沒有,生到他哥更幸運。用心陪伴、共享資源,還一句抱怨都沒有。關於養兒防老話題,我都不太想加入。因為我看我婆婆是這塊的佼佼者... 養兒是真的可以防老,可是這很看運氣。
您在我版上待久了,會發現最後我的結論都是「看老天爺心情」。因為 it’s the truth。
30% - 挑選兩支美股做短期操作。炒短線是投機行為,我堅持只用閒錢玩。
30% - 投入 index funds。長期投資才是養老規劃的正途。定期定額放一些,二十年後再來看 average growth rate,搞不好還比你拼了老命日進日出高。
10% - 帶貓助理看獸醫。對爹媽可以小氣,貓不行,牠是我的小寶貝。
10% - 看牙費用。拆下牙套後有幾顆牙需要補。
10% - 存起來。現金為王,積少成多,下次遇見值得投資的東西,有本金下手。
10% - 援助遇到難關的好友。借錢給朋友容易毀友情,直接贈與對彼此都好。
接下來進入文章正題(!)。先前講過我這兩年有在追看幾位美國理財油土伯,系列第一篇介紹了 Tech Lead。文章在這兒:
今天介紹我最喜歡的一位:Minority Mindset(本名:Jaspreet Singh),就叫他少數哥。少數哥是印度移民,他爹是個拼命三郎,我覺得是那種為了養家會願意賣血的好爸爸。少數哥從小被灌輸的觀念是天天向上永不放棄、認真工作努力存錢錢是一切的根本。
他是律師、媒體公司老闆、房地產投資客,團隊規模有點驚人。他的每一支影片我都看過至少三遍,最愛強調一件事:pay yourself first。之前提到的歐太太遵守的也是這規律:
領到一筆錢 >> 先存起來部分 >> 再花剩餘的。你先付錢給自己、投資在自己身上,才能把錢交到別人手上。
剛開始我不懂這和「先花再存」的差異有多大,經幾次嘗試後我感到自己打開了人生新篇章。每次我追到一筆款項,會先審視我的年度財務規劃進度,milestone 有沒有達成、還差多少存款、差多少股市補倉、外幣和黃金該入手嗎。
歷經兩年少數哥的洗腦,我發現自己更喜歡錢原本的樣子:stay in my account。
同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅曼曼職能治療師的育兒紀錄,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這次又邀請到#工作細胞 的血小板來示範, 除了簡單認識人體器官功能, 還有用吃東西來學數學, 以及最夯的運筆練習, 都在這集可以看到喔!快來一起看看吧! 貼心提醒:最後面還有#可愛的幕後花絮 ========== ❤️❤️❤️ #職能治療師媽媽育兒術熱賣中 ❤️❤️❤️ 各大書店熱賣中!《0~2歲黃...
「growth milestone」的推薦目錄:
- 關於growth milestone 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於growth milestone 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於growth milestone 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於growth milestone 在 曼曼職能治療師的育兒紀錄 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於growth milestone 在 曼曼職能治療師的育兒紀錄 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於growth milestone 在 曼曼職能治療師的育兒紀錄 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於growth milestone 在 Infant Developmental Milestones [UndergroundMed] - YouTube 的評價
growth milestone 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
#Updates #Robynnblogs
The world really has evolved several stages since 2020, and also since the beginning of my career- and that’s the beauty of it all. Nothings permanent, everything changes and newer, more exciting things keep coming into the mix.
Tomorrow my baby will turn 6 months. What a massive milestone, for her and for myself. As I am learning everyday to be a better mother, I am also learning to become a stronger me. I have been wanting to update fans and friends on how I am doing - and yet every time I try, I just feel like “oh gosh. Where do I even start?” And before that thought process is over, I would be busy either feeding my baby, changing a diaper, soothing her, or putting her to sleep.
The first few months of my baby’s life felt like it flew by so quickly yet at the same time pre-baby feels like a lifetime ago - everything in my world has shifted. My whole focus was her - I was breastfeeding, (which, by the way, is HEAPS harder than giving birth), making sure she’s eating well, sleeping well, and pooping well. And, understandably, paranoid about any kind of germs in the house. There was no difference between day and night, it’s just wake time and sleep time. It made no difference for me what day of the week it was, what weather it was, what’s happening with my industry, or with the world other than the daily Covid news, because I just needed to stay home make sure that my little newborn is far far far away from covid. I barely saw friends, and hadn’t eaten in a restaurant for north of half a year. As I took care of her, I barely had time to wash my own face, go to the bathroom, or sleep for a long stretch of time. I also didn’t have enough breastmilk, so I would sit there and try to pump the life out of me, just so I could provide half of a meal for my baby. I tried everything - but I do know that low supply isn’t uncommon. So- as glamorous as mom life can appear to be on social media, don’t be fooled. It’s humbling, but it’s also life-altering and the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.
Emotionally, I’ve been so over the moon and happy. I enjoy spending time with my newborn baby, she makes me giggle and smile - even though I wish my mother was here to share old baby stories of me, and experience all of this together. But having a daughter really makes you feel more connected to your mother on a completely different level - I just know she’s happy and proud of me from up above. I’ve taught her how to semi-feed herself, how to fall asleep by herself, teaching her still how to roll, sit, and semi-stand (crazy!!), and I’ve played her tunes on my guitar like she’s the only fan in my fan club.
I also consider myself blessed that I never had issues with postpartum depression, despite suffering from mommy’s wrist. I had an amazing relationship with my 陪月/月嫂 who helped me immensely more than words can say. I have not been able to see my side of the family for over a year, but I’m blessed to have amazing in-laws and fellow mommy friends to share experiences with.
Nothing has been easy, but I am the most grateful for my husband - he was always by my side when I needed him. We change diapers together, we bathe our daughter, we sing to her together, and read bedtime stories to her together. I can safely say, that I’m MUCH happier than when I was towards the end of my music label contract. There have been some dark years there.
Hitting 6 months is a big deal for me. I can safely pat myself on my back and reminisce on THE single most biggest achievement of my life, my daughter. Obviously, 6 months is not long in the grand scheme of things, ie. her entire life ahead, but it is a big milestone for me mentally, and finally I feel it’s time to really focus on my own personally healing. I completely lost myself in taking care of her, and yet I felt the most alive and the most needed - and I found a new me in the process. It’s a beautiful kind of chaos and I embraced all of it. But yes, now it’s time for me again. finally.
Hitting this 6 month mark, I have decided to now wean from breastfeeding, take care of my body better, drink some wine, and write more songs for real. (If my daughter allows, lol). I am choosing to give myself some more me-time, read a book, get my nails done, and eventually get a haircut too. And.. start to think about dieting and training. Moms don’t get enough credit for deciding consciously to not slim down yet because they gotta breastfeed. But- with that said, all moms have their own struggles that no one knows of, so never judge!
A part of the stress that comes with social media sometimes, is actually comments on moms’ sizes, even praises of “wow you slimmed down fast!” As though that’s the most important thing of all. The toxic culture pains me and I just know it’s not the point. For me, it really was a conscious decision, just to be a mother first, above all else, at least for these first six months of her little life. And looking at her, strong, happy and healthy, I am truly so so proud of her for her growth and development.
And finally.. I’m finally ready to think about myself again as a musician. I know I’m lucky to be able to have a choice of being with her for 6 months; I count my blessings everyday. But as songwriting wheels become rustier, and as the industry evolves, I’m quite frankly not sure yet what a singer-songwriter mom looks like. I struggle to name artists in the Chinese speaking world that I could reference from - but I promise I’ll continue to bring music to those ears that still choose to listen.
I still hope that one day - little Naomi can see mama on stage. Looking down at her as she sleeps, I always imagine what she would be like as she grows up - and I hope that one day she will be able to pursue what she loves to do and focus on the truly meaningful things in life.
Thank you for reading through this thinking-out-loud random catch-up session blog thing. I’m just so glad I survived 6 months of motherhood. This stuff ain’t easy! Sending love and thank you all for the support, as always. More updates later!
#updates #robynnblogs
growth milestone 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文
16 Apr 2021 - The first time I went to dabao dinner for the family. Awwwww.
The big girl was planning to take the bus on her own for the first time and meet us at the mall after her oral exams today. However, our plans changed at the last minute and we decided to stay home instead.
She was a tad disappointed and told me that despite her initial fear, she was actually looking forward to travelling by herself. I was happy and relieved to hear that, and wished I could let her do something since she was feeling enthusiastic. So I said "How about you walk to the food court yourself and buy back dinner since the rest are still sleeping?"
There was a twinkle in her eyes and she immediately sprang into action as she took a pen and paper to take my orders. I told her to buy 2 packets of 白鸡饭, 1 packet of 烧鸡尾饭, 1 油菜, 4 卤蛋, 2 slices of watermelon and 2 slices of rock melon. She took her bag, wallet, keys, card, mask and happily skipped out of the house after telling her sister who was still lying in bed "I'm going to buy dinner!"
I wasn't worried about her because I knew this girl is cautious, observant and responsible. Indeed, she came back promptly with all our orders within half an hour. Woohoo! Mission accomplished!
It was a milestone for her and I think she is definitely ready to travel by the train or bus on her own already. For me, it's a reminder that the time has come to let go even more, knowing that I've taught her and trained her well enough to be independent.
I said to her "Next time we don't need to order food delivery liao, you can just go out and buy for us." To which she smiled and said "Okay!" I think this gives her a sense of achievement just as it gives me a sense of pride. It also makes her feel confident, brave and happy, knowing that she did something for the family. So kudos to ya, dear Angel! I am proud of you! ❤
P.S. She is wearing my shirt here and it makes me feel emotional seeing it. I passed her some of mine because she has outgrown hers recently. Yup, growth spurt, she also eats more than me already and can soon share my shoes too. Awww. Kids grow up really fast, don't they?
#ahappymum #firstborn #11y4m #growingup #dabao #icandoitifitry
growth milestone 在 曼曼職能治療師的育兒紀錄 Youtube 的最讚貼文
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growth milestone 在 曼曼職能治療師的育兒紀錄 Youtube 的精選貼文
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