@huang_jun_tuan 你真的對我太好了。
我還是很討厭你,可是你真的太強了。🤫😉 謝謝你跟我走這麼無聊的路走那麼久。沒有你不知道要這麼辦。Love you.
#TMS3 #ThatsMyShhh #IPDanceSkool #VUDUHouse #RemixTaipei #ImperialTaels #金銀帝國 #IPLockers #LEO37 #SOSS #SunsetRollercoaster #落日飛車 #OZI #春艷 #DeanBeanz #EVRYMusic #JoannaWang #王若琳 #DJTwohands #DJAfuroGeorge #TaihuBrewing #LegacyTaipei
deanbeanz 在 LEO37 Facebook 的最佳解答
謝謝所有一起炸翻現場的演出者;謝謝星奎還有技術團隊,支撐著這場演出,讓這一切可以完整、完美的呈現;謝謝所有攝影師,在你們的影像中,我們總是看到更好的自己;謝謝 @remixtaipei #金銀帝國 還有 @taihubrewing 臺虎,總是支持著我們;謝謝 @ip_lockers_yaobai 還有 @iplockers ,讓我們成為你們的一份子;謝謝孝祖、書葳、 #好意思 團隊,讓我們在水深火熱之中得以喘息;謝謝 #SOSS、羅郁 + #VUDUHouse,有了你們,到哪裡都是家;最後,謝謝每一個來到現場的你們,你們總是給予我們前所未有的力量、能量,是你們,讓這麼美好的一切,如此發生。
#StayWellWorld .
I hate to be a broken record, but I really don’t know what else to say.
Thank you to all the performers for destroying the stage; Thank you to Hsin-Kui and our tech team for allowing the show to run; Thank you to all the photographers who make us look better than we do in real life; Thank you to #RemixTaipei, #ImperialTaels and #TaihuBrewing for their continued support; Thank you to Yaobai and the #IPLockers for accepting us into their family; Thank you to @spring21280 @melodycsw + #HowIsIt for allowing us to breathe; Thank you to SOSS and Brother Brian for making #VUDUHouse a home. And thank you to everyone who came and gave us the most insane energy we’ve ever received. None of this happens without you.
#TMS3 #ThatsMyShhh #IPDanceSkool #LEO37 #SOSS #SunsetRollercoaster #落日飛車 #OZI #春艷 #DeanBeanz #EVRYMusic #JoannaWang #王若琳 #DJTwohands #DJAfuroGeorge #TroutFresh #熊仔 #DizzyDizzo #LegacyTaipei
📸: @cchia__hui
deanbeanz 在 IP Lockers Facebook 的最佳解答
#TMS3 #ThatsMyShhh #IPDanceSkool #VUDUHouse #RemixTaipei #ImperialTaels #金銀帝國 #IPLockers #LEO37 #SOSS #SunsetRollercoaster #落日飛車 #OZI #春艷 #DeanBeanz #EVRYMusic #JoannaWang #王若琳 #DJTwohands #DJAfuroGeorge #TaihuBrewing #LegacyTaipei📷黃星耀 Spin Photographer