📸由 嘉年華集團 擁有的 #HeliosClass 郵輪,排水量達183,000噸,同一設計將會有7艘姊姊船,分別於未來5年加入 #愛一達郵輪 x2、#歌詩達郵輪 x2、#嘉年華郵輪 x2 及 #鐵行郵輪 x1 的旗下。
#姊姊船 是有著一個近乎相同的船體及上層建築布局、相似的排水量及大致相當的功能及設備。通常情況下,這些郵輪會因應市場需求不同而變得有區別。👭
The #HeliosClass ships, own by the #Carnival Group, are measuring 183,000grt and will have seven sisters in the same design, which will be entered service in the next five years under difference brands. #AIDA x2, #CostaCruises x2, #Carnival x2 and #POCruises x1.
A sister ship is a ship of the same class as or of virtually identical design to another ship. Such vessels share a nearly identical hull and superstructure layout, similar displacement, and roughly comparable features and equipment. Often, sisters become more differentiated during their market as their equipment are separately altered.