BEAUTY 別讓情緒掌控你 照顧好你的心身體才不會生病 BY SABRINA LEE2020年11月6日 親愛的女孩,別讓情緒掌控了你,回來當自己的主人,唯有安定自己的心,我們才能夠遇見那個更美好的自己! by 身心療癒瑜珈老師王羽暄 愛自己,相信是這幾年大家耳熟能詳的一句話,到底怎樣才是愛自己?看一場電影?吃一頓大餐?做自已想做的事?很抱歉!這些都不是,說到愛自己,我們常會把重點放在愛上面,但是親愛的你知道嗎?愛自己的重點是在「自己」。 當我們不了解自己的時候,你的生命就會變得混亂,當我們不了解自己的時候,你就不是你自己, 當我們不了解自己的時候,你的身心就失衡了……. 關於身心平衡 健康的定義,指的是身心靈三者之間達到一個和諧平衡的狀態,才稱得上是真正的健康。累積在身體的毒素我們可以透過很多種不同的方式來排解,但情緒上的毒呢?你有定期地幫你的情緒排毒嗎? 創造幸福是一門藝術,而平衡情緒則是一種能力! 情緒本身其實無所謂好與壞,只是我們習慣了給它分類。正面情緒我們覺得它好,負面情緒我們覺得它不好,而這個好與壞又是如何定義的?你喜歡就是好,不喜歡就是不好?不痛就好,痛就是不好?但,若沒有痛這一個感受,我們就不會知道什麼是不痛。 自古以來每個流派所提倡的養生法不外乎就是這三大重點,心要靜、身要動、營養均衡不過剩。身體是不會說謊的,誠實的儲存了我們所有的情緒,生病、不舒服都是身體在提醒我們要回來看見自己的心、面對自己的情緒。 現代醫學之父希波克拉底說過一句話,「疾病的痊癒是要透過自身的自癒力,醫生只是在旁協助而已」,所以說,真正醫術高明的醫生不在任何的醫院裡,真正高明的醫生就在你的身體中。 "" © Westend61 情緒本來就是人的本能,尤其現代人天天都處在競爭激烈、高壓生活環境中,當然精神壓力也會不自覺的增大,負面情緒也會在這樣的狀況下影響著我們的身體。 世界衛生組織統計過,90%以上的疾病,都和情緒有關。由此可知,只要我們可以好好的管理自己的情緒,相信你我都會活得更健康。 靜心、養心、修心、正向思考、控制情緒,相信大家都知道以上皆是基本的養生方法,可惜的是大家都懂,但都沒有實踐,也因為這樣才會引起反覆發作的胃病、失眠、頭痛、肩頸痠痛等等症狀,這些都是身體傳來的訊息,很多人都處在這樣的循環狀況下苦惱地生活著,殊不知原來都是被自身的情緒所影響。 illustration by Summerise 照顧好你的心身體才不會生病 其實,大家一直都低估了我們靈性的肉體,人體中有一套精密的免疫系統,這不單單只是西醫說的免疫能力,還包涵了自我覺知、自我修復與再生。 生理會被負面情緒所影響,一項研究報告指出,當人處在負面情緒裡5分鐘,體內抵抗力的抗體數量會急速下降,需要6小時才能夠恢復到產生負面情緒前的那個狀態。 多麼嚇人的報告,這也就是為什麼現今的社會要一直提倡要有正面的思考,然而正面思考並不是壓抑而是面對。當我們產生各種不同的情緒時,第一個影響的就是我們的免疫系統,70%以上的人會透過攻擊自己的器官來消化自己的情緒,進而累積成病痛,這也是如何好好管理我們的情緒如此重要的原因。 若以女性的研究報告來看,生氣若不易消氣會損害肝臟、也會導致乳腺增生。長期憂鬱會容易產生乳腺癌,委屈自己、不肯面對真實的自己,跟另一半的感情不和......等,則會影響子宮卵巢,累積後的結果就是子宮肌瘤、腺瘤等等。美國一項研究報告也指出,最常讓免疫系統出現問題的幕後罪魁禍首就是我們的負面情緒情緒,包括生氣、悲傷、恐懼、憂鬱,猜疑等。 當腸胃不舒服時,你是不是習慣吞下各種胃藥,卻從沒去尋找你壓力與緊張的來源;當皮膚出現各種紅疹、過敏,你是否總反覆掛號看皮膚科醫生,卻沒靜下心來聆聽你的身體其實是要跟你說,「我很生氣,請你好好察覺我那樣憤怒的心!」負面的情緒會讓身體釋放出大量的有害物質、毒素,危害著你我身體的健康。身體是不會說謊的,任何的不舒服都是在提醒我們好好的回來面對自己。Portrait of beautiful girl making heart shaped symbol with hands © martin-dm 面對情緒三部曲 第一步,看見問題 第二部,面對自已 第三部,放下情緒 我們除了規律地做健康檢查管理自己的健康之外,也需要做你的情緒管理。 1首先你要學習去注意自己情緒的觸發事件、發生頻率與週期,這都需要一一紀錄下來,先去發現、看到,是最重要的一件事。很多人會急著想要去解決,一開始就想要知道該如何解決問題,但很多時候我們根本連問題都看不到,如何去解決呢? 2當你察覺到自己生氣、焦慮、恐懼、哀傷......等等感受時,要先回來看看自己,而不是再把焦點放在別人身上。很多人生氣是因為對方沒有照著他想要的方向走,但回頭想想,為什麼你要把自己的想法加注在他人身上?只因「我都是為你好」,但你不是對方,真的知道他人最需要的是什麼嗎? 3恨鐵不成鋼,相信也是大家最常聽到的一句話,這句話也夾帶著很多情緒,憤怒、失望、悲傷....等等,弔詭的來了,明明鐵就是鐵,他可以好好擔任做好鐵的角色,把這個角色發揮得淋漓盡致,為何要期待他變成鋼?原來我們真的都沒有好好的認識自己。 © Plume Creative 如何處理你的情緒 負面的情緒不外乎就是傷害、痛心、焦慮、殘忍、委屈....等等,這些情緒緊緊聯繫著心臟跟我們大腦的邊緣系統。在記憶跟腦部的互動之中,一但受到外在的刺激,會勾起這些敏感、你不願意面對的情緒。 1請記得,過去都已經過去,以前的經歷與經驗也都成為過去式, 2現在的你若不想再有一樣的結果發生,你只能選擇不一樣的處理方式。不想陷入同樣的輪迴,只能改變自己。 接受你的黑暗面 黑暗與疼痛都是我們不願意面對的,但,所有的痛,都是好事! 因為所有的痛都是身體給我們的訊息,讓我們可以將注意力回到自己身上、真正的認識自己。 所有的疼痛與黑暗面,都是打開光明的家門,不要害怕,打開它,疼痛與黑暗的背面是愛。當你看透了,轉個身就是愛! 通常大家最害怕的就是自己的黑暗面,在混亂的時候,我們根本看不清自己,總以為自己很好、很慈悲、很有愛......,但你是否只是隱藏了真實的情緒與感受、欺騙了自已與他人,我們不願意面對的傷痛,正是我們需要透過這樣的痛學會面對自己的脆弱、學會堅強、學會接受自己所有的好與壞、學會接受我們內在的黑暗面。 不要再逃避任何與自己連結的可能,接受任何一個層面的自己,接受自己的好與不好、謙虛的調整自己,成為一個完整的自己! text by 身心療癒瑜伽老師王羽暄 刊登於VOGUE紙本290期202011月號Wellness
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅chungdha,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In this video I am showing you how to add Emoji/Emoticons on your Youtube title and text. This way you can decorate your titles to stand out more, but...
「heart symbol text」的推薦目錄:
- 關於heart symbol text 在 身心療癒-Nicole.W 王羽暄 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於heart symbol text 在 JaeYoong Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於heart symbol text 在 chungdha Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於heart symbol text 在 How to type hearts on your keyboard (and other symbols too) 的評價
- 關於heart symbol text 在 How to Type Hearts with Keyboard Symbols & Emojis ♡❤️ 的評價
- 關於heart symbol text 在 How to Make a Broken Heart Smiley Face for Facebook 的評價
- 關於heart symbol text 在 what is the character code for ♥ and how to use it? - Stack ... 的評價
- 關於heart symbol text 在 How can I make an actual heart symbol in a text on my htc ... 的評價
heart symbol text 在 JaeYoong Facebook 的最佳解答
Oh wow! I just realized this guy sounds so much like me!! Long long post! But good read though! (:
The phone rang.
She was sobbing badly on the other end of the line.
“I’m going over,” I told her and hung up before she could protest.
1am. It was going to be a long night ahead..
She was still crying when she opened the door. She looked so broken, so vulnerable. I didn’t have to know what was wrong, I just held her in my arms. She cried even more.
“He broke up with me,” she finally said.
I just kept quiet as she let it all out.. questions, tears, anger, hurt.
“Why does love have to hurt so much?”
“No, love.. doesn’t hurt,” I said gently.
“So says the guy who’s been single forever? What would you know about love,” she jabbed.
“So says the guy who’s been your friend though Mr now-ex-#4,” I grinned. “Love doesn’t hurt you.. it’s the person that doesn’t know how to love or appreciate love that hurts you. But love never hurts,”.
“You won’t understand, Matt,” she sighed, “you’ve never been in love…”
“That’s not entirely true, you know..”
“Wait what- so who’s this girl I’ve never heard abou-“
“What did you love about #4 anyway?” I interjected.
“I don’t know… he is just perfect. And I love him so much,”
“But you don’t know what it is that you love about him?”
“It’s just.. the feeling when I’m with him. It always felt right with him. He made me feel loved and I loved him too,”
“That’s it? Just a feeling?”
“Well.. yea. What were you expecting me to say?”
“.. something more specific, maybe? I mean, if you thought he’s so ‘perfect’, why’d he still chea- erm, why’d he leave you?”
“Because I’m just not good enough for him? I don’t know..” she paused. “What is love to you then…”
“Hmm.. to me, being together or in love with someone should be more that just a feeling.. it should also be about mutual understanding, acceptance, respect, commitment and trust.”
“That’s what all couples would hope and want their relationship to be like, Matt. But expectations and reality don’t always go together..”
“Or maybe.. someone’s just not trying?”
“Well if you think love is so simple.. why haven’t you been with anyone all these years?”
“I never said love was simple.. but I guess the reason why I’ve never been with anyone yet is because.. I already know exactly what I want,”
“You have.. a checklist?”
“Sorta. It’s not the typical kinda ‘I’d like a girl with long hair, nice smile, etc’ superficial checklist though,”
“Oh. What kind of list is it then?”
“It’s like.. a concept of love. Of what it is about a girl that will make me fall completely in love with her. A concept that has more than three specific reasons that would answer any question as to why I love her.”
“You have a concept of love?” she laughed. “Love isn’t a theory, Matt.. you can’t just classify love by a concept or definition, you simply feel it with your heart..”
“But you see.. the reason why I think there are so many broken hearts, is because people merely jump into a relationship when their heart feels a certain something towards someone. But I don’t think that’s love, that’s merely an infatuation. Personally, I believe there are more than three reasons and aspects that actually determines whether we really are truly in love beyond the superficial ‘I don’t know why I love him/her.. I just do’ reason,”
“That makes sense. So what exactly is this.. ‘concept’ of yours about?” she asked, genuine curiosity replacing her initial skepticism.
“I call it the 4+1 theory. The aspects that will determine if it’s true love or just a fickle infatuation. It’s based on this idea that whenever we like someone, if we really go deeper into what is it that draws us to him or her, we’d be able to find that one specific reason. That’s not love though. That’s merely an attraction or infatuation. But when more than three of the aspects from this theory are present, you’ll be pretty sure that it’s more than just a feeling. For me personally, this determines if I’ll ever fall in love with a girl…”
Mind. Heart. Body. Soul.
The mind aspect, to put it simply, is her intellect. But I don’t mean the academic smarts.. it’s the way she thinks, processes and analyzes things way beyond a shallow self centeredness. It’s the way she puts across her thoughts, not for winning an argument’s sake, but to really try to understand or even sensibly debate opposing views that might leave anyone reflecting on her words or challenge me to think differently. It’s the way she carries herself off with an aura of sophistication and enigmatic charm and no matter how much I might think I already know her or have her figured out, she’ll still surprise me with something unexpected. Good surprise. I like intellect. Personally, it takes a little more to intrigue me and stimulate my senses. If I can connect with someone and talk endlessly about the concept of nothing, then, only then, will we be able to talk about everything else.. and I think that’s incredibly alluring,”
“Ooh.. so my best friend’s sapiosexual too,” she teased. “But what about her likes and dislikes or like her personality.. does that go under the mind aspect too?”
“Well, that’s where the heart aspect comes in. The heart represents who she is by what she values or cares about. The things she likes, the things she dislikes. What really matters to her, as well as her insecurities and fears..”
She bit her lower lip - thinking. “But what if him knowing about my past and all my insecurities scares him or drives him away? Or what if he ever uses all of these against me if someday things go bad between us?”
“Erm.. you do realize that it doesn’t really matter now because whether or not he ever knew, he already chose to leave you right? But.. if he still or ever tries to hurt you in any way, then he is a fucking bastard and I will punch his face,”. I really meant it.
“I don’t think he even cares about me anymore,” she sighed, “maybe he never really did.. we were so.. different. I don’t know why I never actually realize it before,”
“Maybe because then, you were too ‘blinded by love’ to see, or you chose to conveniently ignore the differences. Honestly though, I think it’s critical for two people to understand each other’s heart and learn to accommodate each other’s differences rather than simply turning a blind eye or deaf ear ‘because I love him and that’s all that matters’. Because if two people are too different in the way they think, behave or live.. I reckon it will become a huge problem when the infatuation bubble bursts.”
“I don’t really understand..” she said.
“Let me just ask you this.. does he know how passionate you are towards the arts and music?"
“Well, no.. not really. He’s more the sports kind of guy and doesn’t like theatre and stuff so I didn’t want him to get bored if I talked to him about things he isn’t interested in..”
“Then i’m guessing he probably also doesn’t care or know the little things about you. Like how you’re afraid of the dark and why you’re actually scared of darkness.. how family and relationships are really important to you.. that ice cream is your happy pill. You know, I’m even going to bet that he doesn’t know you go to bed every night, clutching your phone just hoping and waiting for him to text you goodnight..”
She started to tear again, but I continued..
“You see, it’s not a matter of whether it bores him or not.. it’s a matter of whether he bothers or not. I mean, if he doesn’t even know these things about you, then he really doesn’t know you at all. How then can he say he loves you?”
“But I really loved him,” she murmured softly to herself .
“I know you did. I know you still do and it’s hurting you like shit. But you need to know that for any kind of relationship to work.. two people need to give and take. Sadly, with him, it seems like you’re the one who was always giving. If he actually really loved you back as much, he’d make a greater effort to close the gap and bridge the differences between you two. He’d want to hear what you have to say, he would actually consider your opinions, your needs and your feelings. He’ll not just tell you or text you that he loves you.. he’ll show it by the things he will do or be willing to do no matter how inconvenient or silly it might be, just because.. he knows it’ll make you happier or better. To me, when it comes to a relationship, the heart aspect isn’t just a feeling or who you/he or she is anymore. It becomes two hearts beating as one. Two people wanting to understand each other.. sharing the good, the bad and possibly a future together; actually bothering and supporting each other’s feelings, values, dreams, thoughts, emotions,”
She stayed silent for a long while before she looked up, holding my gaze.. there was this unspoken tension building before she finally spoke again.
“But.. what if something that’s important to me, is not something the guy might feel same way about?"
“Then I’ll try-” I caught myself. “I mean, if I were him. I’d try. I’d make the effort.. because it’s important to you and you’re important to me,”
She remained silent again. She wasn’t crying anymore but this time, the prolonged silence was starting to grow even more deafening.
“Matt,” she finally spoke - softly, “do you believe in love at first sight?”
“No.” I said flatly.
“Oh..” she sighed. “You know what you said about mind and heart.. it’s actually starting to sink in and I’m beginning to realize that maybe these two aspects weren’t exactly a big part of my relationship with him,”
“So what made you fall in love with him then?”
“Well.. don’t laugh, but I’ve always thought that with him, it was love at first sight. I mean, there was just this spark between us from the very first time we met,”
“Cos he was hot?” I scoffed.
“No.. don’t be an idiot,” she tried to hide her smile but failed. I rolled my eyes. “Okay fine, yea maybe that. But it wasn’t the only reason!”
I raised an eyebrow.
“He was really nice too! And he was always sweet to me,“ she began her defense case. “He always made me feel happy, secure and loved without even having to try, you know?” I just continued staring at her waiting for her to go on. “Oh never mind, you’d never understand..”
“Actually.. I do. And I think I now understand what it was that made you fall in love with him.
The body aspect.
The body aspect is about physical attraction, intimacy and presence.
I don’t believe in love at first sight. I don’t believe you can just “instantly know” you’re in love or that someone’s THE one just by “first sight”. No offense, but I think the whole love at first sight concept is bullshit that only exists in movies and fairy tales. In reality, it isn’t love. That very first attraction.. is probably lust. Lust at first sight”.
“What nonsense! It’s not like I was lusting over him from the very first time I laid eyes on him! Maybe it’s the case for guys.. I mean, sex is always on a guy’s mind whenever he meets a girl right? But it’s different for girls, Matt..” she protested.
“Okay. You know what.. since you brought up the age-old guys and sex debate, I’ll tell you this secret to clarify something about guys for the first and last time.. probably 99% of guys are naturally sexual. If you ever meet any guy who tells you he isn’t sexual at all, it’s not that he’s gay – no, gays are even more horny .. he’s likely to be a liar and you should be more wary of him. BUT! Here’s the thing.. even though guys are sexual by nature, it isn’t always the only or most important thing to a guy,”
“Really?” now she raised her eyebrow with that annoying smirk on her face.
“Oh come on, you girls know how it is, plus you aren’t exactly saint-like innocent either.. sometimes you see a hot guy and you start fantasizing or making statements like ‘omg have my babies’..”
“That…” she started blushing.
“That.. is exactly my point. It’s the same with guys. We might talk and think about sex a lot more openly than girls but it isn’t always the only thing on our mind. When I said it’s lust at first sight.. I didn’t literally mean you want the guy naked and in bed. What I meant is the momentary attraction or desire– he might be hot, he might be charming, he might have smiled at you that made you feel a certain way.. but that’s not love. That’s really just a superficial physical attraction. Saying “I’m in love” right there and then just completely takes the special meaning out of the word ‘love’. If you ask me, I personally think the process of loving or falling in love with someone involves discovering the person and then perhaps developing feelings. It could happen quickly or over a longer period of time, but not at first sight,”
“Hmm.. that does make sense,” she paused and then her lips curled up forming that annoying smirk again. “Oh wow, this is the first time you and I are talking about sex huh..”.
“You never asked..”
“Tell me then.. what is sex to you?”
“Sex.. to me, is merely a physical act. I am not part of the whole “sex is sacred/taboo” camp but then, I don’t take sides with the whole bed hopping culture either,”
“I can’t believe you just said that sex is merely a physical act..” she began in a disappointed tone.
“But sex really is just a physical act if it’s without emotions or feelings. And that is why I distinguish between sex and making love, the same way I clearly differentiate ‘loving’ and ‘being in love’ with someone,”
“Oh.” this time, she smiled. She understood.
“Don’t get me wrong.. I think physical intimacy is very important in a relationship but for me, the one physical aspect that matters the most.. is the physical presence. That, is also what I reckon made you fall in love with him.
“Okay this, I really want to know…” she said.
“The physical presence is simply being there. You want him to be with you. You want to be there for him. Because just being there with or for each other makes your day, or you as a person, a little better. You may act or behave a little different when you’re with him, but in a good way – in a way that you actually feel completely comfortable, safe and you. Perhaps even without you knowing, you smile more and laugh harder. You feel real, genuine joy. And even on days when the smile can’t happen, you know you don’t have to pretend to be okay or be self conscious in front of him; because its perfectly okay to be the way you are and feel when you’re with him. He cares about you and you feel loved when you’re with him. Sometimes, there are no need for words or explanations.. just his presence, him being there for you, holding you.. makes you feel better or believe that it’s going to be okay again. Because you’re not just holding on to someone for attention or sympathy.. you actually feel and believe that you’re holding on to a part of or the rest of your life..”
Which leads to the fourth aspect – soul.
The soul aspect to me, is the deepest form and the final affirmation that should answer any remaining doubt or questions as to whether we’ve truly fallen in love with a person.
It’s when you start noticing but still appreciate all the other little things, even the flaws - especially the flaws. It’s when you truly know a person stripped down of all their walls, exposed to their soul and yet still accept and love him or her. It’s a level of understanding and acceptance that goes beyond the “honeymoon everything is perfect” period.
It’s when you finally realize this one person is someone you can always and want to tell everything to, and you want to ask and know everything of him or her as well. It’s when you actually want to share your life and trust your secrets with this person; and you can. This someone is the first person you think of when you’re happy, sad or when something significant happens. This same person is someone you can call at 1am in the morning and they’d drop everything to make time for you, staying by you till the sun rises or you’re better again - as you would for him or her as well. This person cares and will listen. Will really listen, giving you their undivided attention and genuine love; not necessarily every time but any time you need him or her. This one person makes your problem their problem and they go through it together with you just so you don’t have to go through the pain and tears alone,”
It was at this moment, for the very first time, she looked at me in a different way but said nothing.
“You see, the soul aspect..” I continued, “is when you start to see and want to share the rest of your life with this one other. And not in a clingy “I can’t live without you” way, but in a way that I can still live my life without you as I have before I met you, but now that you’ve come to exist in my life, I see the possibility of a life with you and now I actually want to make decisions and live a life, continuing to create more moments and memories together with you”.
“Well.. so.. have you met this one person yet? I mean, I’m sure it’s almost impossible to find that ‘perfect’ girl who fulfills all of your four aspects of love right?” she mumbled. I could barely hear her. She wasn’t even looking at me anymore.
“No, it is not impossible and I don’t think its asking for too much. You see the thing about these four aspects is, we often and will find one or two aspects in many different people. And that alone may be enough to make us attracted to them or develop a crush on them. But really, that is not love at all. If we like a person because “he’s cute” or “the way she thinks”, that’s just us liking the body and/or mind aspect of a person. The reality is, we are always going to meet many people who possess these different aspects of mind, heart, body or soul. But on a rare occasion when you do meet someone who possess all these four aspects.. you’ll almost definitely know that he or she is not one of many but may just be the one. So personally, I won’t settle for anything less unless she possess more than three qualities. You know people write the symbol of love as < 3 (less than three), I actually think love should be more than three.. I define it as 4+1. “
“So what’s plus one?” she asked, still not looking at me.
“Plus one…” I trailed off – unconsciously.
“Matt?” she placed her hand on top of mine, finally looking me in eye again.
“Plus one.. is something only the one who's meant to be will ever know and hold the answer to”.
Some time Feb, I experimented writing in a different way.
I wrote a story.. 4+1.
It's a story that took me more than a month to 'finish' writing. It's a story that's personally very close to my heart - then and will always be.
Truth be told, it was a story written as a confession and answer.
To you who've followed and related to 4+1, I thank you for reading and allowing me to share this intimate chapter with you.
If you'd like to read my future writing, you can follow my facebook if you want to.
Matthew Zachary Liu
heart symbol text 在 chungdha Youtube 的最佳貼文
In this video I am showing you how to add Emoji/Emoticons on your Youtube title and text. This way you can decorate your titles to stand out more, but also in a quick way show what the video is about.
To get the Emoji/Emoticons follow this link:
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Chung Dha © 2016 Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Nederland)
heart symbol text 在 How to Make a Broken Heart Smiley Face for Facebook 的推薦與評價
Add a "/" to represent that your heart is broken. The symbol now looks like this: </. Step 4. Type ... ... <看更多>
heart symbol text 在 How to type hearts on your keyboard (and other symbols too) 的推薦與評價
♡ ♥💕❤😘 Heart Symbol - copy love emoji. Copy paste, or type heart text symbols ♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧ with your keyboard. Copy and paste heart to Facebook, ... ... <看更多>