1) Work out
日常会話では、work outには主に3つの使い方があります。まず一つ目は「運動」を意味するwork outです。最近では、日本語でも「ワークアウト」という言葉が日常会話で使われるようになりました。work outにはexerciseと似た意味合いが含まれますが、それぞれ違う「運動」を表します。work outは一般的に筋トレやランニング、腕立て伏せや腹筋、HIITトレーニングなど、体を鍛えたり汗をたくさんかくような運動を指します。一方で、exercsieは筋トレやランニングに加えて、近所をウォーキングしたり、ラジオ体操やストレッチをしたり、ヨガをするなど、運動全般を指し、日本語の「体を動かす」に近い意味合いになります。「Let's work out.(運動しよう)」のように動詞として使うこともできれば、「That was a great workout.(とてもいい運動でしたね)」のように名詞として使うこともでき、名詞として使う場合は一語で表します。
二つ目の意味は「うまくいく」や「良い結果が出る」で、何かしらの行動が良い結果につながることを表す場合に使われます。例えば、「良い結果になるといいですね」と相手の幸運を祈る場合は「Good luck. I hope it works out.」、「心配するな。きっとうまくいくよ」と相手を励ます場合は「Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will work out.」のように表現します。ちなみに、「It will work out.」で「何とかなるよ」を意味します。
work outには「問題を解決する」といった意味もあり、一般的にはトラブルを解決したり、こじれた人間関係を修復する状況で使われます。例えば、仕事でトラブルが発生した時に「この問題を解決しないといけない」と言う場合は「We have to work out this issue.」、同僚とうまくいっていない友人に「同僚と話し合って関係を修復しないと」とアドバイスをする場合は「You need to work it out with your coworker.」と言う具合に使います。
I'm going to hit the gym after work today. Do you want to come and work out together?
What if it doesn't work out? What are you going to do?
I really hope they can work out their issues. It would be a shame to see them break up.
2) Work toward(s)
work towardは、目標やゴールに向けて努力したり頑張ったりする意味として日常会話でよく用いられる表現です。日常会話では、work toward と work towards の両方が使われていますが、どちらも同じ意味になります。例えば、「私は留学に向けて頑張っています」は「I'm working toward(s) studying abroad.」、「彼女は英語の先生を目指して頑張っています」は「She is working toward(s) becoming an English teacher.」、「彼は目標に向かってすごく頑張っています」は「He is working hard toward(s) his goal.」と表現します。「〜向けてすごく頑張っている」と強調したい場合は、work hard toward(s) ____ と言いましょう。
I'm working toward(s) getting over an 800 on the TOEIC test.
I'm working toward(s) starting my own business right now.
She's working really hard toward(s) getting her pilot's license.
3) Work on
work onは日常会話で主に2つの意味で使われます。一つ目は何かに「取り組んでいる」、または「取り掛かっている」ことを意味します。例えば、「プロジェクトに取り掛かっています」は「I'm working on my project.」、「プレゼンに取りかからないと」は「I need to work on my presentation.」、「すぐに取り掛かります」は「I'll work on it right away.」と表します。
二つ目の意味は「改善する」です。work outは商品やサービスの質を上げたり、能力や技術を向上させたり、態度を改めるような状況で使われます。例えば、「私は発音に力を入れています」は「I'm working on my pronunciation.」、「ゴルフスイングを上達させないといけない」は「I need to work on my golf swing.」、「彼は態度を改めないといけない」は「He needs to work on his attitude.」のように表現します。ちなみに、外国人から「Your English is really good!」と褒められた時にぴったりな返答が「Thanks. But I'm still working on it.」です。褒め言葉を素直に受け入れつつ、「より上達できるよう頑張っています」という謙虚な姿勢も同時に示すことができるとてもナチュラルな返答の仕方なので、次回ぜひ使ってみてください。
I'm not done with the proposal yet. I'm still working on it.
We are working on fixing the issue right now.
This year, I want to work on my cooking skills and become a better cook.
I know I need to work on expressing my feelings. I tend to bottle up my feelings.
4) Worked up
worked up は「興奮する」を意味します。get upsetの代わりに使える口語的な言い回しで、何かにイライラして感情的になったり、神経が高ぶって取り乱し気味になる様子を表します。ポジティブな意味合いで使うこともありますが、日常会話では一般的に腹を立てて平静さを失う状態を表わすなどネガティブなニュアンスとして用いられます。基本的には「Don’t get so/all worked up.(そんなに興奮するなよ/怒るなよ)」のように、相手を落ち着かせようとする状況で使われます。その他、「彼は〜に腹を立てている」は「He is worked up over/about ____.」と表します。
There's no reason to get all worked up. Just let it go.
What's the matter? What are you so worked up about?
She's a bit worked up about drama at her work.
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過29萬的網紅ASMR Cham,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I love this sound because I can relax as if I really had my head massaged🥰 I've done it only once a long time ago, but at that time I was shooting ...
「done pronunciation」的推薦目錄:
- 關於done pronunciation 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於done pronunciation 在 mrbrown Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於done pronunciation 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於done pronunciation 在 ASMR Cham Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於done pronunciation 在 好機車 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於done pronunciation 在 10分英会話 with Reiko l 10 Minutes English Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於done pronunciation 在 Different pronunciation of "o" in done, lone and gone - English ... 的評價
- 關於done pronunciation 在 Pronunciation with Emma - Make vs Do in English | Facebook 的評價
done pronunciation 在 mrbrown Facebook 的最佳貼文
#SeeWhatShow: Mulan
Besides the lack of travel, this year has been marked by the lack of cinema-going too. Blockbuster movies have been delayed or pushed back. Cinemas were closed. We’ve been also locked down.
So it was with some excitement that the Wife and I went to watch the premiere of Disney’s Mulan. Tenet was the first movie we watched post-circuitbreaker but Mulan was the one we understood.
It was also very enjoyable and I’m glad we caught it on the big screen. I think the US is getting it on Disney+ (you buy it from the streaming service) but we get to see it on the big screen here.
It is quite the spectacle.
No, there is no Mushu. No, there is no cutesy humour. No, there isn’t even any singing. Just leave your animated Mulan expectations at the door and watch this as a different movie. A little more serious. A lot of pomp and grandeur.
You can tell Disney has put in a lot of effort to get the costumes and the sets right. The kungfu wire work is also spot on.
Where you might get a little thrown off is the Chinese-accented English and the English-accented pronunciation of Chinese names. Some of the over-emphasis on morals and love of country can also feel a little cringey and smell a little of propaganda.
But, get past some of the cringe and you will find a kickass movie about a kickass heroine who, well, kicks ass.
I like that the focus is on Mulan herself. The romance angle from the animated movie was played down too. This is all about a young woman’s journey to finding her place in a male-dominated society. And you will cheer her as she does it.
This is one of the best animated to live-action movie adaptions that Disney has ever done. This is no meh Cinderella or Lion King.
Think of it as a tribute to all the Chinese wuxia period movies you’ve watched before. Sure, we are familiar with the tropes and may find it hokey seen through the lens of Hollywood, like we did when Crouching Tiger came out. But I think it’s a credible effort and enjoyable for the family.
Go see it in the cinema. Oh and see if you can recognize Jet Li.
done pronunciation 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答
在文明的國度,價值觀是與時俱移的。走過 2019 年那場史無前例的社會運動,還有誰是勇敢?誰是英雄?就如黃之鋒所說:「社會運動是把不可能變為可能的過程,是個 self-actualisation 的 process(自我實現的過程),看自己可以 take up(擔任)甚麼崗位,可以在公共層面有甚麼 contributions(貢獻)。」
所謂的時代英雄、那些「Joshua Wong is ready to die for Hong Kong」的外媒新聞標題,只是荷里活式的驚天動地吧。「2012 年暑假,當國教入了主流後,就多了公眾輿論,然後很多政治人物想約你交流,就見到甚麼是成王敗寇人情冷暖;上年約你,又不見你理我?世界是這樣,都沒有辦法。說得好聽,是等著看你做出成績;難聽點,不就是有人關注,他們才關心。」
他直言,8 年來,不時被罵是政棍。「一定有不開心,每隔兩三年都會給人『屌』一轉,但不需要把人家的批評和讚賞看得太重。」他說更不用把自己看得太重要,在訪問中,他談得更多是團隊的力量。一隻手掌拍不響,他很明白 it takes two to tango。「2012 年給我的經驗,是無論你如何受到公眾吹捧,也能夠不讓這種知名度沖昏頭腦,以至 14 年雨傘、16 年奇蹟勝選(立法會),到後來在國際線做出少許成績,都能夠意識到如何拿捏。」
你以為他很享受那種鎂光燈下的政治生活日常?他用「異化」來形容那狀態:「這個年紀的大學生是不會拿著酒杯搖幌著,或者出席晚餐會時,有人會突然拿隻叉敲個杯,然後 expect 你說些發人深省的話;但不得不承認,想進入國際傳媒輿論圈,就一定要經過這些,最重要是如何處之泰然。」成人的世界都給他看透,知道自己的角色、崗位,做到要做的事,才是一件事。
「2012 年何以會關注學民思潮?關注我?是因為年輕人有勇氣挑戰既有體制,然後就投射那種期望;過去 4、5 年國際線都是這種邏輯。對於西方高等白人來說,我只不過是另一個馬拉拉( 巴基斯坦諾貝爾和平獎得主 Malala Yousafzai)、Greta(瑞典環保少女通貝里 Greta Thunberg),雖然大家所做的截然不同,但他們就是找些 celebrities(知名人士)來吹捧、消費,他們有一套範式,我覺得跟我的生活有很大落差。」
然後他說起,2019 年 9 月前往德國前,因涉「違反保釋條件」在機場被捕,到警署「臭格」羈留 24 小時,釋放後搭 12 小時飛機,落機不夠 1 小時,出席德國外交部酒會,「你會覺得由你屈在臭格 24 小時不知做甚麼,到與德國外長會面,原來所有事都在 24 小時内發生,是一種精神分裂的狀態;更不要說那次是德國出版商邀請我,還給我商務客位機票。」
若問他是否很喜歡這種生活,他坦言「未必」,但幫到件事比較重要。不敢說對黃之鋒而言,這是否「重於泰山」,但他深明所做的都是為了 get things done。「西方國家要 pick 一個 icon(代表人物)去說明民主退潮、民粹興起,機緣巧合我成為那個 icon;那如何能夠發揮更多,才是重要的。大家對我的了解是來自傳媒訪問,而那些訪問一定是塑造大衛對抗歌利亞的 narrative(敘述);或者是看 Netflix、看我本書,但要知道那些一定不是全貌。」
「投入政治工作,除了幕前,更重要是幕後團隊。大家覺得我上年 9 月在(美國)國會聽證說得好,難道那篇 speech(演說)是我寫嗎?當然不是。背後有 Jeffrey(敖卓軒),他是眾志駐華盛頓 core member(核心成員),是他幫手寫的。國會聽證前一晚,在酒店房內,除了我,還有羅冠聰、Jeffrey 和梁繼平,他們一齊『度』我在聽證會的發言,順便執我的 pronunciation(發音),全部都讀錯。兩個 PhD 學生加一個 Yale master(耶魯大學碩士生),來幫一個 OU degree(公開大學學位)都未攞到的『死𡃁仔』去 deliver 個 message。」
他想起了 2013 年。當年《號外》總編輯張鐵志邀請他、周庭和林朗彥拍攝封面故事,形容他們為現實理想主義者。「我覺得幾貼切。香港政治圈內,比眾志更理想主義都有,但如何 deliver message(傳遞信息),然後 make progress(帶來進展),在政治工作上,是很重要的。」說得準確一點,是今天的政治生態已轉變,用他的話,以往看重政治人物的論說,但來到 2020 年,行動最實際,做到出來才是一件事。
當有部分人,對黃之鋒的印象還停留在那 15 歲的少年模樣,他會說:「well 我都 23 啦」。實情是他監也坐了兩次,所屬的香港眾志,在過去 4 年,面對多番打壓,創黨主席羅冠聰成為立法會議員後喪失議席,後來周庭參選被 DQ(取消資格)、補選勝出的區諾軒又失議席,黃之鋒參選區議會亦被 DQ。「甚麼風浪也遇過,但各種政治打壓是會令團隊磨練更堅韌,不會有那種過於安逸的狀態。這種韌性很重要,跟過去的學生運動有所不同,自問整個團隊過去 4 年是交足功課。」
不確定他這種自謙自省,跟 2019 年那場浩大的社會運動可有直接關係;可是,只要一對比,都輕如鴻毛吧。「我要承受的代價,比很多人都少。坐監日數最短,但國際關注最高,也是本地關注最高。我獲得的關注和支持,從來都不成正比。2019 年,我被警察拘捕,警察都相當客氣,必需要說的是,如果我不是黃之鋒,他們『睬我都嘥氣』,所以何以我說一個團隊的付出是更重要。」
「現在我被告的是組織煽動參與未經批准集結,連非法集結也不是,就算罪成,判監的刑期也不能多過 1 年;對比(抗爭者)那些傷人、火魔,不知要坐 5 年、10 年又 10 年,我還有甚麼可以怨?他們行動上比我激烈,承受比我多的,也多的是,其實我無資格說甚麼。」
芸芸政治人物中,黃之鋒最尊重李柱銘,說 2015 年不是獲得他邀請與戴耀廷一起出席華盛頓交流會,香港眾志在開拓國際線不會如此得心應手。更重要是:「他讓我們這一代知道,讓香港走得更遠是一件事。」
後記:訪問後兩個月,黃之鋒宣布以一人名單參與九龍東民主派立法會初選。當人人覺得他會被 DQ,他還是決定出戰,讀完這個訪問,大概不難明白他的想法吧。就如他接受《眾新聞》訪問時說:「對我嚟講,未戰先降唔係一個選擇,堅持唔係因為我哋特別堅強,而係我哋別無他選。」
done pronunciation 在 ASMR Cham Youtube 的最佳解答
I love this sound because I can relax as if I really had my head massaged🥰
I've done it only once a long time ago, but at that time I was shooting with a wig on a soccer ball 🤣haha
This is the first time I bought a mannequin and a stand and filmed it in earnest 💓
I'm whispering in English this time ⭐️ If my pronunciation is hard to hear, please turn on the Eng subtitles and have fun 💖 Have a good dream! Good night 😴
Thank you for your support🌸 https://www.patreon.com/ASMRCham
( Exclusive Access To 2 Monthly Special video + All my previous months videos♡)
00:00 greeting
01:15 scalp massage
13:20 wood brush
19:44 head spa wire
24:08 blue brush
33:24 shampoo brush
39:56 comb
English Subtitles:T.T
⭐Membership(special video per month) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRz3cGfqeMPSHMBN6CxKQ9w/join
⭐Accessory(custom made):https://www.instagram.com/mihox22/
done pronunciation 在 好機車 Youtube 的最佳貼文
這一首音樂的身材很好!孤島梨幫之後變成怎麼樣呢?【中正嘻研社CCU Hip-Hop 2020 Cypher - 欸你過來一Shot】
Wesley: good style. Nice change ups and really good cadence. Also very strong stage presence, although his outfit looks kind of college nerdy but it works for him. Needs to change up his style so that he stands out more. The dancing needs more work, feels like he’s trying to hard and some shots but that’s OK because they’re college kids.
羅福公:really good. Strong stage presence and strong emoting. Excellent incorporation of Japanese, Chinese, and English. Although, some of the English pronunciation was way off even in the name of trying to make things rhyme. Aside from that his style is cool and not much to really improve. Dresses like a deep-sea fisherman from the movie life aquatic with Steve Zissou
Third guy: technically really decent rapper. Although the drunken/lazy Mumble rap tongue rhyme scheme has been done better by 蛋頭. Really liked the HAM part towards the end, but the incorrect incorporation of hip-hop lingo and lines from other popular American rap songs(Migos) was a bit off putting. Also most of the English is mispronounced.
Gfate: I didn’t get what you were trying to do at all. Are you rapping? Ranting? Mumbling? Nice voice tho.
Fifth Guy: Really dig his swag. His voice is deep and smooth. LIke the elongation style and his rhyming style just sways. Rapping style is very musical. Sounds like an instrument. Very confident and natural in front of the camera.
Kerrita: Nice singing voice but sometimes out of tune. Usage of pitch correction is pretty obvious. The English took me out. Also her jazz singing style doesn’t really match the song. Too much vibrato and execution of syncopation wasn’t precise. However, the rap was really good. I’d like to hear her rap more. Score: 3.0
As a Group: If you’re going to rep your school/present yourself as a crew, then you need to have some overall theme(dress, swag, etc) that presents you as a team. This video feels like random people came together for one project, but they don’t really know each other or have chemistry. Find something that makes your school/group unique and exploit it.
若侵犯版權或需要我們下架,煩請來信告知~ :D
IG: https://www.instagram.com/stalksona/
聯絡信箱: goodbikemob@gmail.com
done pronunciation 在 10分英会話 with Reiko l 10 Minutes English Youtube 的最佳貼文
🕐 Time Stamp
0:17 Summertime
0:39 Speaking of "long"
1:02 Appointment at a hair salon
3:45 "Black Rain" by Masuji Ibuse
4:22 Spanish
6:59 Your journal
*My Journal*
Summer is here! Oh My Gosh, it’s so hot! But it feels good sweating under the blue skies.
My kid is done with school year. Gosh, it’s going to be a long summer!
Speaking of “long,” my hair is getting longer and longer. I need a haircut! But, Kim is all booked up. Kim is my hairdresser. She is a lovely lady. I adore her. And, she’s an excellent hairdresser. I made an appointment, but it’s not till the end of the month. Ahhh, I can’t wait!!
Let’s talk about what I’m reading right now. “Black Rain.” A novel by Masuji Ibuse. It’s about the WWII. And what happened to the people in Hiroshima and how their lives changed. So far, I’ve read about a quarter of the book. But, I’m already learning a lot, how the people's lives changed, and the differences between now and then.
Moving on! I’m enjoying learning Spanish on Duolingo so much! It’s fun. But at the same time, it’s so frustrating because I keep forgetting what I’ve just learned! Also, listening and speaking are so difficult! The other day, I watched this trailer. “In the Heights” coming out this summer. Some of them were speaking Spanish! So, I was so excited! But I couldn’t catch any words. I was disappointed with myself. Apparently, according to my husband who speaks very little Spanish, someone said “un cafe con leche (a coffee with milk).” He caught that, but I didn’t. I can understand it if it’s written on paper. But, when I was listening to it, I couldn’t catch even a single word, which was very frustrating! But, that’s part of learning a new language, right? So, I’m gonna keep learning. I’m gonna keep going. Never give up! Just take a baby step at a time!
☆ 英語で予約 ☆
英単語の使い分け | 予約 | appointment, reservation, booking, schedule [#196]
美容院の予約 | Appointment at a hair salon [#195]
LAで大人気のレストラン🍴実際に電話で予約! [#105]
☆ 私の語学学習 ☆
超ビギナーの語学学習法(英語・スペイン語・何語でも)& 英会話初心者向け無料アプリ I Duolingo + Google Translate [#271]
語学学習の成功 | 活を入れる & 脳と体の相乗効果 [#282]
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#英語 #英会話 #英語日記
done pronunciation 在 Different pronunciation of "o" in done, lone and gone - English ... 的推薦與評價
Done is pronounced /dʌn/ while other words of the kind are pronounced differently: lone, bone, tone. Why is gone pronounced /ɡɒn/? Share. ... <看更多>