on 1 Battle Judge
2020.8.28 擔任高雄可可幫 Dancehall 1 on 1 Battle Judge
2020.9.5 擔任新北FUN街頭 “女力” Freestyle 2 on 2 Battle Judge
📌Artists' Showcase & Performance:
2002.3擔任歌手許慧欣首張專輯專屬舞者 參與許慧欣多場校園簽唱會及大型演唱 會的演出
2004.10 張惠妹 “也許明天” 專屬舞者
2005.9~ 羅志祥 “催眠show”專屬舞者
2005.11~S.H.E “不想長大”專屬舞者
2005.12 張惠妹跨年活動舞蹈部分編排老師及專屬舞者
2006.4 Sony-BMG Concert舞者
2007.1.25張惠妹上海"Channel V"華語音樂榜中榜頒獎典禮 舞者及排舞老師
2007.4~ 哈林香港演唱會舞者
2007.6 張惠妹新專輯MV與廣告排舞老師及專屬舞者
2007.11~2008 張惠妹 “STAR TOUR” 世界巡迴演唱會 專屬舞者
2009. "阿密特"金曲獎表演舞者
2010. 擔任 藝人"周筆暢" 巡迴演唱會 排舞老師 舞監及舞者
2010.6 擔任 張惠妹 美西"Amway安利研討會"晚會嘉賓 專屬舞者
2010.10 "阿密特"北京MTV音樂盛典 表演舞者
2010 張惠妹台北跨年晚會表演舞者
2011. 張惠妹 “你在看我嗎”專輯 專屬舞者
2011~2013. 張惠妹“ AMEIZING” 世界巡迴演唱會 專屬舞者
2014. 張惠妹 “偏執面”—“跳進來” MV拍攝 及 “飛高高” 排舞老師
2015~2017. 張惠妹 “UTOPIA” 世界巡迴演唱會 專屬舞者
2005.2 TBC主辦之Freestyle Battle (2-on-2)冠軍
2009.11 The soul 2 on 2 battle 八強
2009.12 Showbiz舉辦crossfire freestyle battle 四強
2009.12 Merrymonarc舉辦Dance Union “girl style” battle 冠軍
2010.3 Street Monster獲得 The Soul Dance studio 舉辦之--Soul Stage “team by team” battle 冠軍
2010.4 Max Party VIII hiphop battle八強
2010.8 Street Monster 獲得 Soul Stage team battle 二連霸
2012.3 Street Monster Doobiest 街頭文化祭 3 on 3 Freestyle battle 冠軍
2012.9. Bboy world Asia Festival “女力”2 on 2 Freestyle battle 冠軍
2013.2 Dance@Live Taiwan 第二戰 Freestyle 亞軍
2013.8 France Bigupkemp Dancehall 1 on 1 battle 八強
2013.11 Bboy world Asia Festival vol.2 “女力” 2 on 2 Freestyle Battle亞軍
2014.04.20 Dance@Live 第三次預賽 Freestyle組 冠軍
2014.08.30 桃園 “Who Is Monster?” 1 on 1 Freestyle Battle 四強
2014.10.11 台中 “Zero Four” 街舞比賽 2 on 2 Freestyle Battle 亞軍
2014.11.09 香港澳門主辦 “Rootsrider” Dancehall 1 on1 Battle 冠軍
2015.06 台灣 “Wah Gwaan” Dancehall Battle 1 on 1 冠軍
2016.02 OBS Dancer High 5 on 5 (Ten Brothers) 亞軍
2018.7 高雄苓雅盃 Freestyle 2on2 battle 季軍
2019.2 法國 Dancehall Master World Choreography 排舞賽 冠軍
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#'93年にカプコン、ステイタスが開発、カプコンが発売した、SFC用RPG作品であり、シリーズの第1作。 王道ファンタジーストーリーではあるが、時々垣間見えるおどけた表現が全体のバランスを保っている。 戦闘バランス等に問題が残されているもののカプコン初の本格RPGは後のシリーズに受けつがれる数々の...
「bun up the dance」的推薦目錄:
- 關於bun up the dance 在 YiDen Studio歪低街舞工作室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Ray Shen Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Kenjumboy Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於bun up the dance 在 translation Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Giva Divas Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Lee Amanda Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Dillon Francis, Skrillex - Bun Up the Dance (Official Music Video) 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Bun Up the Dance / Yeji Kim Choreography - YouTube 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Bun Up the Dance l Choreography @YeJi Kim @1997DANCE ... 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Bun Up The Dance | Kyle Hanagami Choreography - YouTube 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 BUN UP THE DANCE Tutorial‼️ - YouTube 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Dillon Francis, Skrillex - Bun Up the Dance (Audio) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Bun Up The Dance - Jane Kim Choreography - YouTube 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Bun Up The Dance | Kyle Hanagami Choreography - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於bun up the dance 在 Bun up the dance - H.N.H music - Facebook 的評價
bun up the dance 在 Ray Shen Facebook 的最佳解答
Ray's Music World Episode 158 (#RMW158) – Ray Shen
001 - Steve Angello feat. Pusha T - Freedom
002 - Dillon Francis & Skrillex - Bun Up The Dance
003 - REZZ x K?d - Fourth Impact (CRYSTALIZE Remix)
004 - Kayzo & Blessthefall - Before The Storm
005 - Alison Wonderland - Happy Place
006 - Tiësto & Aazar feat. Micky Blue - Diamonds
007 - Jack Ü feat. SNAILS & Taranchyla - Holla Out
008 - Kayzo feat. Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low - Up In Flames
009 - ILLENIUM feat. Foy Vance - Blood
010 - Calcium - Frozen
011 - Carnage feat. Sludge - El Diablo
012 - SLANDER feat. Dylan Matthew - Love Is Gone
013 - Dillon Francis & Alison Wonderland - Lost My Mind
014 - Yellow Claw feat. GTA - Hold On To Me
015 - VIRTUAL SELF - Ghost Voices (Adventure Club Remix)
016 - Fabian Mazur - Sun Goes Down
017 - Seven Lions & Wooli & Trivecta feat. Nevve - Island (Sullivan King Remix)
#RMW158 #Trap #Midtempo #Dubstep #FutureBass
bun up the dance 在 Kenjumboy Facebook 的最佳貼文
Eminem Killshot rap cover :v mới tập nên hơn tệ :< đừng chê nha
Eminem Killshot rap cover :v mới tập nên hơn tệ :< đừng chê nha :(
Lyrics bài này nè :3 :
You sound like a bitch, bitch
Shut the fuck up
When your fans become your haters
You done?
Fuck, your beard's weird
You yellin' at the mic, you weird beard
We doin' this once
Your beard's weird, why you yellin' at the mic?
Rihanna just hit me on a text
Last night I left hickeys on her neck
Wait, you just dissed me? I'm perplexed
Insult me in a line, compliment me on the next, damn
I'm really sorry you want me to have a heart attack
Was watchin' 8 Mile on my NordicTrack
Realized I forgot to call you back
Here's that autograph for your daughter, I wrote it on a Starter cap
Stan, Stan, son, listen, man, dad isn't mad
But how you gonna name yourself after a damn gun and have a man bun?
The giant's woke, eyes open, undeniable
Supplyin' smoke, got the fire stoked
Say you got me in a scope, but you grazed me
I say one call to Interscope and you're Swayze
Your reply got the crowd yelling, "Woo"
So before you die let's see who can out-petty who
With your corny lines (Slim you're old)
Ow, Kelly, ooh, but I'm 45 and I'm still outselling you
By 29 I had three albums that had blew
Now let's talk about somethin' I don't really do
Go in someone's daughter's mouth stealin' food
But you're a fuckin' mole hill, now I'ma make a mountain out of you, woo!
Ho, chill, actin' like you put the chrome barrel to my bone marrow
Gunner? Bitch, you ain't a bow and arrow
Say you'll run up on me like a phone bill, sprayin' lead
Playin' dead, that's the only time you hold still
Are you eating cereal, or oatmeal?
What the fuck's in the bowl, milk? Wheaties or Cheerios?
'Cause I'm takin' a shit in 'em, Kelly, I need reading material
Yo Slim, your last four albums sucked
Go back to Recovery, oh shoot, that was three albums ago
What do you know? Oops, know your facts before you come at me, lil' goof
Luxury, oh, you broke, bitch?
Yeah, I had enough money in '02
To burn it in front of you, ho
Younger me? No, you the whack me
It's funny, but so true
I'd rather be 80 year old me than 20 year old you
'Til I'm hitting old age, still can fill a whole page with a 10 year old's rage
Got more fans than you in your own city, lil' kiddy
Go play, feel like I'm babysitting Lil Tay
Got the Diddy okay so you spent your whole day
Shootin' a video just to fuckin' dig your own grave
Got you at your own wake, I'm the billy goat
You ain't never made a list next to no Biggie, no Jay
Next to Taylor Swift, and that Iggy ho, you about to really blow
Kelly, they'll be putting your name
Next to Ja, next to Benzino, die, motherfucker
Like the last motherfucker sayin' Hailey in vain
Alien brain, you Satanist (yeah)
My biggest flops are your greatest hits
The game's mine again and ain't nothin' changed but the locks
So before I slay this bitch, mwah, give Jade a kiss
Gotta wake up Labor Day to this (the fuck?)
Bein' rich-shamed by some prick usin' my name for clickbait
In a state of bliss 'cause I said his goddamn name
Now I gotta cock back, aim, yeah, bitch, pop champagne to this
It's your moment, this is it
As big as you're gonna get, so enjoy it
Had to give you a career to destroy it
Lethal injection, go to sleep six feet deep
I'll give you a B for the effort, but if I was three
Foot 11, you'd look up to me, and for the record
You would suck a dick to fuckin' be me for a second
Lick a ballsack to get on my channel
Give your life to be this solidified
This mothafuckin' shit is like Rambo when he's out of bullets
So what good is a fuckin' machine gun when it's out of ammo?
Had enough of this tatted-up mumble rapper
How the fuck can him and I battle?
He'll have to fuck Kim in my flannel
I'll give him my sandals
'Cause he knows long as I'm Shady, he's gon' have to live in my shadow
Exhausting, letting off on my offspring
Like a gun barrel, bitch, get off me
You dance around it like a sombrero, we can all see
You're fuckin' salty 'cause young Gerald's balls-deep inside of Halsey
Your red sweater, your black leather
You dress better, I rap better
That a death threat or a love letter?
Little white toothpick
Thinks it's over a pic, I just don't like you, prick
Thanks for dissing me
Now I had an excuse on the mic to write, "Not Alike"
But really, I don't care who's in the right
But you're losin' the fight you picked
Who else want it, Kells?
Attempt fails, Budden, L's
Fuckin' nails in these coffins as soft as Cottonelle
Killshot, I will not fail, I'm with the Doc still
But this idiot's boss pops pills and tells him he's got skills
But Kells, the day you put out a hit's the day Diddy admits
That he put the hit out that got Pac killed, ah
I'm sick of you bein' whack
And still usin' that mothafuckin' Auto-Tune, so let's talk about it (let's talk about it)
I'm sick of your mumble rap mouth
Need to get the cock up out it before we can even talk about it (talk about it)
I'm sick of your blonde hair and earrings
Just 'cause you look in the mirror and think you're Marshall Mathers (Marshall Mathers)
Don't mean you are, and you're not about it
So just leave my dick in your mouth, and keep my daughter out it
You fuckin', oh
And I'm just playin', Diddy, you know I love you
bun up the dance 在 translation Youtube 的精選貼文
作曲:藤田靖明氏。山口真理さん(Track 07,22,38,41,49)、藤井美苗さん(Track 08)、下村陽子さん(Track 32)、西村達也氏(Track 31)
Manufacturer: 1993.04.03 capcom / capcom,status
Computer: Super famicon / snes
Hardware: SPC700
Music driver programmer: Yoshihiro Sakaguchi (Oyabun), Yasushi Ikeda (Ikebomb)
Composer: Yasuaki Fujita (Bun Bun), Mari Yamaguchi (Mari), Minae Fujii (Ojalin), Yoko Shimomura (Pii)
00:00:00 01.[s.e.]Lightning (s.e./稲光)
00:00:05 02.Blood Relation (血脈)
00:03:08 03.The Dragon Warrior (竜の戦士/タイトル)
00:05:46 04.White Dragon (白竜/オープニング)
00:07:10 05.Quickening (胎動)
00:07:59 06.Fate (命運/イベントなど)
00:10:33 07.Starting the Journey ~Breath of Fire~ (旅立~ブレスオブ ファイア~/序盤フィールド)
00:13:25 08.Day and Night (日夜/街)
00:16:35 09.Profit (営利)
00:19:07 10.Sorrow (哀惜)
00:21:59 11.Beginning of Battle (緒戦/前半通常戦闘)
00:24:44 12.Victory Song (凱歌/戦闘勝利)
00:25:45 13.Gentle Breeze (微風/ウインディア)
00:28:28 14.Sleep (眠)
00:28:33 15.Strong Fortress (堅城/城)
00:30:55 16.Solution (解)
00:31:01 17.Bonds (絆)
00:31:11 18.Culvert (暗渠/洞窟)
00:34:20 19.Skyscraper (高楼/塔)
00:36:49 20.A Brave General (梟将/ボス戦)
00:39:47 21.Deep Forest (深林/森)
00:43:02 22.Holy (聖)
00:43:08 23.Distant View (遠望/中盤フィールド)
00:46:44 24.Fishing (釣)
00:46:49 25.Release (放)
00:46:55 26.Small Hermitage (小庵/家の中)
00:49:23 27.A Road (街路/光の街)
00:52:34 28.A Drunk's Life (酔生/未使用曲)
00:55:42 29.Secret City (窃都/闇の街)
00:58:23 30.Sand Palace (砂宮/ヂューン)
01:02:03 31.Memories (記憶/竜の像セーブ)
01:04:35 32.Trade City (商都/マッカ)
01:07:41 33.Swimming (遊泳/大魚移動時)
01:10:01 34.Battling (戟戦/後半通常戦闘)
01:12:52 35.Dejection (喪心/ロメロの村)
01:15:16 36.Premature Death (夭折)
01:17:51 37.Expedition (遠征/終盤フィールド)
01:21:13 38.Music City (楽都/音楽の街)
01:23:42 39.Song and Dance (歌舞/カンタベル)
01:26:52 40.Ancient Ruins (遺墟/ダンジョン)
01:29:50 41.Emergency (危急)
01:32:11 42.Flying (飛遊/大鳥移動時)
01:35:11 43.The Empire (帝国/帝都)
01:38:08 44.A Powerful Emperor (強帝)
01:40:51 45.God's Footprints (神蹟)
01:43:30 46.The Final Level (終域)
01:46:29 47.Black Dragon (黒竜/ゾーゴン戦・ジュダス戦など)
01:49:20 48.Dawn (暁/水中)
01:51:48 49.Return (帰還/エンディング)
01:54:26 50.Great Achievement (偉/スタッフロール *Good end,Bad endあり。Bad endは後半パートが無いショートver.)
01:56:14 51.True Ending (トゥルーエンド)
01:58:06 52.The Lost Hero (ロストヒーロー)
02:01:04 53.Dragon Heart (ドラゴンハート)
02:01:17 54.Level Up! (レベルアップ!)
02:03:10 55.Special Item Fanfare (スペシャルアイテムファンファーレ)
02:03:16 56.The Fife (ファイフ)
02:03:20 57.Unused Ambience (アンビエンス/未使用)
bun up the dance 在 Giva Divas Youtube 的最佳解答
哈囉大家好~Giva Divas的新影片又來囉!
我們這次要介紹的DJ是Dillon Francis!
被DJ Snake整:
DJ Hanzel - One Deeper Talks:
砲轟DJ MAG百大排行榜:
Dillon Francis ft. G-Eazy - Say Less
Dillon Francis - Ven
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Background music:
bun up the dance 在 Lee Amanda Youtube 的最佳貼文
Choreo by Amanda Lee
Music by Dillon Francis
HRC Dance Academy
Amanda Lee
Facebook: @Amanda Lee
IG: amanda0955
bun up the dance 在 Dillon Francis, Skrillex - Bun Up the Dance (Official Music Video) 的推薦與評價
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