Own experience of Car Accident in Dec 2018 due to slippery of the road while turning.
We never know what can happen tomorrow, something good or bad. However, we can do precautions and get prepared of the worse situation.
Something that i would like to share v girls :
In fact I felt less worried as i have LADY CARE Insurance other than Medical Card, it gives me extra coverage if i really need a FACIAL SURGERY 😂😂
车祸的那一瞬间, 我真的感叹 我至少有买了我需要的保险。除了医药卡,女人疾病保障赔偿包括医药卡以外的整容费用。还是谢天谢地 我不需要用到。可我及时在健全的时候买了。 等到事情发生才来买就后悔莫及了。
当人需要到保险时, 才会感恩买够保险是件多感叹的事。
Thank god i did not suffered serious injuries with my car total lost ><.
Pm if you're interested in the Lady Care Protection 女性疾病保障 or view more at https://goo.gl/CXW92K
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