determinate determine 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

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#1. "determine" 和"determinate" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
determine 的同義字"Determine" is a verb meaning "to figure out" or "to find meaning", whereas "determinate" is an adjective describing ...
Neither involves harm to a victim, and often there is no determinate potential victim. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. Nothing in any theory of ...
#3. Determinate vs Determined - What's the difference? | WikiDiff
is that determinate is distinct, clearly defined while determined is decided; resolute, possessing much determination. As verbs the difference between ...
#4. Determinate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Definition of determinate ; having defined limits a determinate period of time ; definitely settled a determinate order of precedence ; conclusively determined : ...
#5. determined vs. determinate (adj.)? [closed] - English Stack ...
So, if a person is determined to do something, they are hell bent on doing it. If a thing is determinate, that means it is definitive or ...
#6. Determinables and Determinates - Stanford Encyclopedia of ...
For example, scarlet does not determine itself, since no property can ... as “the” unique determinate determining the determinable color had ...
#7. Determinate - The Free Dictionary
determinate · 1. definitely limited, defined, or fixed; distinct · 2. a less common word for determined · 3. (Logic). a. · 4. (Botany) botany (of an inflorescence) ...
#9. Determinate Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Precisely determined, limited, or defined. Not continuing to grow at an apical meristem. In the cyme, a determinate inflorescence, for example, the first floret ...
determinate (a.)確定的,一定的,決定的. ... determinate 時間確定型 來源(3): Taiwan MOE computer dictionary [moecomp] ... See {Determine}.
#11. The Structure of Qualitatively Determinate Relationships - jstor
This paper presents the necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the signs of the solution variables of a system of linear equations based only ...
#12. Determinate Meaning | Best 16 Definitions of ... - YourDictionary
What does determinate mean? ... Precisely determined, limited, or defined. ... from Latin dēterminātus past participle of dētermināre to determine determine ...
#13. Indeterminate vs Determinate Prison Sentences Explained
A determinate sentence is a jail or prison sentence that has a defined length and can't be ... The state parole board holds hearings that determine when, ...
#14. Phosphate Starvation Induces a Determinate Developmental ...
Since epidermal cell differentiation occurred closer to the root meristem in plants grown in LPM, it was important to determine whether this was due exclusively ...
#15. Semi-determinate growth habit adjusts the vegetative-to ...
Determinate cultivars have synchronized … ... (MT) with different growth habit to characterize semi-determinate growth and to determine its ...
#16. determine 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
例句. We need a detailed investigation to determine exactly why these cancers are occurring. It is difficult to determine the exact cause of the illness.
#17. What Are Determinate and Indeterminate Tomatoes? - The ...
All tomato plants are vines. But some varieties grow longer than others, and some will not set fruit all season long.
#18. Determinate Growth - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
... whose recessive alleles determine large numbers of inflorescences (Fesenko et al., 2009). Determinate plants with only one IPS were found only among ...
#19. Determine 同义词| 柯林斯英语词库 - Collins Dictionary
按字母顺序浏览. determine · determinant · determinate · determination · determined · determined to or on · determining · 以'D' 开头的所有英语同义词 ...
#20. Determinacy - Wikipedia
A (class of) game(s) is determined if for all instances of the game there is a winning strategy for one of the players (not necessarily the same player for each ...
#21. determinate - Wiktionary
From Middle English determinate, determynat, determinat, from Latin dēterminātus, perfect passive ... (obsolete) Determined or resolved upon. quotations ▽.
#22. 5.4 Indeterminate Form & L'Hôpital's Rule
However, we must remember that when we are calculating the limit of f(x) f ( x ) ... determinate form ), or whether this cannot be determined ( indeterminate ...
#23. Finding Limits Algebraically
Finding Limits Algebraically: Determinate and Indeterminate Forms. By the end of this lecture, you should be able to recognize which undefined expressions ...
#24. The Juvenile Justice System in Texas
Classification - process for determining the needs and requirements of youth who ... Determinate Sentenced Offender (DSO) - a youth committed to TJJD with a ...
#25. Statically Determinate & Indeterminate Structures - Study.com
When engineers conduct structural analysis, they calculate the reaction forces due to the external forces applied to the structure as well as internal forces, ...
#26. Week_02_Assignment_02.pdf - NPTEL
c) Statically determinate but externally unstable ... 9) Determine the force in member AF and BE in the truss under the following loading ...
#27. Mechanics of Materials Chapter 4 Shear and Moment In Beams
The three types of beams are statically determinate because the ... The goal of the beam analysis -determine the shear force V and the bending moment M at ...
#28. Totality - Sentencing Council
Determine whether the case calls for concurrent or consecutive sentences. ... first assess the notional determinate term for all offences (specified or ...
#29. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) | UNFCCC
Together, these climate actions determine whether the world achieves the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement and to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas ( ...
#30. 4. Determinate Errors - Lock Haven University
Taking many measurements does not help either to detect or to eliminate the error. Causes of determinate error were listed in chapter 1. They are:.
#31. Structural Analysis I Homework #3 Solutions 9. Classify each ...
Classify each structure shown below a stable or unstable. If stable, determine whether they are statically determinate or statically indeterminate.
#32. determine verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
Nearby words · determinate adjective · determination noun · determine verb · determined adjective · determinedly adverb.
#33. What's the difference between "indeterminate ... - TomatoFest
Determinate tomatoes, or "bush" tomatoes, are varieties that grow to a ... are so popular is because after finding a favorite heirloom tomato variety, ...
#34. A Technique for Relating Vehicle Structural Modes to Stiffness ...
This paper discusses a method for determining both static and ... Modes to Stiffness as Determined in Static Determinate Tests 2003-01-1716.
#35. Systematic (determinate) errors - Cal State LA
Systematic Error (determinate error). The error is reproducible and ... Perform addition/subtraction, determine absolute error of result, and then relative ...
#36. PSI 03/2015 - Sentence calculation - Justice.gov.uk
calculating the release dates of standard determinate sentences of at least one day but less than 2 years, imposed for offences committed on ...
#37. What does determinate mean? - Definitions.net
See Determine.] Determinateadjective. determined or resolved upon. Etymology: [L. determinatus, p. p. of determinare. See Determine.].
#38. 13 Synonyms & Antonyms for DETERMINATE | Thesaurus.com
Find 13 ways to say DETERMINATE, along with antonyms, related words, ... How to use determinate in a sentence ... verbidentify problem, disease.
#39. determinate - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
determinate /dɪˈtɜːmɪnɪt/ adj. definitely limited, defined, or fixed; distinct; a less common word for determined; able to be predicted or deduced ...
#40. Statically determinate structures - PE Civil Exam for Engineer
A statically determinate structure is the one in which reactions and internal forces can be determined solely from free-body diagrams and equations of ...
#41. A New Approach to Determinate the Spectral Images for ...
The results presented in the paper presents the possibilities of parameters regularization in the CONTIN program for the process of determining the defect ...
#42. DETERMINATE - Translation in Korean - bab.la
Translations · determinate {adjective} · determination {noun} · determine [determined|determined] {verb} · determinative {adjective} · determined {adjective}.
#43. Determinate growth is predominant and likely ancestral in ...
A complete loss of GPC, indicating skeletal growth arrest, was the predominant finding. Using a dataset of 164 species representing all major ...
#44. Comparison of Determinate us. Indeterminate Inflorescences ...
Comparison of Determinate us. Indeterminate Inflorescences to. Determine the Roles of PGRs, Carbohydrate, Nitrogen, and Other. Nutrients in Fruit Set of the ...
#45. Determinate vs. Determine - What's the difference? - Ask ...
Determinate vs. Determine ... Distinct, clearly defined. ... To set the boundaries or limits of. ... Fixed, set, unvarying. ... To ascertain definitely; ...
#46. Understanding the determinate-indeterminate fecundity ...
On the other hand, in determinate fecundity fishes the level of atresia during ... These oocyte recruitment patterns determine what method can be used to ...
#47. What's The Difference Between Determinate and ... - UC ANR
There are two main classifications of tomato growth habit that one needs to understand in order to determine the most suitable variety for ...
#48. determinate - Translation into English - examples Romanian
Amândoi știm că sentințele Cardassiene sunt determinate înaintea procesului. We both know that Cardassian sentences are determined well in advance of the ...
#49. DETERMINATE - Перевод на русский - bab.la
The resulting number is the one used to determine the winner in events where the factor system is used. English Как использовать "determinative" в предложении.
#50. 3.3: Determinacy and Stability of Beams and Frames
A determinate structure is one whose unknown external reaction or internal members can be determined using only the conditions of equilibrium.
#51. How to determinate who is in the end of a line - Stack Overflow
Use geofencing for this. Set geoFence for all these sections. Get gps location of user and determine in which geofence is he.
#52. Statically Determinate and Indeterminate Trusses
A truss is considered statically determinate if all of its support reactions and member forces can be calculated using only the equations of static ...
#53. Zebrafish and giant danio as models for muscle growth
Zebrafish and giant danio as models for muscle growth: determinate vs. indeterminate growth as determined by morphometric analysis.
#54. California Rules of Court: Title Four Rules - California Courts
(a) If a determinate sentence is imposed under section 1170.1(a) ... and must determine whether its sentence is concurrent with or consecutive to the state ...
#55. ORS 137.637 - Determining length of determinate sentences
Determining length of determinate sentences. Text. Annotations 1. When a determinate sentence of imprisonment is required or authorized by statute, ...
#56. determinate inflorescence | plant anatomy | Britannica
Other articles where determinate inflorescence is discussed: inflorescence: Determinate inflorescence.: In determinate (cymose) inflorescences, the youngest ...
#57. Determinant - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary ...
The word determinant hasn't strayed much from its roots in the Latin word for "determining." As a noun or adjective, it refers to determining or deciding ...
#58. Determinacy for Planar Structures - San Jose State University
A statically determinate structure is one that is stable and all unknown reactive forces can be determined from the equations of equilibrium alone.
#59. Sentencing Dangerous Offenders - The Crown Prosecution ...
... defendant is deemed dangerous, or otherwise a determinate sentence. ... by the defendant and whether there is a reliable estimate of the ...
#60. Statically Indeterminate Structure
(“m” member forces and 3 reactions for externally determinate truss) ... Determine the force in each member of the loaded truss by. Method of Joints.
#61. Serving a Sentence - Department of Corrections and ...
A determinate sentence, or “flat” sentence, is one in which the sentencing court ... (TRC) comprised of DOCCS personnel is responsible for determining which ...
#62. Extended Sentences - Prison Reform Trust
to the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and the court decide NOT to impose an Extended. Determinate Sentence or a life sentence, they must impose a SOPC.
#63. Determinate sentencing for juveniles | Texas District & County ...
The juvenile was placed on a determinate sentence probation, ... there are other factors that determine when a juvenile sentenced to an indeterminate ...
#64. TA10 - Non Ionizing Radiations CATRAYON
#65. Determinant of a 2x2 matrix (video) | Khan Academy
#66. [PDF] Comparison of Determinate vs. Indeterminate Shoots to ...
Comparison of Determinate vs. Indeterminate Shoots to Determine the Roles of PGRs, Carbohydrate, Nitrogen and other Nutrients in Fruit Set of the 'Hass' Avocado.
#67. What Are Sentencing Guidelines?
Parole boards had broad discretion to determine how much of any prison ... Determinate sentencing means that the sentence is a fixed term.
#68. Determinate prison sentences - fixed length of time - GOV.UK
The range of prison sentences a court can give - including suspended, fixed-term, indeterminate and life sentences.
#69. Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses
A truss can be unstable if it is statically determinate or statically indeterminate. □ Stability will have to be determined either through inspection.
#70. Determinate Vs. Indeterminate Potatoes - Gardening Know How
Learn more about determinate and indeterminate potatoes in this article. ... the potato growth characteristics might help you decide on a ...
#71. Social determinants of health and health inequalities
Determinants of health are the broad range of personal, social, economic and environmental factors that determine individual and population ...
#72. numpy.linalg.det — NumPy v1.22 Manual
Compute the determinant of an array. Parameters. a(…, M, M) array_like. Input array to compute determinants for. Returns.
#73. determine | Free On-Line English Dictionary - Wordsmyth
Definition of determine. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth.
#74. statically determinate structure - 靜定結構 - 國家教育研究院 ...
名詞解釋: (參見statically determinate beam。)任意結構含梁、桁架及剛架(或構架)等滿足靜定且穩定條件者均是。此一結構的解析可用靜力及力矩平衡方程方式來解決 ...
#75. Discussion of Determinate and Indeterminate Sentencing ...
... determined that certainty of punishment, along with equity and fairness, are primary sentencing goals, and they have enacted determinate sentencing laws ...
#76. A comparative study of methods used to determinate the factor ...
This becomes more relevant when the soil behavior, whether it is drained or undrained, determines the parameters that will be used on the analysis and in order ...
#77. Selection criteria in tomato lines with determinate growth habit
The selection of genotypes with a determined growth habit in tomato should contemplate adequate selection criteria to increase the efficiency of the plant ...
#78. Constant Determinate Errors | Image and Video Exchange ...
Analyzing samples of different sizes, therefore, allows us to detect a constant determinate error. For example, consider a quantitative ...
#79. DETERMINATE | Meaning & Definition for UK English - Lexico ...
Late Middle English from Latin determinatus 'limited, determined', past participle of determinare (see determine). Word of the day.
#80. Tomatoes ~ Determinate & Indeterminate - Parker County ...
Grow to a determine size. With flowers blossom at the tips of the branches, when the plant has reached its full height. The fruit of a determinate tomato ...
#81. Defoliation Free Growing Damage Standard for Determinate ...
The following Free Growing Damage Standard applies to determinate or fixed ... The following three steps should be followed to estimate the ...
#82. 4.6 Solve Systems of Equations Using Determinants - OpenStax
To get the real number value of the determinate we subtract the products ... To determine the sign of the terms, we use the following sign ...
#83. How do you calculate the determinate of a matrix in matlab ...
I need to calculate the determinate of a matrix without using the built in Matlab functions. Can anyone show how they would go about doing this? Thanks!
#84. Determinants of health
Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their ...
#85. Social Determinants of Health - Healthy People 2030
When it comes to health, it matters where people live, learn, work, play, and age. That's why Healthy People 2030 has an increased focus on how social, ...
#86. 02 determinate structures - SlideShare
16 Determinacy and Stability r = 3n, statically determinate r > 3n, statically indeterminate n ... 31 Example 2-5 Determine the reactions on the beam shown.
#87. Determinate and Indeterminate Egg-Laying Patterns a Review
determine laying type for only 46 species. Of the 46 species, 24 were determinate layers; they did not lay extra eggs in response to egg removal or did not ...
#88. Should You Grow Determinate or Indeterminate Tomato Plants?
The fruit of a determinate tomato plant ripens all at once. Because of this trait, this type of tomato plant is useful for those who want to grow tomatoes for ...
#89. 18.37 Subject: Determinate Commitments Authority - TN.gov
To describe the process DCS utilizes to comply with determinate sentence laws ... determine whether or not the youth has earned YCRC or if credits should be.
#90. Making Sense of Sentencing: State Systems and Policies
tor used to determine the severity of an offense. ... also conduct research, estimate fiscal ... Determinate sentencing is characterized by fixed.
#91. Determinate Sentencing: The Promise and the Reality of ...
Witnesses ' Response The same methodology was used for determining the ... the hearings were read to determine whether the witnesses favored determinate ...
#92. How to identify determinate and indeterminate plants - Houzz
Seems like I should know this, but I don't. What growth pattern(s) on the tomato plant show if it's DET or INT? I'm thinking DET shows as more than heavy ...
#93. Determined AI: Distributed Deep Learning and ...
Open source deep learning training platform that enables data scientists to train better models, with built-in hyperparameter tuning and distributed ...
#94. Preparation and a new method to determinate catalase ...
A new colorimetric method was used to determine catalase mimic activities of MnO2 nanoparticles against hydrogen peroxide (as substrates), ...
#95. Texas Juvenile Law: What is Determinate Sentencing?
If a juvenile is adjudicated of a determinate sentence, then the judge or jury can assess an appropriate disposition, or punishment, ...
#96. Determinate - Lemonade Mouth - LETRAS.MUS.BR
Lemonade Mouth - Determinate (Letra e música para ouvir) - Trying hard to fight these tears / I'm crazy worried / Messing with my head, this fear / I'm so ...
#97. DETERMINATE SENTENCE - Juvenile Law Section
even as deputies work to positively identify the charred remains found on the boy's property in. Smithville late Monday. DETERMINATE SENTENCE.
determinate determine 在 determined vs. determinate (adj.)? [closed] - English Stack ... 的推薦與評價
So, if a person is determined to do something, they are hell bent on doing it. If a thing is determinate, that means it is definitive or ... ... <看更多>