【World Contraception Day (世界避孕日)】
之前文科生講過今年會多投放資源推廣女性健康,今日想藉著世界避孕日(World Contraception Day)跟大家淺談女性自主的避孕方法。
1. 口服避孕藥
(i) 只含黃體酮的Progestogen Only Pill(POP)
(ii) 含黃體酮(Progestogen)和雌激素(Estrogen)的Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP)。
不同的口服避孕藥有不同的服用方法,一般來說Combined OCP的避孕率較POP高。同時越正確越一致服用的話,避孕率越高(COCP典型服用避孕率為93%,正確完美服用則可達至99.7%)[1][2[3]。另一方面,COCP除避孕外,亦是婦科醫生經常處方用作調理嚴重經痛、經期不穩定或經血過量等婦科問題。
(a) 抗雄激素 (Anti-androgenic )效果:可抗衡因雄激素過量導致的出油、長毛、生暗瘡等副作用。
(b) 抗礦物質皮質醇作用(anti-mineralcorticoid)效果:可抗衡水腫的副作用。
2. 注射式荷爾蒙避孕(Depot Injection )
使用初期陰道會出現不規律的少量出血(Irregular Spotting),需時一到兩年不等才會達至完全停經(Amenorrhea)的效果,另外亦有常見副作用為體重增加和骨質密度變低*。
避孕率高達99% [1][2][3],不過停藥後需時6-12個月不等才能回復懷孕能力,未必適合隨時想再生育的女士。
*研究顯示降低了的骨質密度於停藥後似乎是可以逆轉的(Appears to be substantially or fully reversible)[4]
3. 子宮內環(Intrauterine Device)
子宮內環主要分為兩種,一種為含銅子宮內環(Copper-IUD),另一種為含黃酮體內環(Progesterone-Releasing IUS)。兩款子宮環都可以持續用上五年避孕,避孕率超過99% [1][2][3]。這些子宮內環可由醫生在門診置入,屬低風險的程序。
含黃體酮內環主要作用為透過荷爾蒙影響排卵以及子宮內膜和子宮頸的厚度作避孕,同樣非常有效。跟含銅子宮內環最大的分別是,除了沒有加劇經痛和經血量的副作用,荷爾蒙式內環是婦科醫生經常用以治療嚴重經痛、經血過量、子宮內膜增生症(Endometrial Hyperplasia)等婦科病。
1. 研究發現每年全球接近44%的懷孕為意外懷孕(Unintended Pregnancy)[5]
2. 全球約3300萬個意外懷孕是由於懷孕措施失效或不正確使用避孕方法導致 [5][6]
1. 全球約36%年輕人曾進行不安全的性行為 [7]
2. 24歲或以下年輕人佔全球約50%的性病感染 [8]
[1] Family Planning - A global handbook for provider 2018 Edition. World Health Organization.
[2] Trussell, J, Glob. libr. women's med., (ISSN: 1756-2228) 2014; DOI 10.3843/GLOWM.10375
[3] Effectiveness of Family Planning Methods. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/UnintendedPregnancy/PDF/Contraceptive_methods_508.pdf
[4] Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate and Bone Effects. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate and Bone Effects
[5] Bearak J, Popinchalk A, Alkema L et al. Global, regional, and subregional trends in unintended pregnancy and its outcomes from 1990 to 2014: estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model. Lancet Glob Health 2018;6(4):e380-e389.
[6] Contraceptive Failure Rates in the Developing World: An Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey Data in 43 Countries. Guttmarch Institute. From https://www.guttmacher.org/report/contraceptive-failure-rates-in-developing-world#
[7] World Contraception Day Survey
[8] Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2018. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats18/default.htm
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要求《The Lancet》立即更正錯誤,共同捍衛台灣主權與學術尊嚴
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目前衛福部已正式行文給《The Lancet》抗議,副總統陳建仁和中央研究院陳定信院士、廖運範院士、楊泮池院士等人,也已特別聯名致函《The Lancet》編輯部,要求該期刊立即更正錯誤💢
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The Lancet | Research | Mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
Chronic conditions, such as stroke, ischemic heart disease & lung cancer – not infectious diseases – are now top 5 causes of early death in China: finding from a new #GBDStudy of mortality, morbidity & risk factors in #China & its provinces, 1990–2017 by @Institute for health. This is the first comprehensive subnational assessment of health to include data on mortality, morbidity, combined health loss, and risks in China. Major improvements have been made to the GBD methods since the 2013 subnational analysis of population health in China. These include additional causes of death and disability, greater disaggregation of age groups, substantially expanded data sources, the development of data quality ratings, improvements to estimation models, the development of the Socio-demographic Index, consideration of summary exposure values for risk factors, and a fully updated time series of estimates, among other improvements. Read here:
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