How have you been?
At this point, I can empathise that it may not be an easy question to answer.
I hope you're still hanging on and believing there's light at the end of the tunnel.
If you're feeling overwhelmed or dejected, celebrate life's little wins with gratitude journaling! I shared more about this in my latest blog post.
With this, I thought it was important for me to share a session I had with Clozette a few months ago called #ClozetteChats: Mind Yourself with Clozette Community where I got to engage in a fruitful discussion with the @Clozetteco team, content creators @themachomom, @linoralow and Dr. Maria Micha, an experienced Psychotherapist who dispensed many tips during the session on how we can navigate the change and maintain our emotional well-being.
Clozette summarised the session's highlights in a beautifully-edited IGTV video which you can find on their IG page - @clozetteco
As you can appreciate, in the interest of time, not everything we discussed made the final cut of the video, including a lot of valuable stories and wellness tips that you might be able to gain from, so check out my latest blog post ( for the questions that were posed to us and my full replies to each of them.
I truly wish you all the best in improving your well-being and finding your north star for 2021.
Please continue to take care, stay safe and keep sparkling!