Although I am an open-minded person, it does not mean that you can be so rude and indiscreet. You make me feel very uncomfortable.
indiscreet 在 Crisel Consunji - Artist / Educator Facebook 的最佳貼文
Continuing our discussion on #Stereotypes (see yesterday’s post)—
Some people mentioned, “I don’t see why it’s a big deal. Other foreigners experience that, too.”
But with all due respect, there is a difference. At the end of the day, the “harmless” perceptions become the basis on why some people have less opportunity.
Why some people get passed on for job roles that would otherwise fit them well.
Why my “ethnic minority” friends had very few internship options as students.
Why my work visas as a teacher took months of vetting, while an ex-colleague who admitted he had far less qualifications had his approved in two weeks.
Why Asian actors get mostly character roles, and not the leading ones. Why Filipino actors are often offered the same storyline.
I could go on and on, because while these examples range from subtle to indiscreet, they are nonetheless experienced and real. What start off as simple misconceptions have tangible ramifications.
No, I don’t suggest screaming or fighting. Instead, I do suggest educating. Navigate through the discourse, provide information to replace ignorance, and revise narratives that have long been taken “as a given.”
It can be done 😉
👗 @marella_official
👠 @charleskeithofficial
💍 @nyssa.jewellery
📷 @jeffip / @vanessawmakeup
indiscreet 在 無影無蹤 Facebook 的精選貼文
英國剪輯師、音效師泰瑞.羅林斯(Terry Rawlings)辭世,享壽85歲或86歲。他生涯曾多次與雷利.史考特(Ridley Scott)合作。其代表作包括《異形》(Alien ,1979)、《銀翼殺手》(Blade Runner ,1982)、《楊朵》(Yentl ,1983),並曾以《火戰車》(Chariots of Fire ,1981)提名奧斯卡最佳剪輯獎。
泰瑞.羅林斯出生英國倫敦,外界對他生涯早期所知不多。他在50年代末入行,曾擔任史丹利.杜寧(Stanley Donen)執導的《釣金龜》(Indiscreet ,1958)等片的剪輯助理。但他在1960年代將重心轉到音效部門,參與了英國新浪潮電影《The L-Shaped Room》(1962)等作。70年代參與作品則包括《大亨小傳》(The Great Gatsby ,1974)以及雷利.史考特的首部長片《決鬥的人》(The Duellists ,1974)。
隔年的體育勵志片《火戰車》則讓他獲得了英國金像獎與奧斯卡獎的最佳剪輯獎提名,只是最終分別敗給了《蠻牛》(Raging Bull ,1980)與《法櫃奇兵》(Raiders of the Lost Ark ,1981)。但羅林斯成功地將理應乏善可陳的賽跑片段剪輯流暢,凸顯了影片的競技感,使該片在日後成為經典剪輯範本之一。
他的另一力作一樣是雷利.史考特之作,是在當時被視為一場災難,卻在日後被尊為科幻經典的《銀翼殺手》。在2012年接受採訪時,羅林斯坦言自己是該片唯一的剪輯師,只是當時他並非美國工會成員,這使得他只能在飯店租一間套房進行剪輯,而不被允許在片廠工作,甚至連單獨掛名也無法,只能被掛上「剪輯監督」一職,名目上的剪輯師中島瑪莎(Marsha Nakashima)只是掛名。但羅林斯依然以該片的剪輯獨立獲得了英國金像獎提名。
當時還是新導演的大衛.芬奇(David Fincher)所執導的《異形3》(Alien³ ,1992) 和007電影《黃金眼》(GoldenEye ,1995)是他90年代參與過最為重要的作品。到了千禧年後,他僅有參與剪輯三部片,《歌劇魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera ,2004)成為他的告別之作。兩年之後,他獲得了美國剪輯工會獎終身成就獎。
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