Semua ok ke raya tahun ni? Lizzy harap semua jaga diri sbb raya tahun ni agak berbeza kan? And hopefully semua org still happy ❤️
Kalau duduk rumah je and tak pergi mana mana, jgn lupa guna Kodak City Lens utk filter out blue light yg boleh rosakkan mata korang ok? Sebab mesti ramai on Instagram besok nak tengok your friend’s ootd Raya kan? Pastikan your eyes are protected from harmful blue lights from our phones and laptops!
Try out Kodak City Lens, I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I do!
#KodakCityLens #iWearKODAK #MakeaStatement #MyPointofView#IseeMovement
kodakcitylens 在 Elizabeth Tan Facebook 的精選貼文
I think korang pun tahu kan yg Lizzy since RMO ni memang stay kt rumah main game je hahaha sape lagi yg macam ni?
Lizzy just nak remind korang yang actually constant use of digital devices ni bahaya tau sebab our devices menyebabkan mata kita exposed kepada harmful blue light.
Unfortunately our eyes cannot filter out blue light and this passes through the cornea, reaching the retina. So this can lead to eye strain, visual fatigue, headaches and sleeplessness!
Thats why Lizzy guna Kodak City Lens bcs it can help to control and protect my eyes from the harmful blue light!
#KodakCityLens #iWearKODAK #MakeaStatement #MyPointofView#IseeMovement
kodakcitylens 在 Elizabeth Tan Facebook 的最佳解答
Lizzy guna Kodak lens ni bcs it really protects my eyes from UV rays. Penting tau utk make sure lens korang boleh protect your eyes dari UV radiation yg sgt bahaya! ☀
Sama mcm bila kita apply sunblock utk jaga kulit dari sunburn, the same harmful UV rays ada effect dkt mata korang jugak tau! So make sure you pilih lens yg terbaik utk protect mata korang okay?
Untuk Lizzy, I trust #KodakCityLens hehehe ❤🤓
#iWearKODAK #MakeaStatement #MyPointofView#IseeMovement