🔥 #雲豹育成 快速對接投資人的最佳平台 🔥
雲豹育成與 StarFab能帶給新創什麼?
讓我們掌聲歡迎 杰倫智能科技 Profet AI 三位創辦人 黃建豪總經理、林裕鑫技術長、陳家豪研發長 來告訴大家👏👏
杰倫智能在第七屆台灣雲谷雲豹育成中,透過 企業導師 與 StarFab 的協助 #收斂產品與服務、#打開國際市場
之後透過 StarFab 在創業各階段的資源與協助下
加入雲豹育成,開啟成功創業的神奇旅程👉️ 👉️ https://pse.is/3dfysq
💡 雲豹育成六大特色:#標竿企業導師出題、#創投導師媒合、#千萬投資意向、#國際展會參與、#雲協五大SIG資源、#產業顧問輔導
💡 7 家企業導師:
工業技術研究院、 中華電信、 台達 Delta、 Inventec英業達、 凌群電腦股份有限公司 、 遠傳電信 、 緯謙科技
💡 鎖定領域包含:
#智慧工廠、#智慧交通 / #車聯網、#智慧醫療、#智慧城市、#智慧零售、#5G、#AI、#語音 / #語意分析、#資安技術 、#邊緣運算、#大數據、#智慧製造 等
👉️ 👉️ 企業導師出題內容 : https://pse.is/3etn4b
👉️ 👉️ 立刻報名《雲豹育成》:https://pse.is/3dfysq
ProfetAI is one of the most successful start-up companies in Taiwan greatly benefited by the CIAT accelerator program. They had the honor to win endorsement in 2019, and, under StarFab’s advisory, ProfetAI was able to narrow focus on their business and establish global presence in East Asia. Entrepreneurship in technology is a complicated, intricate process. Yet, every stage could be a truly enhanced experience with StarFab unlocking your potential.
Our corporate mentors include: Industrial Technology Research Institute, Chunghwa Telecom, Delta Electronics, Inventec, Syscom Group, Far EasTone, WiAdvance
Our consulting domains include areas such as but not limited to: #ArtificialIntelligence, #Voice / #SemanticAnalysis, #InformationSecurityTechnology, #EdgeComputing, #BigData, and Smart Manufacturing
To participate: https://pse.is/3dfysq
What our corporate mentors are looking for: https://pse.is/3etn4b