當然,餐廳原本就要和以上飲食選項競爭消費者的注意力與時間,然而,禁止內用,等於斬斷餐廳的主要命脈,也阻止「完全服務餐廳」(full-service restaurant)發揮其優勢— 創造現場體驗。一間餐廳的營收來源,假設原本有內用、外帶外送、外燴服務、活動包場,禁止內用與聚會,就只剩下外帶外送了,只能約莫涵蓋原本營收的二至三成,毛利還較低。
很多人早早跳下來做了,先做再說,拼現金流,銷庫存。一時之間也無法細想成本結構和持續性。根據美國舊金山「Golden Gate Restaurant Association」調查四百間餐廳的數據,舊金山餐廳在疫情初期,去年三月封城到去年五月之間,有六成業者外帶外送是虧錢在做。台灣業者的情況,很可能也是這樣。
美國「國家餐廳協會」(National Restaurant Association)今年一月的統計資料顯示,53%的美國成年人將外帶外送視為「基本的生活方式」,並且有68%的受訪者表示,他們比疫情前更傾向消費外帶外送的食物;美國餐廳也回應以上需求,46%的家庭式餐廳或fine dining餐廳表示在去年三月至十二月之間增加了外送選項,casual dining和fast-casual餐廳的比例則是44%。即便美國正在推進疫苗施打,許多州解封,餐廳客流量回籠,外帶外送的趨勢也不會一夜逆轉。事實上,美國餐廳業者對於近在眼前的全面解封,仍然有疑慮,因為去年真的讓他們怕了,如果不小心再來一次封城怎麼辦?
第三方外送平台直接解決這二個問題,但餐廳付出較大代價,二大主流UberEats、Food Panda的高額抽成(35%),尤其對成本結構以內用為主的業者造成傷害。有什麼替代方案?概括來說,只要抽成沒那麼高(例如20%以內),卻能同時提供訂購介面、金流服務、物流服務,對於餐飲業者就比較有吸引力。例如新加坡商線上訂餐系統「Oddle」,或者開闢外帶外送服務的「inline」,都是抽成較低的方案。
有沒有可能餐飲業者自己搞定第三方支付與物流呢?第三方支付如Line Pay、街口支付,手續費約莫2.3%,只有金流服務,沒有訂購介面、物流服務,餐廳老闆要自己斟酌;至於物流,Lalamove爆單的情況下,越來越難媒合司機,是否有可能將餐廳的閒置人力轉為物流服務?
外送平台的替代方案,是不是有可能用「合作社」的模式來經營?這是我看到的一個美國案例:「Loco Co-Op」,一個由餐飲業者自己經營的外送平台。他們的做法是,設立一定數量的股份,假設一股二千美元,餐廳業者可以來認購,分店數量越多的業者,可以認購更多股。想加入的業者也未必要認購股份成為投資人,也可以單純加入成為會員。一旦成立,其運作就和一般外送平台沒什麼二樣:由承攬司機負責運送,用平板來操作後台;消費者則是下載app來訂購餐點。雖然期初仍要向使用服務的業者抽成15%,但希望隨著規模擴大而能降低抽成。
美國餐飲大亨、創辦Shake Shack漢堡、Union Square Cafe的Danny Meyer,在NPR的podcast節目《How I Built This》中,提到他的外祖父、也是一位成功企業家給他的建議:
("Stop complaining about problems; problems are the definition of business. The people who do best in business aren’t the ones with the least problems, but are the ones who solve their problems better and have more fun doing it with better people.”)
(圖為Wildwood與Tart Taipei的外送餐點:牛排沙拉、酥脆中卷、貓耳朵麵、炙烤玉米、焦糖布蕾塔、班蘭咖椰塔、草莓香草塔。)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅GoGreenGoLean - Susana Tsang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hey guys! Timings are all listed below! Questions How long did it take you to see the changes in your body? What was my before after vital stats? ...
「fast food definition」的推薦目錄:
fast food definition 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
A Christmas Story 一個聖誕節的故事
There is much good in the world. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
About a week ago, I saw a family receiving help from a charity. The volunteer gave them secondhand clothes and a pair of shoes to a little girl. Her father thanked the volunteer while the little girl looked so happy and jumped around in her new shoes. It deeply touched me. How fortunate I am to live in the comfort of my home without needing to worry about food or clothes on these cold winter days. It also reminded me of my childhood.
When I was younger, my family was also disadvantaged, and I relied on government aid just to be able to eat at times. I still remember wearing secondhand clothes that don't fit and gluing my shoes together because the sole would detach whenever I ran too fast. Now, I have my own educational platform, live a comfortable life, and have a tiny bit of influence. I can and must do much more to help.
I began researching possible ways to contribute to needy children, who honestly do not need English learning more than they need food in their bellies and a coat on their shoulders.
Taiwan has a comparatively low poverty rate, partly due to government efforts and its definition of poverty as being low-income. However, what of those not listed in the government tax records? What about those without a roof over their heads? Even when a family is making what is considered the poverty line—anywhere from 170 to 350 USD per month depending on the area—they still suffer from the lack of resources. Think of how much you are currently earning. Would a family of four or five be able to survive on that if they did not have housing?
I came across a charity program and was inspired by the following (now defunct) charity fundraiser.
We are five international exchange students at NTU who feel welcomed to Taiwan with open arms. In the spirit of the generosity and warmth of the Taiwanese people, we would like to give back by partnering with Andrew Charity Association to provide children in the Taipei area with Christmas gifts in addition to their monthly food boxes delivered by Andrew Charity Association.
The food boxes from Andrew Food Bank are what these children look forward to the most every month. With the Christmas holidays coming up very soon, we hope to give them another reason to smile in addition to their boxes of food…something small but enough to surprise them and let them know that someone out there cares about them.
I contacted Andrew Food Bank asked them the procedure for donation. I then researched the organization before thinking about what I could do to help.
Of course, I could start crowdfunding like the original fundraiser, but with Christmas so close, that would take far too long. I needed funding immediately, and then a Christmas miracle happened.
That night, out of nowhere, I saw a picture of a sponge scrubber exceeding my new book in sales, so I thought it would be humorous to post the picture with a link to the book. That very night, we sold about 600 books! Now I have the funding needed to purchase about 150 gifts! I only make a percentage of the total revenue, so I decided to donate double of all my proceeds from the sale to purchase gifts in addition to the food boxes for these disadvantaged children. It's my small way of saying Merry Christmas to you and giving a little warmth to the needy.
The most basic principle of education is caring for those around you and letting them know you care, whether they are your family, friends, or total strangers.
I am not asking you to donate. Instead, let us just remember this principle of caring. Bring a little warmth into other people's lives. There are many who need your help, and we're all capable of giving so much love and care.
There is much good in the world. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
安得烈慈善協會: http://www.chaca.org.tw/
Eric’s English Lounge 宗旨與目標: https://bit.ly/2BaENzJ
fast food definition 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
Is busy life supposed to be cereal killer?
If you are a fan of US TV series, you’ll be familiar with the morning breakfast routine: Each family member pours a mound of cereal into a bowl, adds enough milk to send it flowing over the top, before getting stuck into their sugary start to the day. 如果你是美國電視劇粉絲的話,你一定很熟悉這樣的例行早餐場景:家裡的每個 人都往碗裡倒了一堆穀物,再從上頭倒入牛奶,接下來就可以開始享用他們甜蜜蜜的 早餐,展開新的一天。
For generations, cereal has been the bedrock of the American breakfast, but it now seems to be losing some of its momentum. Sales of breakfast cereals in the US have gone stale, owing to concerns about the morning food’s lack of nutrition, as well as a rise in demand for more convenient options for those constantly in a hurry. 對於好幾個世代來說,穀物已經成為了美式早餐的基礎,然而現在似乎不再如此 了。在美國,由於人們擔心這種早餐缺乏營養,而且趕時間的人也希望能有更方便的 選擇,穀物早餐的銷量已逐漸式微。
There’s nothing new about cereal being labeled less than nutritious and too high in calories. Critics for years have been saying that some cereals—too much sugar. 穀物被貼上了「沒營養又高熱量」的標籤,這並不稀奇。批評者們經年累月地一 直指出,某些穀物含有太多的糖分。
But the consumer’s desire for a healthier way to start the day is now at its highest ever. 但消費者要求以更健康方式展開一天生活的需求已經高過以往的任何時候。
Shoppers are seeking out “high protein and fiber content and natural ingredients,” the US-based research firm Mintel Group Ltd. said in a report. “Consumers today believe cereal is overly processed and doesn’t contain enough nutrients.” 位於美國的調查公司英敏特集團有限公司在一份報告中指出,消費者們正在尋找 「高蛋白又富含纖維的自然食材。」「如今的消費者們認為,穀物被過度加工,不夠 營養。」
That means cereal is facing stiff competition from fresh fruit, yogurt, breakfast bars and drinks, and even all-day breakfast meals at McDonald’s or other fast-food chains. 這意味著穀物正面臨著來自鮮果、優格、早餐棒或早餐飲料,甚至是麥當勞或者 其他速食連鎖店販售全時段早餐套餐的激烈競爭。
“Consumers are increasingly seeking products that match their personal definition of real food, and that can mean foods that are less processed and have simple labels with recognizable ingredients,” Kendall Powell, chairman of the US-based food company General Mills, said at an investors’ conference in July. 「越來越多的消費者在尋找符合自身對於真正食物的定義的產品,這意味著食品 要減少加工,並貼上可辨認的成分標籤,」美國食品公司通用磨坊董事長 Kendall Powell 在七月的一場投資人大會上如此表示。
Another big challenge for the industry is the ever-changing pattern of breakfast eaters, with an emphasis increasingly being placed on satisfying time-squeezed lifestyles. This desire for convenience seems to be especially evident among millennials – those aged 18 to 34. When Mintel surveyed consumers last year, 39 percent of millennials said that cereal was inconvenient because it involved cleaning a dish afterwards. 該行業面臨的另一大挑戰是人們千變萬化的早餐模式,且他們越來越關注滿足緊 縮時間的生活形式。這種追求方便的渴望似乎在千禧世代(18-34 歲)中特別明顯。 英敏特去年對消費者進行調查時,39%的千禧世代表示,穀物吃起來並不方便,因為 吃完後還要洗碗。
“Millennials want something quick and simple in the morning, and they love variety,” said Craig Bahner, president of US morning foods at Kellogg Co. 「千禧世代希望早上是吃那種簡單快捷的餐點,而他們也喜歡多樣性,」美國早 餐食品公司家樂氏的董事長 Craig Bahner 認為。
Then, there’s the issue of price. Brand-name cereal prices jumped after the financial crisis in 2008, owing largely to the higher prices of grains and other ingredients. It’s only in the last two years that prices have stabilized. 然後就是價格問題。2008 年的金融海嘯之後,知名品牌穀物的價格暴漲。這很大 程度上源于穀粒和其他食材的價格上漲。而這些食品的價格近兩年來才趨於穩定。
However, manufacturers and industry analysts say that if breakfast cereal makers can keep on adapting to changing consumer needs, especially among millennials, the business can grow again. 然而,製造商和產業分析師認為,如果穀物早餐的生產商能夠適應消費者們,尤 其是千禧世代不斷變化的需求,業績依然能夠再次成長。
“While millennials may look at breakfast differently, they are still eating a lot of cereal, just not always for breakfast,” said Jim Murphy, president of General Mills’ cereal division. “According to Nielsen data, ready-to-eat cereal is in 90 percent of all households and nearly 94 percent of millennial households. For this group, cereal is more than just a breakfast item. It is also a popular snack option.” 「儘管千禧世代看待早餐的方式或許不同了,但他們仍食用不少穀物,只不過不 僅僅是作為早餐,」通用磨坊早餐穀物部的負責人 Jim Murphy 如是說。 「尼爾森公司 的資料顯示,在所有家庭中,90%購買了即食穀物,而將近 94%的千禧世代家庭中備 有穀物。對於這一群體而言,穀物不僅僅是早餐,也是個很受歡迎的零食選擇。」
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
fast food definition 在 GoGreenGoLean - Susana Tsang Youtube 的最佳解答
Hey guys!
Timings are all listed below!
How long did it take you to see the changes in your body? What was my before after vital stats? 0:44
How long did you take to lose the weight? You know when you started your fitness journey? 1:37
How tall are you and how much do you weigh? Also what is a realistic time to lose 5kg or 10kg? 2:18
How were you able to stick to the new habit of eating clean and exercising especially when starting out? 3:04
When have you decided to change your eating habits etc, and did you struggle a lot at the beginning? How did you motivate yourself? 3:52
Not related to fitness, but how did you tackle A levels? It’s so darn hard. And, What subjects did you take in A Levels in order to study engineering? 4:39
Would you classify your weight loss success mainly through eating clean or doing lots of exercise? Which one stands our more for you? 5:20
Do you have any stretch marks after losing weight, and how do you deal with it? 6:18
Did you track everything you ate at the beginning of your weight loss? 6:55
Have you struggled with acne? If so, how did you get rid of it? 7:21
Do you have a job or any other plans for this year? Will your work be related to fitness and training or you are only a Youtuber? 8:24
How do you balance being healthy, diet and working out with your studies (university)? 9:11
What is your weight, what to eat on a cheat day? What is your favourite Chinese & English dish? 10:32
What’s your guilty pleasure? 12:08
As an Asian person living in HK, how often do you eat rice?? Also how do you avoid it? Im constantly being pressured to eat rice during my weight loss journey.. people around me eat it on a daily 12:!4
I know that Asian food is really not the healthiest compared to western wholesome/raw foods such as salads, how do you try to eat healthy when you are with Asian family. Everything is filled with carbs and oil etc.? 12:50
Healthy food places to eat in HK? Any tips on how to eat out and about there. Also when you feel yourself losing motivation how do you try to find that drive and determination again? 13:54
- Home Eat To Live
- Mana! Fast Slow Food & Café
- Grassroot pantry
- Nood Food
- Purple tomato
- Supafood
- Pret A Manger
- Market Place – Salad Bar
- Simply Life
- Green Common
- Kinnet Café
- Elephas
How do you get rid of your cravings for sugar and chocolate? 15:13
Are you still living in HK? If so did you move out there by yourself 15:43
Would you prefer England or Hong Kong? If so, Why? 15:56
This is not a fitness related question but what made you wanted to move to hong kong 14:25
Did you do anything during your weight loss process to maintain your cup size? Are there any tips for me if I wanna lose weight but also don’t want to lose all my breasts? 17:13
Thoughts on protein powder for weight loss? 17:50
Do you prefer taking classes or working out by yourself/with your boyfriend? 18:11
How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth removal? And does it hurt a lot? 18:57
If you have a long term holiday in some food delicious place, like stay there for 20 days, how will you control your weight? And if you were losing weight a few days ago for this holiday. just losing weight a few days ago you will being this holiday, how to control your weight? 20:05
Hey susana my question is how does one lose weight/fat around the thigh, my thighs are massive thank you 21:21
Whats your favourite type of exercise? Cardio? Yoga? Strength? Etc etc and how often you do that particular type of exercise? 22:16
I get really fatigued after I work out in the morning – did you ever get that and did it go away? What did you do? Thank you! 23:14
How do you manage stress eating? 23:47
What food is your must-have staple in your everyday diet? 24:23
What do you suggest to tone up the arms so they have definition but aren’t bulky
How much weight should I be lifting in order lose arm fat/tone my arms without making them bulky? 25:04
How did you get so flexible? 26:22
How do you usually style your hair when you’re at the gym/doing sports 26:53
Where do I buy my dried okra? 27:28
Where did I get my granny glasses? 28:02
I couldn’t find the name but its on Mong Kok road, opposite the Tai Kok Tsui Dynasty Theatre, small entrance with stairs leading up to the opticians
What is my prescription? 28:30
What is my biggest gain for becoming skinny, besides becoming more healthy? 28:49
How were you eating and exercising when you were 14-15 years old? 29:28
Do I ever drink alcohol? (Asking as I think this is one big reason why I've put on weight) 30:31
Do you classify yourself as a paleo eater? Do you eat low carb?what kind of eater you reckon you are? 31:16
My transformation video - How I Lost 46 Pounds:
Gogreengolean ?
➤ BLOG: https://gogreengolean.wordpress.com/
➤ INSTAGRAM: GoGreenGoLean
➤ E-MAIL: st00227@gmail.com

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