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The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a wolf-like canid that is native to Eastern Europe, Southwest Asia, South Asia, and regions of Southeast Asia.
#2. ADW: Canis aureus: INFORMATION - Animal Diversity Web
The body length of the golden jackal is 70 to 85 cm., with a tail length of about 25 cm. Its standing height is approximately 40 cm. The fur is generally coarse ...
#3. Canis aureus (Carnivore: Canidae) | Mammalian Species
Canis aureus (Linnaeus, 1758), the golden jackal, is a medium-sized, wide spread, terrestrial carnivore. It is 1 of 7 species found in the ...
#4. Golden jackal - Canis aureus - Linnaeus, 1758 - EUNIS
Canis aureus with the common name Golden jackal, belongs to the Mammals group.
#5. ITIS - Report: Canis aureus - Integrated Taxonomic ...
Genus, Canis Linnaeus, 1758 – dogs, foxes, jackals ; Species, Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 – Golden Jackal, Eurasian Golden Jackal ; Direct Children: ; Subspecies ...
#6. Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 - GBIF
DIAGNOSIS Canis aureus occurs sympatrically with the silver-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) and the side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) in parts of East Africa.
#7. Taxonomy browser (Canis aureus) - NCBI
Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758. Genbank common name: golden jackal. NCBI BLAST name: carnivores. Rank: species. Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)
#8. Diet composition of the golden jackal ... - Wiley Online Library
由 PN Lange 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 3 次 — Abstract The golden jackal Canis aureus is spreading throughout Europe and settling in countries where it has never been found before.
EtymologyEdit · Latin canis (“dog”) + aureus. Proper nounEdit · Canis aureus m. A taxonomic species within the family Canidae – the golden jackal.
#10. Cattle predation by the golden jackal Canis aureus in the ...
About 1·5%–1·9% of the calves born in the Golan Heights die due to predation, mainly by golden jackals Canis aureus, and the total damage during 1993 was ...
#11. Golden Jackal - Canis aureus - Ecology Asia
The Golden Jackal is a medium-sized canid which mainly inhabits dry, open habitats, and is less likely to be found in wet, evergreen forests. They are mainly ...
#12. Canis aureus - Wikidata
Canis aureus. chacal dorado. chacal dorado. Traditional Chinese. 亞洲胡狼. No description defined. Chinese. 亞洲胡狼. 哺乳動物物種. 金豺; 亚洲胡狼; 金背胡狼.
#13. Dispersal history of the golden jackal (Canis aureus ...
由 N Spassov 著作 · 2019 · 被引用 34 次 — This study provides a profound analysis of the history of the jackal's (Canis aureus moreoticus Geoffroy, 1835) occurrence in Europe, ...
#14. golden jackal - Encyclopedia of Life
Canis aureus (Golden Jackal) is a species of mammals in the family Canidae. They are listed in cites appendix iii. They are associated with freshwater ...
#15. The flexible social system of the golden jackal, Canis aureus
Golani, I., Mendelssohn, H.: Sequences of precopulatory behaviour of the jackal (Canis aureus L.). Behaviour 38, 169–192 (1971).
#16. Movement, home range size and activity pattern of the golden ...
2019. Movement, home range size and activity pattern of the golden jackal (Canis aureus, Linneaus, 1758) in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand.
#17. Canis aureus - Mindat.org
Canis aureus · Description. The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a wolf-like canid that is native to Southeast Europe, Southwest Asia, South Asia, and regions of ...
#18. The Flexible Social System of the Golden Jackal, Canis ... - jstor
Arabian jackal, Canis aureus syriacus, has been observed in Israel by Golani and Keller (1975). This background knowledge makes the golden jackal a suitable ...
#19. Canis aureus - Wikispecies
Canis aureus. Language · Watch · Edit. Canis aureus. TaxonavigationEdit. Taxonavigation: Caniformia. Superregnum: Eukaryota Cladus: Unikonta
#20. Population status, foraging ecology and activity pattern ... - PLOS
A study on population status, foraging ecology and activity pattern of golden jackal (Canis aureus) was conducted from October 2017 to ...
#21. Canis aureus Linnaeus 1758 | Species - IndiaBiodiversity ...
Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 ... Commonly called as the Indian or Golden Jackal. It is more similar to the wolf in appearance but is smaller in size. It usually ...
#22. The status of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus L.) in Greece
The status of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus L.) in. Greece. Giorgos Giannatos, Yiannis Marinos, Panagiota Maragou and Giorgos Catsadorakis.
#23. Canis aureus - CABI.org
Preferred Scientific Name; Canis aureus. Taxonomic Tree; Domain: Eukaryota; Kingdom: Metazoa; Phylum: Chordata; Subphylum: Vertebrata; Class: Mammalia.
#24. Canis aureus - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary ...
Definitions of Canis aureus. noun. Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually ...
#25. Reproduction of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) outside ...
Reproduction of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) outside current resident breeding populations in Europe: evidence from the Czech Republic ...
#26. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) longevity, ageing, and life history
AnAge entry for Canis aureus. Classification (HAGRID: 01725). Taxonomy: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia (Taxon entry) Order: Carnivora
#27. golden jackal | mammal - Encyclopedia Britannica
Alternate titles: Asiatic jackal, Canis aureus ... jackal (C. aureus), found from eastern Europe to Southeast Asia, the African golden wolf (C. anthus), ...
#28. Diet composition of the golden jackal Canis ... - WUR eDepot
The golden jackal Canis aureus is a widespread meso- carnivore (a carnivore weighing less than 15 kg), native to Asia and Europe, that has been expanding ...
#29. How Knowledge of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) is Formed
This paper analyses the ways in which human knowledge of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) is formed in the case of a rural community of the ...
#30. Role of golden jackals (Canis aureus) as natural reservoirs of ...
Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens are mosquito-transmitted zoonotic nematodes, causing heartworm disease and skin lesions, ...
#31. Canis aureus, Golden Jackal - IUCN Red List
Taxon Name: Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 ... The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Canis aureus – published in 2018.
#32. Canis aureus - Species+
Canis aureus. Linnaeus, 1758. Chordata; Mammalia; Carnivora; Canidae; Canis. LEGAL. CITES Listings; CITES Quotas; CITES Suspensions; EU Listing ...
#33. A Habitat Suitability Analysis for the golden jackal (Canis ...
The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is expanding its range towards Northern and Western Europe. In these parts of Europe, there is a lack of substantial ...
#34. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Bulgaria, current status ...
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Bulgaria, current status, distribution, demography and diet [2012]. Stoyanov, S., University of Forestry, Sofia (Bulgaria).
#35. Research of golden jackal (<i>Canis aureus</i>) in the Nature ...
Golden jackal (Canis aureus Linné, 1758) belongs to the family Canidae, which is characterized by opportunism and life in a pack. The rapid dispersion of ...
#36. THE GOLDEN JACKAL (Canis aureus) IN EUROPE: - IUGB ...
(Canis aureus) IN EUROPE: Predicting habitat suitability of a rapidly establishing carnivore. Nathan Ranc and Miha Krofel. F. Álvares, O.C. Banea, T. Berce, ...
#37. Occurrence and Some Ecological Aspects of the Golden ...
The Golden Jackal (Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758), which belongs to the Canidae family, is an opportunist carnivore in the Gaza Strip (365 square kilometers).
#38. Mammal Species of the World - Browse: aureus
Mammal Species of the World: Information on aureus. ... ORDER CARNIVORA --> SUBORDER CANIFORMIA --> FAMILY Canidae --> GENUS Canis SPECIES Canis aureus ...
#39. Variations in the trophic niches of the golden jackal Canis ...
The golden jackal Canis aureus (Canidae) is a mesocarnivore that has a wide distribution across the Eurasian continent, from tropical to ...
#40. First evidence of hybridization between golden jackal (Canis ...
The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a medium-sized species, currently distributed in northern and northeastern Africa, southeastern Europe ...
#41. Canis aureus (Golden jackal) - Taxonomy - UniProt
Taxon identifier, 68724. Scientific name, Canis aureus. Taxonomy navigation. Up › Canis. Down Terminal (leaf) node. Common name, Golden jackal.
#42. canis aureus, the golden jackal - Brill
CANIS AUREUS, THE GOLDEN JACKAL. 11.1 The Living Animal. 11.1.1 Zoology. The golden or Asiatic jackal is a member of the family of the dogs—.
#43. Sequences of precopulatory behavior of the jackal (Canis ...
Provides a descriptive analysis of the precopulatory behavior of the golden jackal (Canis aureus syriacus). Precopulatory behavior might be viewed as a ...
#44. Emergence of a new golden jackal (Canis aureus) population ...
The jackal was recorded first in the studied region by a huntsman on 22.10.2008 nearby the Tylihul Estuary within the Berezanka raion. From December 2010...
#45. Golden Jackal - Canis aureus | Overview
Golden Jackal – Canis aureus. Overview; Identify; Taxonomy; Occurrence; Specimen. Observations in Finland. The map represents observations of this taxon, ...
#46. New rules or old concepts? The golden jackal (Canis aureus ...
The golden jackal (Canis aureus) and its legal status in Central Europe. Jennifer Hatlauf *, Kathrin Bayer, Arie Trouwborst, Klaus Hacklander.
#47. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) - Thai National Parks
The golden jackal (Canis aureus), also known as the common jackal, Asiatic jackal or reed wolf is a canid native to north and northeastern Africa, ...
#48. Conservation Action Plan for the golden jackal (Canis aureus ...
Suggested citation: Giannatos, G., 2004. Conservation Action Plan for the golden jackal Canis aureus L. in Greece. WWF Greece. pp. 47.
#49. Comparative Foraging Efficiency of Two Sympatric Jackals ...
The foraging efficiency of two sympatric species of jackals, silver-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) and golden jackals (Canis aureus), was studied in the ...
#50. Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Canis aureus, golden jackal
golden jackal. Canis aureus. KingdomAnimaliaanimal kingdom. Animalia: pictures (7319) · Animalia: specimens (3017) · Animalia: sounds (165) ...
#51. Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 - Chacal doré-Taxonomy - INPN
Taxonomy Canis aureus (Chacal doré): scientific and common names, classification, synonymy, taxonomic tree.
#52. Dimorphism in the Skull Form of Golden Jackals
Canis aureus, Shape analysis, Sexual dimorphism, PCA, DFA. ... dimorphism in the overall cranial shape of golden jackals (Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758).
#53. Diet composition of the golden jackal Canis aureus in ... - PubAg
The golden jackal Canis aureus is spreading throughout Europe and settling in countries where it has never been found before. Understanding its trophic ecology ...
#54. Keyword Canis aureus - Hystrix, the Italian Journal of ...
Keyword Canis aureus. RESEARCH PAPER. Golden jackal expansion in Europe: a case of mesopredator release triggered by continent-wide wolf persecution?
#55. 金豺_百度百科
金豺(学名:Canis aureus):共有8个亚种。体型中等、匀称,四肢修长,趾行性,利于快速奔跑。头腭尖形,颜面部长,鼻端突出,耳尖且直立,嗅觉灵敏,听觉发达。
#56. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) cubs Ndutu Ngorongoro ...
Amazon.com: Golden jackal (Canis aureus) cubs Ndutu Ngorongoro Conservation Area Tanzania Poster Print by Panoramic Images (36 x 24): Posters & Prints.
#57. Phylogeography of the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) in India
The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is one of the most common and widely distributed carnivores in India but phylogeographic studies on the ...
#58. Canis aureus (Carnivore: Canidae)
Canis aureus (Linnaeus, 1758), the golden jackal, is a medium-sized, wide spread, terrestrial carnivore. It is 1 of 7 species found in the ...
#59. Seasonal variation in diet of the golden jackal (Canis aureus ...
Seasonal variation in diet of golden jackal in Serbia was assessed by stomach content analysis. During the period 2004–2013, 339 samples were collected at ...
#60. Canis aureus - The Free Dictionary
Canis aureus - Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a ...
#61. Golden jackal - Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe
Golden jackal - Canis aureus. Golden jackal facts. Size Males: 9-15 kg. Females: 8-12 kg. Reproduction Mating: February-April Birth: April-June
#62. The golden jackal Canis aureus – a new species in the ... - VDU
In the Baltic countries, the golden jackal (Canis aureus) was first recorded in Estonia on 28 February 2013 and three specimens of golden jackal were hunted ...
#63. The golden jackal Canis aureus – a new species in the Baltic ...
Abstract. In the Baltic countries, the golden jackal (Canis aureus) was first recorded in Estonia on 28 February 2013 and three specimens of ...
#64. Details - Golden jackal (Canis aureus) in the Czech Republic
Article: Golden jackal (Canis aureus) in the Czech Republic: the first record of a live animal and its long-term persistence in the colonized habitat.
#65. Intestinal helminth infections in the golden jackal (Canis ...
Research on the intestinal parasites of C. aureus in Serbia has mostly been conducted outside of Vojvodina Province (Ćirović et al., 2015a; Ilić ...
#66. Diet composition of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in the ...
Diet composition of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. SE Temu Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation, College of ...
#67. Canis aureus - #1004 | American Society of Mammalogists
Canis aureus - #1004. Request Full Size Image. Golden Jackal. Side view of jackal resting. Probably Canis aureus syriacus., 1988. K Kutunidisz
#68. Photos of Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) - iNaturalist
Photos of Golden Jackal Canis aureus. Filter by Place. Grouping: None. None; Taxonomic. Order by: Faves. Faves; Date Added. Photo Licensing: Any.
Keywords: golden jackal, Canis aureus, predation, poi- soning, calves, Golan Heights, Israel. ... number of jackals Cani~ aureus increased from a den-.
#70. Canis aureus lupaster is not a golden jackal and is not endemic
The Egyptian jackal (Canis aureus lupaster) has hitherto been considered a large, rare subspecies of the golden jackal (C. aureus).
#71. Diet composition of the golden jackal Canis aureus in ... - X-MOL
The golden jackal Canis aureus is spreading throughout Europe and settling in countries where it has never been found before.
#72. The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for ...
PubMed journal article: The golden jackal (Canis aureus): A new host for Echinococcus multilocularis and Trichinella britovi in Switzerland.
#73. The Golden jackal (Canis aureus) as an indicator animal for ...
Le chacal doré (Canis aureus) comme animal indicateur de Trichinella britovi en Iran. Aliakbar Shamsian 1, Edoardo Pozio 2, Abdolmajid Fata 1, ...
#74. Trichinella britovi in the jackal Canis aureus from south-west Iran
in animals of Iran. During the winter 2009–2010, muscle samples from 32 road-killed animals (14 dogs and 18 jackals, Canis aureus) were collected. Muscle ...
#75. Jackal Animal Facts | Canis Aureus
The word Canis is Latin for dog and aureus means golden. So, it makes sense that another name for the common jackal is the golden jackal. Its ...
#76. Chacal Dorado (Canis aureus) · NaturaLista Mexico
El chacal común, dorado o moro (Canis aureus) es una especie de mamífero carnívoro de la familia Canidae. Es parecido a su pariente próximo el lobo en su ...
#77. First Identification of Trichinella sp. in Golden Jackal (Canis ...
Canis aureus, jackal, Romania, trichinellosis, Trichinella britovi. This content is only available as a PDF.
#78. The analysis of the canid mitochondrial genome studied in ...
... jackal Canis aureus. The comparison of the complete mitochondrial genomes with Canis lupus confirms the distance between the two groups.
#79. Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) | U.S. Geological Survey
Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) · Detailed Description · Sources/Usage · Photographer · Explore Search · U.S. Department of the Interior · Contact USGS.
#80. Goldschakal (Canis aureus) | Deutscher Jagdverband
Goldschakal (Canis aureus). Der Goldschakal ist ein mittelgroßer Hundeartiger, der sowohl paarweise als auch in Rudeln lebt. Von seinem ursprünglichen ...
#81. Golden Jackal - Sounds & Calls - Wild Ambience
The Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) is a species of canid found in Southeast Europe, Southwest Asia, the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia.
#82. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) - Shutterstock
#83. (Italiano) Canis aureus: Sistematica, Habitat, Biologia ...
The golden jackal (Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758) is a mammal belonging to the Canidae family. Systematics – From the systematic point of view ...
#84. Canis aureus - UkrBIN
Catalogue » Animalia » Chordata » Mammalia » Carnivora » Canidae » Canis » Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 «« »» ...
#85. Чакал (Canis aureus) Golden Jackal - YouTube
#86. Golden jackal video,canis aureus, Golden Jackal India, The ...
#87. Golden jackal (Canis aureus) - Shadows Of Africa
Coat coloration is usually pale golden brown with liberal sprinkling of black and grey hair on back. Thay are abundant and widespread; normally a mating ...
#88. Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) - Stock Image - C020/0172
#89. European golden jackal (Canis aureus) in a forest - 123RF
Picture of European golden jackal (Canis aureus) in a forest stock photo, images and stock photography. Image 41441951.
#90. Canis aureus - Golden Jackal - NATURE MOBILE
Golden Jackal. Scientific name : Canis aureus. Other names: Deutsch: Goldschakal. Featured in. Canis aureus Photo: Frank Hecker ...
#91. Golden Jackal Canis Aureus, Ndutu - Photographs - Fine ...
Golden Jackal Canis Aureus, Ndutu is a photograph by Animal Images which was uploaded on October 15th, 2018. The photograph may be purchased ...
#92. A Middle Pleistocene wolf from central Italy provides insights ...
The earliest customarily accepted record of Canis lupus was that of Lunel-Viel ... Considering canids of smaller sizes, such as C. aureus, ...
#93. Canis aureus - definition and meaning - Wordnik
Canis aureus : A taxonomic species within the genus Canis — the golden jackal .
#94. Staphylococcus caledonicus sp. nov ... - Microbiology Society
The 16S rRNA gene sequences of Staphylococcus caledonicus H8/1T and Staphylococcus canis H16/1AT are available under accession numbers MT671558 ...
#95. Canis aureus Common Name: Golden Jackal - Biodiversity of ...
Interactive database with Image, Video and Audio database of Golden Jackal/ Asiatic Jackal ( Canis aureus ) with Local name/Regional name.
#96. Library of Congress Subject Headings
C22 ( Zoology ) , BT Canidae NT Canis aureus Canis simensis Coyote Mexican wolf Wolves Canis , Fossil ( May Subd Geog ) QE882.C15 UF Dogs , Fossil ( Former ...
canis aureus 在 Чакал (Canis aureus) Golden Jackal - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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