【The Only Constant in Life is Change 改變是唯一不變,對疫情當下和議情過後可能對於線上市場行銷的變化觀察,並分享對哈佛商學院相關文章讀後感】
COVID-19 in 2020 is a global pandemic which changed the way we work and live. Consumer preferences, consumer behaviors, new products and services, size of the market, and the use of technology and regulations are all changing under COVID-19. And marketing professionals around the world need to adapt quickly with the evolving global business environment.
At my current workplace, our original marketing plan which was approved late last year was completely abolished after COVID-19. We are not alone. Businesses around the world are experiencing the same thing. Jill Avery and Richard Edelman wrote on the Harvard Business School website that “Recognizing that their existing brand creative might strike the wrong tone with people fearful for their own and their community’s health, and anxious about their personal and the world’s rapidly deteriorating economic situation, the Walmart marketing team pivoted quickly to produce and air new advertising creative that tapped into the rapidly changing zeitgeist. The result, the Retail Heroes campaign, featured CEO McMillon Zooming in remotely from home to thank the one million Walmart front line employees for their dedication to their work, he calls them heroes, not just to the company, but also to people around the globe.”
Very few governments around the world had make in-depth efforts to prepare for pandemics at the COVID-19 level. The US, so called ‘leader of the free world’ is not handling the COVID-19 situation well. In fact, COVID-19 is out of control in the US. Currently, there are over 5.88 million confirmed cases and 181K death. This has a strong impact on the confidence of the general public and dramatically changing consumer behaviours.
Some less known places, such as Taiwan has been doing a great job fighting COVID-19. Taiwan suffered from SARS back in 2003 and it had forced the island to create better defense system and immediate response mechanism towards outbreak of viruses.
Taiwan has over 23 million people (similar to Australia. The population in Australia is about 24 million.) and it’s a very densely populated place. Geographically, it’s very close to mainland China and because of this, a lot of people, including top health professionals predicted that Taiwan would soon fall to COVID-19 and it would be very difficult to control it. But so far, the COVID-19 confirmed cases are 487 and 7 death in Taiwan. Comparing to most European countries, America and Australia, COVID-19 is under control in Taiwan. Business are open as usual in Taiwan and consumer confidence remains. But its travel industry still took a fatal hit. And it might take years to recover.
Across the globe, many countries are facing one of the biggest public health crises in recent history. And the economic impact is too large to even start to comprehend. As a key feature during COVID19 is how consumers are struggling to make ends meet. Millions of people are out of jobs or close to lose their jobs. This changed the general public’s confidence in governments and altered consumer purchasing habits. Therefore, digital marketing strategies for businesses are evolving with the current situation.
More conservative approach is more suited to the current turbulent environment. Definitely seeing a massive decrease in confidence for businesses to try new marketing plan of actions. Due to the infectious nature of this pandemic, businesses have shifted their marketing efforts online. Although it is hard to see it, but the upside of turbulent markets is that opportunities and new resources are being created continuously, and that agile organisations should be actively seeking global turbulent markets and opportunities. For example, the online telecommunications providers are experiencing enormous growth. Online industries, across retail, health and education are all thriving and developing during COVD19 phase. A familiar brand name under COVID-19 is ZOOM. Zoom says it has “more than 300 million daily users” and that “more than 300 million people around the world are using Zoom during this challenging time.”
“The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus. The ability to adapt according to the changing environment is key to success to businesses. And this is the same for digital marketing strategies.
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