Excel Magic Trick 1283: MINIFS & MAXIFS Excel 2016 Functions: Max or Min with Conditions / Criteria. ExcelIsFun. ExcelIsFun. ... <看更多>
Excel Magic Trick 1283: MINIFS & MAXIFS Excel 2016 Functions: Max or Min with Conditions / Criteria. ExcelIsFun. ExcelIsFun. ... <看更多>
ユーザー定義関数:MAXIFS・MINIFS(Excel 2013以前向け). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. ... <看更多>
MS-Excel Hub, profile picture ... 3- MAXIFS ... (Refresh required and available in MS 2016 onwards but you can install an add-in in 2010 & 2013) ... <看更多>
Custom Number Formats in Excel 2013 Custom Number, Microsoft Excel, ... Excel Magic Trick 1487: INDEX, MATCH & MAXIFS : Lookup Correct Price Based on ... ... <看更多>
#1. MAXIFS 函數 - Microsoft Support
max_range 和criteria_rangeN 引數的大小及形狀必須相同,否則這些函數會傳回#VALUE! 錯誤。 範例. 請複製下列每個表格中的範例資料,並貼到新Excel 工作表中的 ...
#2. excel里有没有类似maxifs的公式 - 百度知道
2019-04-26 excel2013版本里面有ifs函数吗?ifs函数是从什么... 2017-06-09 如何在excel中增加ifs,switch,maxifs,m ...
#3. [SOLVED] MAXIFS and MINIFS not available - Excel Help Forum
I am helping a coworker with a project. We are both operating Excel 2016. My computer has the built in formulas MAXIFS and MINIFS, ...
#4. Creating Excel's Equivalent of MAXIF - AccountingWEB
Periodically in Excel you may want to perform an analysis based on specific criteria. For instance, if I wanted to sum only the data in ...
#5. Excel函數公式:超級實用的IFS、MAXIFS、MINIFS - 每日頭條
Excel 函數公式:超級實用的IFS、MAXIFS、MINIFS、CONCAT函數解讀 ... 經常使用Excel的同學們都知道,Excel的功能非常的強大,如果用一句話來概括,那 ...
#6. maxifs函数的使用方法及实例讲解以及低版本没有 ... - IT部落窝
首先,大家需要知道Excel低版本,比如2010、2013、2016版本的excel是没有maxifs函数的。有一点特殊的是,Excel2016有多个版本,有些2016版本excel ...
#7. 從簡單範例談談Excel的陣列公式(6) - - 點部落
沒有MAXIFS也沒關係,使用陣列公式依然可行. ... 2013,而所開啟的活頁簿檔案是Excel 2019版本所編輯並含有較新的MAXIFS函數,由於在Excel 2013裡並不 ...
#8. Alternative function of MAXIFS/MINIFS in excel - Super User
Look into AGGREGATE() as a LARGE or SMALL: MIN: =AGGREGATE(15,6,$B$1:$B$20/(($A$1:$A$20=D3)*($C$1:$C$20=E3)),1). MAX:
#9. No MAXIFS? No Problem. Get a Maximum Value with Multiple ...
Excel Magic Trick 1283: MINIFS & MAXIFS Excel 2016 Functions: Max or Min with Conditions / Criteria. ExcelIsFun. ExcelIsFun.
#10. Excel MAX IF formula to find largest value with conditions
In Excel 2013 and earlier versions, you still have to create your own ... Excel MAXIFS function to find the highest value with conditions.
#11. Excel Functions Missing in Office 2016: IFS, MAXIFS, MINIFS ...
... MAXIFS, MINIFS, SWITCH, CONCAT and TEXTJOIN function (in addition to about 80 other functions) to Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010 and ...
#12. MAXIFS Function in Excel - Formula, Examples, How to Use
The MAXIFS Function in Excel is a statistical function that returns the maximum value based on one or more than one conditions from the ...
#13. Excel MAXIFS 函数 - 懒人Excel
符合指定条件的最大值。 语法. =MAXIFS( max_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2,criteria2], ... ) 参数.
#14. Excel 2016新增函数之MaxIFS、MinIFS - 阿里云开发者社区
MINIFS 函数返回一组给定条件或标准指定的单元格之间的最小值。 语法: MAXIFS(max_range, criteria_range1,criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...) MINIFS( ...
#15. How to use the Excel MAXIFS function | Exceljet
The Excel MAXIFS function returns the largest numeric value that meets one or more criteria in a range of values. MAXIFS can be used with criteria based on ...
#16. ユーザー定義関数:MAXIFS・MINIFS(Excel 2013以前向け)
ユーザー定義関数:MAXIFS・MINIFS(Excel 2013以前向け). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
#17. Calculation of Excel 2016 MINIFS and MAXIFS functions
These functions are not supported in Excel 2013 or earlier versions. Aspose.Cells also supports the calculation of these function. The following screenshot ...
#18. EXCEL 2013及2016新增函數一覽表 - sxt66329的部落格
函數, 類別, 說明. IFS, 邏輯, 檢查是否符合一或多個條件,並傳回對應至第一個TRUE 條件的值. MAXIFS, 統計, 傳回指定之儲存格範圍的最大值.
#19. MAX IF (Find Max Value with Single + Multiple Criteria)
There is no specific function for this in Excel. ... In short: MAXIF is an array formula that you can use to find max value from a range using criteria.
#20. MAXIFS関数の使い方と代用方法|複数条件一致の最大値抽出
Excel 関数+組み合わせ術 [実践ビジネス入門講座]【完全版】 作業効率とクオリティがいっきに高まる、究極の使いこなしテクニック 【Excel 2019/2016/2013 & Office ...
#21. Excel formula: Maximum if multiple criteria - Excelchat - Got It AI
The MAXIFS function has been introduced in Excel 2016 to return the maximum value ... criteria in Excel 2013 and earlier versions in the following formula:.
#22. MS Excel 2010 MAXIFS equivalent in VBA Userform
If you're looking for the largest number anyway, do you need to filter out anything lower than 2018000? If you have at least one entry equal ...
#23. MAXIFS and MINIFS in Excel - Easy Functions
Use MAXIFS and MINIFS in Excel 2016 or later to find the maximum and minimum value based on one criteria or multiple criteria.
#24. MINIF & MAXIF: 5 Ways to Insert a Conditional Minimum ...
Until Excel 2016, there is no built-in MINIF-Formula in Excel.
#25. maxif函數
2016年新版本的Excel表增加了minifs()、maxifs(),這兩個函數在數據處理中運用較多, ... 而且上2013-12-31 請excel高手幫忙:用MAX公式做最大值,結果顯示是0 13 ...
#26. Six new formulas in Excel (on older Excel 2007, 2010, 2011 ...
... (on older Excel 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2013). The Microsoft Excel team just announced six new formulas in Excel 2016: TEXTJOIN; CONCAT; MAXIFS; MINIFS ...
#27. Maxifs函数(maxifs函数在哪个版本里面) - 伙伴云
返回一组给定条件或标准指定的单元格中的最大值。语法:MAXIFS(max_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)参数说明:max_range 确定 ...
#28. MAXIFS - maximum s podmínkou Excel - lasakovi-office
Úkol: Maximální částka ve dnech větších (novějších) jak 5.1.2013. =MAXIFS($G$11:$G$21;$D$11:$D$21;">5.1.2013") =MAXIFS($G$11:$G$21 ...
#29. Excel MIN and MAX Function Examples Video MINIFS MAXIFS
Find lowest and highest numbers with Excel MIN and MAX functions. For criteria use MINIFS, MAXIFS (Excel 365) or MIN IF, MAX IF formulas.
#30. Minifs/Maxifs and the new formulas working on new excel file ...
the formulas that doesn't work with the older excel file are - IFS Function, MINIFS And MAXIFS Function and the other new stuff added ...
#31. 认识Excel函数新成员—— MAXIFS/MINIFS函数_[东方瑞通
认识Excel函数新成员(二) MAXIFS/MINIFS函数 Excel2013以前的版本对于日常复杂条件的数据统计工作,有了像SUMIF、SAVERAGEIFS、COUNTIFS这样的函数 ...
#32. Office Excel 如何利用MAXIFS和MINIFS函数求取符合条件的最 ...
Office Excel 如何利用MAXIFS和MINIFS函数求取符合条件的最值? · Office Excel HYPGEOMDIST 函数使用实例教程 · Excel2013切片器运用到数据透视表中.
#33. Formula Forensics looks at MaxIf - Chandoo.org
Excel returns 0.545 as it should as it is the maximum value in the array. Extension. Elkhan hinted in a follow-up email at wanting to extend this to all ...
#34. Max IF Formula in Excel - WallStreetMojo
Here we discuss how to use Excel Max If Formula to find maximum values along ... The MAXIFS function determines the maximum value from a range of values.
#35. Excel 2016 新功能
原来2016版的Excel 新增了这么多的功能与Excel 2013相比,Excel 2016的变化 ... 更新中,EXCEL 2016新增几个常用重要函数,主要有:ifs,switch,maxifs ...
#36. MAXIFs Functions ใหม่ Excel 2016 ผูกสูตรง่ายขึ้น - VBA Excel
MAXIFs Function ใหม่ ใน Excel 2016 หรือ Office 365. ถ้าเป็น Excel Version 2007 , 2010 , 2013. แล้วต้องการหาค่า MAX โดยมีเงื่อนไข. จะต้องผูกสูตรแบบ Array ...
#37. _xlfn.MINIFS (MAXIFS, etc.) occasional showing in Excel 2016
Hello,My machine runs Excel 2016 (Version 1701, Build 7766.2099 in case you're interested), and as you're aware Excel 2013 and 2016 added ...
#38. maxa、dmax和maxifs区别和用法_最大值函数excel - 18学术网
计算机应用公式求和,Excel 2013中的常用函数自动求和平... 最大销售额: 在需要输入最大销售额的单元格中输入“=MAX( ...
#39. maxifs - Excel-Translator
Alla översättningar för Excel-funktionen MAXIFS. ... between the translations in different versions of Excel. ... Excel 2013, Nej, -.
#40. Excel 365才能用的28个函数,可以在2013、2016、2019使用了
MAXIFS 函数条件值必须成对存在。 MAXIFS函数max_range和criteria_range行数或者列数必须相同。 2.64 MINIFS函数教程 2.64.1 函数基本参数.
#41. Excel-找出分組最大值和最小值(陣列公式,MAXIF,MINIF)
你可能使用過SUMIF、COUNTIF、AVERAGEIF 等條件式運算函數,但Excel 中並沒有MAXIF 或MINIF 等函數,不過你可以使用陣列公式來取代。 【準備工作】. 選取 ...
#42. MS-Excel Hub - Facebook
MS-Excel Hub, profile picture ... 3- MAXIFS ... (Refresh required and available in MS 2016 onwards but you can install an add-in in 2010 & 2013)
#43. 表格公式前显示_xlfn.前缀,_xlfn.MAXIFS - 网络精选
这篇文章小编就为大家带来一篇讲excel _xlfn,表格公式前显示_xlfn.前缀,_xlfn.MAXIFS,_xlfn.MINIFS表示不支持该函数。小编觉得挺不错的,现在就 ...
#44. Excel 公式
These formulas, we can use in Excel 2013. ... In Excel 2019, or Excel for Office 365, you can use the MINIFS and MAXIFS functions, shown below, ...
#45. Excel – How To Create a MINIF and a MAXIF - A4 Accounting
The AGGREGATE function was added in Excel 2010 and, like SUMPRODUCT, it can work with arrays without being array entered. The AGGREGATE function ...
#46. office2016支持MAXIFS函数吗 - CSDN
Excel. 快速轻松地预测:只需单击即可根据历史数据创建预测图表并预测未来趋势。 新函数让公式更简单:使用新函数,如IFS、MAXIFS、MINIFS 和SWITCH,避免在公式中嵌 ...
#47. Excel 條件最小值、最大值MINIFS、MAXIFS 函數教學與範例
介紹如何在Excel 中使用 MINIFS 與 MAXIFS 函數根據條件計算最小值與最大值。 MINIFS 與 MAXIFS 函數用法. Excel 2019 版之後新增了 MINIFS 與 MAXIFS 函數,可以用來 ...
#48. Using MAX IF With Multiple Criteria - Contextures Blog
Excel doesn't have a MAXIF function, but we're able to create our own version, by combining the MAX and IF functions.
#49. 6 New Functions in Excel 2019 and Office 365 You Must Learn
As the name describes, MAXIFS identifies the maximum value based on multiple conditions given in the formula and MINIFS returns the MIN value based on ...
#50. How to use MAXIFS Function in Excel - Developer Publish
In this post, you'll learn about the MAXIFS Function, its syntax and the way of using the MAXIFS Function in Microsoft Excel.
#51. Excel: Performance Improvements - Strategic Finance
The Excel team originally applied performance improvements to the ... have shown Excel 2010 was faster than Excel 2013 and Excel 2016.
#52. Microsoft Excel 2010 vs 2013 vs 2016 vs 2019: Complete Guide
In this article, we compare different versions of Microsoft Excel. ... MINIFS is the opposite of MAXIFS and returns the smallest number in a range that ...
#53. 条件付きで最大値、最小値を求める:Excel関数の技 - DTI
このページでは、MAX,MIN,MAXIFS,MINIFS,FILTER,DMAX,DMIN,INDEX,配列数式,SUMPRODUCTといった関数を使っています。 スポンサードリンク ...
#54. Why aren't there already Maxifs and Minifs functions in Excel?
As of Office 2016, Excel has the MAXIFS and MINIFS functions, ... Excel 2013 has 246 DAX functions, and like regular Excel functions they have their own ...
#55. New in Microsoft Excel 2019 (Standard or 365)
Benefits of Microsoft Excel 2019: Software-Matters offer free consultations to ... only in Excel 365 or Excel 2019 is: CONCAT, IFS, MINIFS, MAXIFS, SWITCH, ...
#56. Custom Number Formats in Excel 2013 - Pinterest
Custom Number Formats in Excel 2013 Custom Number, Microsoft Excel, ... Excel Magic Trick 1487: INDEX, MATCH & MAXIFS : Lookup Correct Price Based on ...
#57. How to Use MAX IF Function in Excel - ExcelDemy
Excel MAXIFS Function ... this conditional maximum value but In Excel 2013 and earlier versions, you still have to use the MAX IF formula.
#58. Excel Theme | SpreadJS 13 - GrapeCity
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/gc.spread.sheets.excel2013white.13.0.0.css" />. Excel theme. The Excel 2013 theme also applies to the tab strip and scroll ...
#59. Menguasai Formula dan Fungsi Excel 2007-2019
... Fungsi MAXIFS • Fungsi MINIFS Sekalipun buku ini sebagian besar disusun menggunakan Excel 2010 dan beberapa bagian menggunakan Excel 2013 dan 2019, ...
#60. vba maxifs
maxifs excel 2013. The Excel MAXIFS function returns the largest numeric value that meets one or more criteria in a range of values. MAXIFS can be used with ...
#61. Deriving High and Low Non-Zero Values - Excel ribbon tips
Please Note: This article is written for users of the following Microsoft Excel versions: 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Excel in ...
#62. Top 3 Ways to Check Excel Version That You Are Using!
Microsoft Excel 2013. If you are using Microsoft Excel 2013, you can see that the Ribbon tabs are all in Capital Letters!
#63. 97831 – Please add new functions IFS, MAXIFS, MINIFS ...
Just LO Calc and MS Excel 2013 at work. I don't know whether the online MS office version on live.com already support these new functions.
#64. MAXIFS関数 / 複数条件に一致するデータの最大値を求める
Excel2016から使用できる関数のため、2013以前のバージョンの場合は、IF関数とMAX関数を組み合わせて使用します。 ExcelのMAXIFS - 概要. MAXIFS( ...
#65. Find latest date based on a condition - Get Digital Help
The MAXIFS function was introduced in Excel 2016, it is entered as a regular formula. ... 1504 vikash jay sdfsdfsd sdfsdf 1/5/2013
#66. Công thức Excel MAX IF để tìm giá trị lớn nhất với các điều kiện
MAXIFS – cách dễ dàng để tìm giá trị cao nhất với các điều kiện ... Trong Excel 2013 và các phiên bản trước đó, bạn vẫn phải tạo riêng cho ...
#67. What is the _xlfn. prefix in Excel - Excelbuddy.com
#68. Courses for Excel: Excel 2013 (Windows) Intermediate - Skillsoft
Excel is the powerful spreadsheet component of Microsoft Office. ... Increase your Excel 2013 mastery by learning about referencing cells, using data across ...
若是和其他不同軟體互動之問題請記得一併填寫) 軟體:EXCEL 版本:2013 假設有10個數值 ... Jerome0511: 如果沒有maxif這個函數那抓最大值就沒有方法嗎?
#70. excel符合條件傳回文字
Excel 2019版新增函數介紹Concat Textjoin Ifs Maxifs Mixifs Switch 學不完教不停用 ... COUNTIFrange; criteria 傳回符合條件的儲存格數Nov 07, 2013 · 要用來比對的 ...
#71. 6 Nuevas Funciones de Excel que Simplificarán Tu Trabajo
El equipo de Excel de Microsoft anunció seis nuevas funciones que ... Pueden utilizar las funciones de MAXIFS y MINIFS para calcular las ...
#72. A Guide to Excel Version Compatibility - Plum Solutions
... Lots of new functions such as IFS, SWITCH, TEXTJOIN, MAXIFS and MINIFS* ... Power Pivot became a built-in feature of Excel 2013 ...
#73. MAXIFS/MINIFSに相当する関数を2013以前のExcelでVBAを使...
配列数式で集計関数(SUMとかMAX関数)を使うと配列全体を集計してしまうのでうまくないです。 行ごとの計算はよくMMULT関数を使います。
#74. Excel 2019中的新函数- 腾讯云开发者社区
Excel 2019中的新函数. 2021-05-06 19:41:51阅读2800 ... 上图5中,使用MAXIFS函数返回第1组中最大的得分值。 ... 基于Excel2013的文本函数.
#75. 【MAXIFSの代用】複数の条件で最大値をもとめる方法!MAX ...
この記事は複数の条件で最大値をもとめる方法についてまとめています。MAXIFS関数はエクセルのバージョンが「365」「2019」「2016」のみ対応となって ...
#76. Hàm MAXIFS trong Excel, cú pháp và ví dụ minh họa - Thủ thuật
Tự học Excel. Tài liệu tự học Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Tài liệu tự học Excel được TAIMIENPHI.VN sưu tầm và giới thiệu ...
There is a way where you can find the minimum value and a maximum value for a specific product from a large table of data.
#78. I see XLFN in my Excel formulas. Why? | My Spreadsheet Lab
You have Excel 2013 and your friend has a newer version of Excel (Office 365 or Excel 2016). He uses a cool new function and sends the file ...
#79. MAXIFS関数の使い方。複数の条件に対応する範囲の中から ...
Excel (エクセル)2016で追加された新関数「MAXIFS」(マックス・イフ・エス)の引数や使用例、活用の ... MAXIFS (G3:G9,C3:C9,"女",D3:D9,2013).
#80. How to Get Maximum Value From a List Having Errors
Get the maximum score from a list having errors in Excel 2013. Excel MAXIFS function gets the max score having error in Excel 2016. Max value ignore all ...
#81. Data Analisis Excel dengan Fungsi MAX dan MIN IF - DQLab
3.Alternatif Fungsi MAXIFS dan MINIFS; 4. Yuk, BELAJAR DATA SCIENCE GRATIS DI DQLAB SELAMA 1 BULAN! Excel merupakan salah satu produk ...
#82. Charles Williams on 'Making Excel go Faster' | Page 2
LAA has now been enabled for 32-bit versions of Excel 2013 and Excel ... MAXIFS and MINIFS extend the COUNTIFS/SUMIFS family of functions.
#83. Erro _xlfn no Excel - O Que É e Como Solucionar
Portanto, por esse motivo alguns usuários estão recebendo planilhas identificando o erro xlfn no Excel. Mas então, do que se trata este erro?
#84. 知らないと損!EXCEL2019関数MAXIFS、MINIFS、CONCAT ...
Excel2013 以前から、統計でよく使われる関数として、データの中から最大値を求めるときはMAX関数、最小値を求めるときはMIN関数がスタンダードでした。
#85. あるはずの関数が無い!「_xlfn.」が表示されるのはなぜ?
解説記事内の画像はExcel 2016と2013のものですが、操作方法は下記のバージョンで同じです。 Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010; Office 365.
#86. Excel: Calculer un min ou un max conditionnel
On pourrait penser qu'Excel donnerait accès à une formule du genre Min.Si (MinIF) ou Max.si (MaxIf), mais ce n'est pas le cas. Toutefois, il n'est pas, ...
#87. Error _xlfn en Excel: Qué es y Cómo Resolverlo
Error _xlfn en Excel. Excel es un programa que ha ido recibiendo actualizaciones con nuevas funciones con bastante frecuencia en los ...
#88. Cách sử dụng hàm MIN và hàm MAX có điều kiện trong Excel ...
Hướng dẫn được thực hiện trên Laptop hệ điều hành Windows 10 với phiên bản Excel 2013. Bạn cũng có thể thực hiện tương tự trên các sản phẩm ...
#89. Excel Agility: Logic Functions - IF, AND, OR, and Beyond
Excel Agility: Logic Functions - IF, AND, OR, and Beyond live webinar training. ... He draws your attention to any differences in Excel 2013, 2010, ...
#90. สูตร Excel: MAX IF , MAXIFS การหาค่าสูงสุด ต่ำสุด แบบมีเงื่อนไข
#Formula #MAXIFS #MAX #IF #เรียนExcel #เรียนออนไลน์ #สูตรEXCEL #EXCELพื้นฐาน #EXCELเบื้องต้น #หมีขี้เกียจ #ทำงานง่ายสไตล์หมีขี้เกียจ .
#91. <엑셀강의#100>조건에 맞는 최대값찾기,MAXIFS가 없을때는 ...
사용엑셀버전 : 엑셀2013 or 엑셀2016버전. (엑셀 2007, 2010버전과 다른 부분이 있을 경우 추가 설명을 포함). 안녕하세요 장효선의 엑셀하나입니다 ...
#92. Mengatasi Rumus Excel Tidak Berfungsi - BKD Cilacap
Pernah ngalamin engga sih sudah membuat rumus excel tapi setelah tekan enter ga berfungsi? Kalo penulis pernah dan baru kemarin-kemarin aja ...
#93. SpreadJS V11支持Excel 2013~2016新增的一些函数 - 搜狐
SpreadJS V11版本新增了60个Excel 2013~2016的新增函数,支持函数总量超过400种。新增函数涵盖数学与三角函数、统计、文本、工程、日期与时间、 ...
#94. 【エクセル中級者向け】IF関数の意外な使い方④【他の関数を ...
これが実務で役立つExcelスキルを身に着けるための最短ルートです。 © 2013 Excelを制する者は人生を制す.
#95. How To Replace Nested IF Function: 14 Alternatives
MAXIFS /MINIFS. MAXIFS FUNCTION IN EXCEL. MAXIFS/MINIFS functions return the maximum or minimum number in a range that meets a criterion.
#96. Qual função posso substituir a máximoses e mínimoses? - Alura
Meu excel não tem a função máximoses e mínimoses, pois o meu excel é o 2010. Estou montando a planilha da aula 5- Mais Funções.
#97. Microsoft Excel: What's new in Excel 2019
1. Data import tool improvements: The Power Query data import tool in Excel 2013 was renamed Get & Transform in Excel 2016, but the name has ...
#98. Maxif and Minif with Multiple Variables - Daily Dose of Excel
Enter with control+shift+enter, not just enter. Vince says: September 16, 2013 at 9:17 am.
#99. Excel関数逆引き辞典パーフェクト 第3版 - 第 781 頁 - Google 圖書結果
ログ・インバース 2016,2013,2010,2007 = LOGINV [確率,平均,標準偏差)対数正規分布の ... エス< Office 365 の Excel 2016 のみ対応> → 02.066 = MAXIFS (最大範囲, ...
excel maxifs 2013 在 [問題] 自動往前抓取平均- 看板Office 的推薦與評價
(若是和其他不同軟體互動之問題 請記得一併填寫)
欄位A 欄位B
1. 10
2. 12
3. 14
4. 16
5. 18
6. 20
7. 22
8. 24
9. 26
10. 28
請問有辦法利用EXCEL 指令or VBA
算出我要的欄位A 在往前抓5筆欄位B的資料取平均嗎?
EXCEL會自動抓取往前5個數值平均 也就是
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Office/M.1449879720.A.524.html
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