Exchanges Are Honoring Cultural Heritage
你知道嗎? 過去75年來,美國政府提倡國際文教交流不遺餘力。跨國交流能促進人與人互相了解,並增加對其他國家文化與歷史資產的認識,進而形塑我們對世界的認知。每個文化都有其獨特的美麗,透過交流,我們可以將自己的文化特色與世界分享、吸收其他文化的養分,並讓世界更友好。如果有朋自遠方來,第一次造訪台灣,你會帶他體驗什麼台灣文化呢?請在下面留言並標註「#ExchangesAre honoring cultural heritage」,讓我們了解你心中驕傲的台灣文化。
The U.S. government promotes a wide-range of international cultural and educational exchanges. In 2015, we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of U.S. government-sponsored exchanges. When we go on an exchange program, we make new friends, discover cultural and historical heritages, and enhance our understanding of different communities around the world and their unique histories. Every culture has its own beauty. Through people to people exchanges, we can share, learn, and make the world a friendlier place. If someone is visiting Taiwan for the first time, what unique historical places and cultural traditions would you share with him/her? Tell us your ideas in a comment below and add “#ExchangesAre honoring cultural heritage,” so we can learn what makes Taiwan culture unique. Join us as we explore the ways #ExchangesAre honoring cultural heritage.
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目前美國在台協會正舉行 #ExchangesAre Empowering Women and Girls活動,歡迎各位在本文底下留言分享您對「交流」和「增進女性權利」的看法,並在留言之前標注#ExchangesAre Empowering Women and Girls,您就有機會獲得美國在台協會精美贈書《”美”食記 – 賞味遊美國》一本。
AIT Director Mr. Marut presented Ms. Nicole Yang Chieh-Yu a certificate recognizing her as AIT’s 2015 International Woman of Courage to honor her achievements in advocating for equal rights of marginalized groups. Nicole Yang founded Harmony Home, an NGO that provides residence and support for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Harmony Home now manages 13 shelters in four cities in Taiwan, providing a home for nearly 1,000 individuals.
Ms. Yang is also an U.S. government exchange alumnus, having participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program in 2007. This program enabled her to exchange experiences and ideas with U.S. counterparts working in similar fields. Celebrating March as Women’s History Month, and 2015 as the 75th anniversary of State Department international exchange programs, AIT is promoting an “#ExchangesAre Empowering Women and Girls” activity. In a comment below, put #ExchangesAre Empowering Women and Girls and tell us your thoughts on exchange and women’s empowerment, and you may win a book “Discover America” from AIT.
exchangesare 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
歡迎大家點閱以下影片,聽聽學友對國際交流計畫的看法,也歡迎在下面留言回覆 #ExchangesAre,將你的想法分享給我們!
The U.S. government promotes a wide-range of international cultural and educational exchanges. In 2015 we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of U.S. government-sponsored exchanges. The U.S. Department of State administers exchange programs for more than 50,000 participants each year. Exchange alumni include 385 current or former heads of state, 63 Nobel laureates, and thousands of leaders across the world from a variety of sectors. Many of Taiwan’s leaders in government, education, the arts, and business are alumni of U.S. exchange programs.
Please watch the video to learn what exchange programs mean to other alumni and share your views with us. In a comment below, tell us what you think #ExchangesAre.